BJU Fundamentals of Literature: Unit 5 Plot

Topics: Flashcards
John 9 Exposition
Jesus passes by a blind man

John 9 Inciting incident
Christ performs a miracle

John 9 Rising action
The people deny that Jesus is God and that he has special power

John 9 Crisis
The blind man states that Jesus is God

John 9 Falling Action
The blind man is thrown out, Jesus hears of this, Jesus comes to him

John 9 Dénouement
The blind man professes his belief to Jesus

John 9 Climax
same as crisis

The Necklace Exposition
Mathilde is discontented, prideful, resents her poverty, and feels entitled

The Necklace Inciting incident
M. Loisel brings home the invitation to the party

The Necklace Rising action
Mme Loisel borrows a necklace from her friend, the Loisels go to the party

The Necklace Crisis
Mme Loisel discovers the necklace is missing

The Necklace Falling action
M. and Mme Loisel take out lots of loans, they work for years to pay off debt

The Necklace Dénouement
Mme Loisel finds out the necklace was paste

The Necklace Climax
same as crisis

The Possibility of Evil Exposition
Miss Strangeworth believes that it is her responsibility to keep HER town safe

The Possibility of Evil Inciting incident
Miss Strangeworth writes letters to people

The Possibility of Evil Rising action
Miss Strangeworth write the letter to Don Crane

The Possibility of Evil Crisis
Miss Strangeworth drops the letter

The Possibility of Evil Falling action
Dave delivers the letter to Don Crane

The Possibility of Evil Dénouement
Miss Strangeworth discovers that her roses are destroyed

The Possibility of Evil Climax
same as dénouement

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Exposition
Gallico is interested in boxing, he is assigned to Dempsey’s training camp

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Inciting incident
Gallico requests a match with Dempsey

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Rising action
Gallico begins to fight with Dempsey

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Crisis
Gallico receives a hard blow

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Falling action
Gallico finishes the fight

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Dénouement
Gallico knows what it feels like to be in the ring

In the Ring with Jack Dempsey Climax
same as crisis

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Exposition
Holmes and Watson see Mr.

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Holder coming

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Inciting incident
Holder arrives and begins to tell Holmes of the theft

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Rising action
Holder continues to tell Holmes of the theft, Holmes investigates

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Crisis
Holmes confronts George Burnwell

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Falling action
Holmes buys back the gems, he informs Arthur that he has proved him innocent

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Dénouement
Holder goes to apologize to Arthur

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Climax
Holmes reveals that George Burnwell is to blame

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BJU Fundamentals of Literature: Unit 5 Plot
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