"Farina" Is One of the Most Impressive Books I Had the Luck of Reading

Topics: Other

The author, Nacho Carretero, put a tremendous effort on this masterpiece, perfectly blending journalism and storytelling. The book is a portrayal of more than forty years of tobacco smuggling and drug dealing in Galicia, and the horrifying impact it had into our society, whose aftermaths are still visible nowadays.

The book provides us with a complete guide on the evolution of drug dealing in our little country. How the tobacco-smugglers were accepted and even celebrated within the community, and how this paved the way for the “capos de la Ria” (the name given to the most important drug dealers) to establish their reign of fear and power.

The logistics developed and evolved through years and years of crime will leave the reader speechless, as will the havoc and misfortune experienced by a generation that did not know what was passing through their veins.

How the author combined facts and tales only known by the inhabitants is something that completely amazes me.

But the thing I enjoyed the most whilst reading the book is how the reader will have to face contradictory feelings in this gripping story, as they will find themselves loving the personality of a criminal, and drowning the sorrows of an entire generation.

The moral crossroads suggested by this book are breath-taking and only comparable to the ones introduced by life itself. The depiction of the characters remind of the ones Quentin Tarantino does in his movies, focusing the attention of the viewer ( in the book, the reader) in the mostmundane things and habits, obscuring the parts where they act and think as col- blooded, professional serial killers.

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When reading the book, you will find these mob- bosses doing household chores, driving fancy cars, raising children, threaten entire populations and hide themselves between two concrete walls in their own houses.

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"Farina" Is One of the Most Impressive Books I Had the Luck of Reading. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-boo-review-farina/

"Farina" Is One of the Most Impressive Books I Had the Luck of Reading
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