Research Proposal Example Biology

Topics: Science

Biological science or simply biology is the science which is focused on the life in all its forms; the variety of the living and extinct animals in the world; the human, animal anatomy and structure of plants; the life, development, aging of organisms and other issues which reveal life from all sides. Biological sciences are probably the oldest ones, because the human being has always been interested in the world around, the variety of animals, birds, fish and plants and their structure.

The ancient civilizations already had the so called biologists who studied the human and animal anatomy, described the species of animals living in the mentioned area, etc. Obviously, with the run of time and further development of technologies and appliances of the research the quality of the biological analysis and investigation improved rapidly. The experts studied the peculiarities of the composition of the human body, the functions of organs, their diseases and other problems.

Essay Example on Scientific Research Proposal Example

Evidently, biological science is a complex discipline because it is connected with the great number of other sciences which study the composition of the world around and lifestyle of the living organisms.

Such science as anatomy studies the composition of the human and animal body; ecology studies the peculiarities of the coexistence of groups of organisms, plants and elements of inanimate nature as a single unity; psychology studies the behaviour and lifestyle of the organisms and the social peculiarities of their life. Moreover, the discipline is connected with physics and chemistry and their branches studying the composition of the living organisms in the slightest details from the point of view of physical processes.

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Biological science is probably the oldest set of sciences which study the world around from all possible points of view. The student can choose a narrow problem on biological science and prepare a goof proposal on it focusing on the interesting and thought-provoking point of the matter. The proposal is a broad outline of a research paper, so the student has to think about the research on biological science attentively demonstrating the scope of research, the methodology of writing and the purpose of writing. He has to prove that the research will be useful for the improvement of biology, and a well-structured proposal will be quite helpful in this occasion.

The young person who has troubles with writing a proposal is able to find the answers to the disturbing questions in the Internet reading a free example research proposal on biological science designed by the well-educated smart writer who is ready to share his knowledge with students. The main plus of a free sample research proposal on biological science is the opportunity to see a bright model for writing for the student who is not confident in his knowledge and creativity.

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Research Proposal Example Biology. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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