Anna Garcia Lab Report

Anna Garcia was found dead in her entry hall way by the police at 9:56 am on the notice from Doug Greene who was worried and called 91 1 at 9:45 am. The suspects were/are Alex Garcia, Eric Piedmont, Doug Greene, and Lucy Lifelong. The evidence supports the case of it being none of them. I have received the suspect list, external autopsy report, and other evidence collected. So far the internal autopsy is needed to confirm any hypotheses and now all thoughts of how Anna Garcia died is only a hypothesis.

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Summary of Findings: Anna Garcia was found dead at 9:56 am by local police. My findings are that none of the suspects committed any crime related to Anna Garlic’s death. In support of this, the finger prints, blood analyses, shoe print, hair, and was unknown substance/Aspirin all show that none belonged to anyone but Anna. I believe that a disease or some other foreign pathogen caused her death, the thing that killed her I belief is Rye’s syndrome.

To support this it is caused by aspirin and when recovering from an illness.

It also causes vomiting (was on corpse), irritability and aggression (was reported she was in arguments and fighting with many people), and causes edema (on corpse in ankles). Her body also had a injury on her head were she is thought to have fallen and hit her head, I suspect on the over turned table in the crime scene. Conclusion: In all the findings support Rye’s syndrome.

The findings are her; blood tests, suspect stories, and fair amounts of information that suggest no person was involved all support that the manner of her death was natural, and not foul play for anyone to get ahead.

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Anna Garcia Lab Report. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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