"35 kilos of hope" Review

A new book by the author of the world bestseller Simply Together “and” I would like … “. It says so abstractly to the novel by Anna Gavalda “35 kilos of hope”. I will not argue, the new, so new. Although this work saw the n-Noe number of years ago in the bookstores. Probably not yet, in fact, a new, for it has come and almost forgotten old. Kupivshis eloquent summary acquired the same and I have this book. Therefore, today the briefest impressions.

«During my 35 kilos of hope”.

Ironically, but “35 kilos of hope” read in just 35 minutes. Of the 139-page text, as such, it is possible to scrape together only 39, and then a stretch. Illustrations, with which the so full of these things the book, somehow out of tuning with the text. It seems they have a little overdone. Yes, and their quality leaves much to be desired. But if they still can close your eyes, the huge gaps between parts – Mildly irritating.

They further emphasize that the text in this book is almost none. It is not even a novel and not a parable, but a small, although there is very few tales. A story that could be developed and to paint than longed publications. But in the proposed amount it can only be transmitted orally, without bringing it into the literary world.

«Unhappy be much easier than to be happy.”

If you still focus on the work itself, this work is done in a classic and easily recognizable Gaval’da style.

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That is all described in a simple and uncomplicated. Arguments unsophisticated protagonist replaced unpretentious décor, in which there unfolds the story. On the one hand, you can put a plus, yet the story is on behalf of a teenager, and this simplicity is justified. On the other – on the contrary – minus, for the affected theme – becoming a person, a very deep and interesting, therefore, to me personally, I would not superficially describe history as something more meaningful

The most significant drawback of this product. I think the fact that this story is like something hastily written. The plot turned banal, the disclosure of problems is not spelled out, and a happy ending, as for me, do not fit into the story at all. Feeble. Therefore, for the spent 35 minutes of his time, on a 5-point scale, I can only put 3.

All interested, enjoy your reading!

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"35 kilos of hope" Review. (2019, Oct 11). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-35-kilos-of-hope-book-review/

"35 kilos of hope" Review
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