Exclusive Inspiring Interviews, Success Stories and Case-studies of Business Leaders, Presidents, CEOs, High-profile Icons, Entrepreneurs, Women of Substance and Difference Makers. ‘Jaz Nisar Founder & President Manager Today Magazine Manager Today Publications CEO Club Pakistan All rights reserved Printed in Pakistan No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the author and Manager Today.

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For information, please contact Head Circulation Manager Today publications Dtvtston at: 0092 300 452 1298 | 0092 423 579 2066 Dedication This book is dedicated to our visionary leader, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder and the father of the nation who defined Leadership: “The things that will destroy us are knowledge without character, worship without sacrifice, politics ithout principles and leadership without integrity.

” “l would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the help, support and assistance to the team of Manager Today.

Its contribution and encouragement made the whole venture a delightful experience. Moreover, this dedication is to honour all those incredible business leaders, entrepreneurs, women of substance and the next generation of future leaders, who generously contributed to make it an exciting experience. I earnestly believe the thoughts and experiences shared will inspire many for decades. Allah Almighty bestowed upon me the vision to come up with the idea of “Manager Today’, ??” a best-selling professional learning and development magazine for business leaders, professional managers, and enterprising entrepreneurs.

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Working untiringly for four years, I was able to successfully compile the exclusive inspiring interviews and success profiles of many business personalities and difference makers who belong to different walks of life, in an exclusive book, “100 Business Leaders of Pakistan”. The book, “100 Business Leaders of Pakistan”, owes its existence to the unflinching efforts of the “Manager Today’ team, which comprises Aroosha Shahid, Numan Ahmed Siddiqui, Asad Malik, Rahil Haneef, Nadeem Shamsi, SaJid Aziz, Tazeen Aman, Wali Zahid, Haseeb Nisar, Saqib Shehzad, Rao Khalid and Shah Jahan.

Also, of immense value was the unwavering support of Amna Ali and Syed Muhammad Tahir , who in their capacity as a personal friends offered their expertise as an assistant editors, especially Syed Muhammad Tahir who researched and wrote special chapter on Holy Prophet (PBUH) as an Entrepreneur. The eagle-eyed professionalism and humorous touch shown towards keeping the momentum going with my entire team proved to be of great support during the long months of seeing his book through the press.

I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the executive committee which comprises people who have always been with me through all rough and rocky times, and have helped transform this idea into reality. People like Mr. Ahmed Husnain, Mr. Kamran Rizvi, Mr. Arif Ansari, Mr. Ahmed Qureshi, Mr. Rizwan Ali Shah, Mr. Atif Tufail, and Mr. Danish Shehryar are the real strength behind every success that has been achieved so far. Here, I am forever grateful to the contributors and writers; without their valuable input, the flesh of the book would have gone amiss.

We all know that in the hectic routine of todays life, it is very difficult to take out time even for oneself, but they somehow managed to do so, and it means a lot to the “Manager Today’ team. After all this, I present to you the hard work of all those who have been mentioned and also those who, though, could not be a part of this page but deep down in their hearts, know the value of their participation. Manager Today Read me First: MAD (Make A Difference! ) ix MANAGER TODAYS… THE Journey CONTINUES! x prophet Muhammad (PBUH) AS AN ENTREPRENEUR & LEADER xvii Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, PRESIDENTS & CEO’S .

ABDUL RAZAK DAWOOD (Chan-man, Descon) 2 2. ABRAR HASAN (CEO, National Foods)9 3. ADIL NAJAM (Vice Chancellor, LUMS) 15 4. ADNAN SIDDIQUI (country 6M, Pakistan & Afghanistan 18M) 21 5. AFTAB TAPAL (Chairman, Tapal)28 6. AHMAD HASNAIN (CEO, Allied Marketing Pvt. Ltd. ) 33 7. AHMED ATEEQ (CEO, pnmus Investment Management Ltd) 39 8. AHMED KHIZER KHAN (President & CEO, sank) 47 9. AHSAN IQBAL (MNA, Chairman, setter Pakistan Foundation) 54 10. ALI ANSARI (President & CEO, Engro Corporation) 60 11. ALMAS HYDER (CEO, spel Group) 68 12. AMBER SAIGOL (Chairperson, Dawn Media Group) 73 13.

AMEENA SAIYID OBE (MD, oxford university press) 80 14. AQEEL KARIM DHEDHI (Chan-man, AKD Ltd. ) 85 15. ARIF HABIB (Chan-man & CEO, Artf Habib Group) 91 16. ASAD ALI KHAN (President, AbacusConsulting) 99 17. ASAD MUKHTAR (Chan-man & CEO, Banu Mukhtar contracting (PVt) Ltd. ) 106 18. ASAD UMAR (Political Leader, PTI / Ex-President, Engro Corporation Ltd. ) 111 19. ASIF JOOMA (CEO, Pakistan Lit-nited) 116 20. ATIF BAJWA (President & CEO, sank Alfalah Ltd. ) 122 21 . AZHAR UL HASSAN (CEO, ‘KAN Engtneenng services) 129 22. CHAUDHRY FAISAL MUSHTAQ Tl (CEO, Roots Millennium schools) 134 23. CHAUDHRY M.

NAWAZ CHATTHA (Chan-man, Gourmet Foods) 144 24. DR MOHAMMAD AMJAD (Chan-man, Eden Housing Developer) 148 25. DR. MIRZA IKHTIAR BAIG (Chan-man, Batg Group) 152 26. DR. MUHAMMAD AMJAD SAQIB (Chan-man, Akhuwat) 158 27. FAISAL AFRIDI (President & CEO, Ruba SEZ Group) 161 28. GHAZANFAR AZZAM (President & CEO, waseela Microfinance sank) 168 29. HAJI MUHAMMAD YASIN (Chan-man, Eastern products) (Vital Tea)174 30. HASAN SOHAIB MURAD (Rector, IJMT) 179 31 . HUSSAIN DAWOOD (Chan-man, Dawood Hercules corporation) 186 32. IMRAN KHAN (Chairman, Pakistan Tehreek -e- Insaaf) 191 33. IQBAL AHMED QARSHI (Chan-man, Qarshi Industries) 196 4.

IRFAN SIDDIQUI (President & CEO, Meezan sank ltd. ) 202 35. IRSHAD ALI S. KASSIM (Chan-man, Karam, Group) 207 JAHANGIR SIDDIQUI (Chan-man, JS Group) 218 38. JAMSHAID IQBAL CHEEMA (Chan-man, Aunga Group) 225 39. JUNAID IQBAL (CEO, Elixir securities) 230 40. KAMAL A. CHINOY (CEO, Pakistan cables / president, MAP) 236 41. KASHIF MATEEN ANSARI (CEO, SACHAL Energy Development) 241 42. KASHIF SAJJAD SHEIKH (MD, CCL Pharmaceuticals)247 43. KHAWAJA SHAHZEB AKRAM (CEO, Pharma Health Pakistan) 251 44. KHAWAR JAMAL (CEO, Mall Pakistan – Mobil) 258 45. KHAWAR M. BUTT (MD, English Biscuit Manufacturers) 265 46. M.

HAROON QASSIM (MD, PharmEvo (PVt. ) Ltd. ) 270 47. M. RAFIQUDDIN MEHKARI (President, Askan sank Ltd. ) 277 48. M. GHALIB NISHTAR (President, Khushhali sank Ltd. ) 283 49. MAJ (R) JAZ MUHAMMAD KHAN (Chan-man, Ali Akbar Group. ) 28950. MIAN MUHAMMAD MANSHA (Chan-man, Nishat Group & MCB)294 51 . MOHAMMAD MASUD AKHTAR (CEO, KSB pumps company Ltd. ) 301 52. MOHAMMAD SHAHID HUSSAIN (CEO, General Tyre) 306 53. MOHAMMAD ZUBAIR MOTIWALA (Chan-man, Sindh Board of Investment) 313 54. MOIN A. MALIK (CEO, Agility Logistics) 318 55. MUHAMMAD ALI TABBA (CEO, Lucky cement Ltd. ) 324 56. MUHAMMAD FARID ALAM (CEO, AKD securities Ltd) 331 7.

MUHAMMAD NADEEM KHAN (CEO, Razztq Intl. )337 58. MUHAMMAD NADIM KHAN (CEO Islamabad Chapter – MAAKSONS) 344 59. MOHAMMAD QAWUM (MD, Bata Pakistan) 349 60. MUHAMMAD SALEEM AHMAD RANJHA (Founding Director, AKHUWAT 354 61. MUNEER FAROOQUI (CEO, wand Telecom Pakistan) 361 62. NADEEM HUSSAIN (Founder, CEO / president -rameer Microfinance sank) 368 63. NAEEM ZAMINDAR (CEO, wateen) 372 64. NASEER A. AKHTAR (President & CEO, Infotech) 378 65. NASIR J. CHOWDHRY (MD, Medtpak Ltd. ) 384 66. NASREEN KASUR’ (Chairperson, Beaconhouse school system) 387 67. NINA AKBAR (CEO, sukh Chan wellness Club) 392 68.

RAFIQ RANGOONWALA (CEO, KFC cupola) 396 69. RASHID MANSUR (CEO,JS investments Ltd. ) 403 70. RIFFAT MUSHTAQ (Aizaz e Fazeelat) Founder & Chairperson Roots School System) 410 71 . RIZWAN U. KHAN (General Manager, Coca Cola, Pakistan & Afghanistan) 415 72. ROSHANEH ZAFAR (Founder & Managing Director, Kashf Foundation) 421 73. S. MASOOD HASHMI (President & CEO, ORIENTt-n Mccann & president MAP) 42674. S. M. MUNEER (Chan-man Din Group of Industries, Vice chairman MCB) 431 75. SAAD AMANULLAH KHAN (CEO, Gillette Pakistan Ltd) 436 76. SALIM GHAURI (Chan-man & CEO, Netsol Technologies Ltd. paktstan)442 77. SAQIB

HAMDANI (CEO, -rcs Pvt. Ltd. ) 448 78. SARMAD A ALI (MD, Jang Media Group) 455 79. SARTAJ AZIZ (VC, Beaconhouse National university / Ex-Federal Minister) 46080. SEEMA AZIZ (Founder, Chairperson, CARE Foundation/ SEAM) 465 81 . SHABEEH 82. SHAHZAD MALIK (CEO, Master Group of companies) 475 83. SHAUKAT TARIN, s. l, Advisor Silk sank (Former, Finance Mintster)481 84. SHAZAD G. DADA (CEO, Barclays sank PIO 486 85. SIKANDAR MUSTAFA KHAN (Chan-man, Millat Group of companies) 49086. SIKANDER SULTAN (Chan-man, Shan Foods) 495 87. SIRAJUDDIN AZIZ (President & CEO, Habib Metropolitan sank) 50088. SOHAIL WAJAHAT H.

SIDDIQUI (Ex. Chatrman pso / Federal Minister) 505 89. SULTANA SIDDIQUI (CEO, HUM Network) 511 90. SYED BABAR ALI (Chan-man, packages) 51 5 91 . SYED FARROKH MAZHAR (MD, S6S) 521 92. SYED SALAHUDDIN HADER (President & CEO, 21st century Real Estate) 527 93. TABISH GAUHAR (Chan-man, KESC) 532 94. TAHER A. KHAN (Chan-man, Interflow Group)536 95. TAHIR MALIK (Chan-man & CEO, TRAFCO Group of companies) 540 96. WALD IRSHAID (President & CEO, PTCL) 544 97. WALD MUSHTAQ (CEO- Roots International schools Pvt. Ltd) 550 98. YAQOOB TAHIR ‘ZHAR (CEO, Izhar Group of companies) 558 99. ZAFAR KHAN (CEO, sofizar) 564 100.

ZAHID HUSSAIN (CEO, Borjan) 569 Read me First: MAD (Make A Difference! ) Once it was merely a dream; today, it is a tangible reality, YES! “100 Business Leaders of Pakistan”, a book of inspiration, success stories of high profile business leaders, entrepreneurs, women of substance, educationists, philanthropists and young CEOs, is in your hands. This is Pakistan’s first-ever book devoted to the personal and professional development of current and future business leaders, women of substance, and entrepreneurs. It is here to make a difference. The philosophy of this book is: Don’t curse the darkness, light a candle.

The whole concept of this book lies with the help ofa parable. Once there was a man walking along a beach; the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off at a distance, he saw a person going back and forth between the surfs edge and the beach. As this man approached, he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on sand. The oceanic tides had pushed them out of water. The man was amazed by the obvious futility of the task. There were too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. He went closer to the person, he continued the task of picking up starfish; one by one and throwing hem into the surf.

He came up to the person, and said: mfou must be crazy; there are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish, you can’t possibly make a difference. ” The person looked at the man, stooped down and picked up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, “It has surely made a difference to that one! ” Now, it is the right time to make a strong pledge to come out from the state of mind of desperation & helplessness, stress & depression, contradictions & controversies, paradoxes & dichotomies. And never say Why even try rather say ‘l Can & I Will’ make a difference in the life of one person.

We need to focus today on changing the hearts and mindsets of ourselves first and then of others. As Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Allah Almighty doesn’t change the destiny of people until and unless they change themselves and HE knows all. (8:54) MANAGER TODAYS… The journey continues…!! Alhamdolillah, it is a matter of great satisfaction that the third edition of this book is in your hands. The first two editions of this book have proved to be grand landmarks and became sellers. Now, this third edition is hopefully going to hit the stalls again as the bestseller, Insha Allah.

We, very carefully and after much deliberation, have selected the success stories, inspiring interviews and profiles of the trendsetters for this book of 100 business leaders and difference makers. The criterion for the selection of leaders and companies was based on the brightest, the fastest and the biggest, especially owing to their contributions towards economic growth, their impact on GDP, employment generation, regional and global presence, their initiations of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), best management practices, eadership styles, and HR engagements.

These 100 business leaders of Pakistan created almost one million Jobs and earned a very respectable name in their companies. Average annual growth of these companies’ was above 30%. Hence, not even a single company is in loss. They earned huge amounts of revenue in terms of profitability and performance. Out of these 100 companies, more than a dozen companies have their presence in the international markets, thus earning a respectable name globally for their companies.

These 100 successful business leaders are role models for the rest of the country especially for the future enerations of entrepreneurs. The book “100 Business Leaders of Pakistan” is a kind of golden nugget that stimulates the passion and performance you need to move your society, business and country forward into the future through learning from the challenges and the opportunities ahead and help you find out the latest methods of outshining and excelling in perpetually challenging business environment.

Another key objective of this book is to project the role of the visionary business leaders in economic growth, creation of opportunities for future entrepreneurs ??” a recipe for conomic prosperity ??” developing responsible and ethical leaders in any organization and last but not the least how to face and overcome business challenges in turbulent times. This book is more than Just simply a chronology of success stories, exclusive interviews of business leaders or a mere compilation of their achievements, rather it is a deep insight into what drives these visionary business leaders.

During my university days, I had always observed a great void ??” one could find a plethora of business books, articles on professional and personal development, management styles, and success stories of individuals like Bill Gates nd Steve Jobs, big and small by the western writers ??” but I could not find any literature, however, existed about Pakistani business leaders. They are real contributors to Pakistan’s immense business and economic outlook who excelled despite all odds, obstacles, frustrations, hindrances in the respective domains.

We have miserably failed to project our business leaders as heroes ??” our role models serving as inspiration for our future generations. Some of these may be unsung heroes. I have been venting out such frustration at this gap between business and academia off and on over a period of time. My training and teaching experiences took a definitive shape and I resolved to bridge the gap between business & academia.

Our concept of “100 Business Leaders of Pakistan” was born with the need that most developed countries have a huge amount of information available about their business platform and business leaders, about the thought processes of those who are at the helm of the businesses affairs, whereas, in Pakistan we have scant quality information about our business leaders. We had to start from somewhere; so MANAGER TODAY then took small steps forward that we hoped would constitute a omprehensive collection of inspiring stories; business interviews and case studies of business leaders and their organizations.

During our research, we found seven key success factors of these 100 business leaders. But we named the key success factors as “Seven Secrets of Failure”. But these 100 business leaders did the opposite of these key factors. Finally the Seven Secrets of Failures of the top 100 business leaders and difference makers have been revealed: 1 . Lack of Perseverance (Istaqamat): Most leaders fail not because they lack knowledge or talent, but because they quit. The total secret of success lies in two words: persistence and resistance.

Persistence in what must be done and resistance what ought not to be done. 2. Lack of Faith (Yaqeen e Kamil): People who lack conviction take the middle of the road; and guess what happens in the middle of the road? You get run over. People without conviction do not take a stand. They go along to get along because they lack confidence and courage. They conform in order to get accepted even when they know that what they are doing is wrong. They behave like part of a herd. 3. Rationalizing (Susst – Musst): Winners must analyse but never rationalize. That is a loser’s game.

Losers always unlucky I’m born under the wrong stars I’m not good looking I don’t have contacts I dont have enough money The economy is bad If only I had the opportunity If only I didn’t have a family And the list goes on…. 4. Not Learning from Past Mistakes (Insanity): Some people live and learn, and some only live. Wise people learn from their mistakes. People who do not learn lessons from history are doomed. Failure is a teacher if we have the right attitude. Failure is a detour, not a dead end. It is a delay, not a defeat. Experience is the name we give to our mistakes. . Lack of Discipline (Emotional Intelligence): Anyone who has accomplished anything worthwhile has never done so without discipline and emotional maturity. Emotional intelligence takes self-control, sacrifice, avoiding distractions and temptations. It means staying focused. Steam does not move the engine unless it is confined. Niagara Falls would not generate power unless it was harnessed. 6. Poor Self-Esteem ( Tasawar-e- Zaat -Takmeel-e- Zaat to Irfaan-e-Zaat): Poor self- esteem is a lack of self-respect and self-worth. It leads to abuse of one’s self and thers.

People with low self-esteem are constantly looking for an identity. They are trying to find themselves. One’s self is not to be found but to be created. Idleness and laziness are consequences of poor self-esteem and so is making excuses. Idleness is like rust that corrodes the most brilliant metal. 7. Fatalistic Attitude (Proactive vs. Reactive): A reactive attitude prevents people from accepting responsibility for their position in life. They attribute success and failure to luck. They surrender themselves to their fate. They believe and accept the predestined future written in their horoscope.

They believe that regardless of their effort, whatever has to happen will happen. Hence they never put in any effort, and complacency becomes a way of life. They wait for things to happen rather than make them happen. This is the first time we are giving the success definitions of Pakistani people like Mian Mansha, Abdul Razak Dawood, etc. Before, the definitions of European gurus like Steve Jobs, Shakespeare and others were preferred. Following are the few expert definitions on Success: “One should be brave and courageous enough to take risks and tough decisions and the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Mian Muhammad Mansha, Chairman, Nishat Group/ MCB. “Success has many sides, it is about being a good family man, and that means being a good husband and a good father. One should always struggle to be a good Muslim and give back to society. If you accomplish and create an institution, that is a great achievement!!! ” Abdul Razak Dawood, Chairman, Descon. “It is not easy to define happiness because it is a subjective thing. Generally, people here lack emotional stability. However, no matter how many roles a person has to assume in everyday life, he should be able to maintain a balance of happiness in all of them.

Arif Habib, Chairman, Arif Habib Corporation. “No matter what the institute is, the major emphasis should be on the development of the inner soul and mind. Education is the ability to analyse and understand… values are the fundamental touchstone on which a professional is made. ” Hussain Dawood, Chairman, Dawood Hercules Corporation. “If you plan for a year, plant a tree. If for hundred years, teach the people. When you sow a seed once, you will reap a single harvest. When you teach the people, you will reap a hundred harvest. ” Syed Babar All, Chairman, Packages. “Wake up people; we need to take charge of our destiny.

We have immense human resource in the form of youth of Pakistan. Lack of quality of education is the root cause of our present poor plight as a nation. By providing education, all of us should strive to make our youth, our asset, not our liability. ” Seema Aziz, Founder and Chairperson, CARE Foundation; ED, SEAM. “The biggest success is that you have contentment. Losing hope is not allowed in our religion. You should be persistent. If you are constantly working towards some goal, the divine help is also there for you. If you don’t have a goal unfortunately, things would go bad for you. ” Sikander Sultan, Chairman, Shan Foods.

For me, leadership is to inspire people to produce their best and women are fast learners of this phenomenon. Leaders are not born maybe some are but the majority of the leaders are developed. ” Nasreen Kasur’, Chairperson, Beaconhouse School System. “Our vision is to produce world-class professional managers, business leaders and entrepreneurs for industrial and business development of Pakistan. ” Dr. Ishrat Husain, Dean & Director, IBA Karachi. “The word ‘impossible’ is simply non-existent in a leader’s vocabulary. A thing seems impossible, if you think it is impossible. The best quality of a leader is that he dreams ig, he is an idealist. Imran Khan, Chairman, Pakistan PTI. We have tried our level best to place equally all these visionary businesses, rather than to rank them according to any particular competency order. Every individual is a giant on its own and stands out among the crowd. One should not misunderstand someone who is at the beginning or at the end. The position is in alphabetic order. While compiling these success stories and interviews or our research process, focus is on our purpose-built questionnaire shedding light on four dimensions of leadership and management as mentioned below: 1 . On Economy, Business &

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Business Leaders of Pakistan. (2017, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-100-business-636/

Business Leaders of Pakistan
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