Our Society Is Destroying Our Oceans

The oceans of the Earth are in trouble, and we the people are whom to blame. The number of fishermen who keep the fish they catch, the amount of ships that sail across the waters every day, all those who use the ocean for recreational activity, and the amount of pollution are killing our waters and everyday it goes unnoticed. What is it going to take for us, the people, to realize that we are harming our waters for our own personal benefit? Precautions should be taken in order to protect the ocean from more harm.

There are alternate routes that can be taken in order to protect our waters and the marine life that is living within them. All it will take to make this work, is for the people of our Earth to realize the importance of our oceans, and to become aware of the damage we are doing do it.

Reducing the number of fishermen is the first way our society can start protecting our waters.

Almost “90% of the worlds fisheries are already fully exploited or overfished”  so we should be purchasing our seafood from shopping centers. Keeping more fish in the ocean is a start to keeping our waters alive. Too many fish are being taken out of our oceans and billions of fish are dying every year because they are sitting within these stores waiting to be bought and aren’t. “Unsustainable fishing is the largest threat to ocean life and habitats” so we should reduce the amount of fishing allowed.

If more restrictions are put on fishing, it will be a start to keeping our oceans healthy.

Secondly, taking advantage of aircraft and cutting back on water travel is a huge way to save our oceans. Between our cruise ships, cargo ships, fishing vessels, navy ships, and tank ships we allowing excess amounts of oil to be put into our Earths waters. While being aboard the ships, it is easy to forget about what is going on beneath.

The amount of “oil spills, ship groundings, anchor damage, and the dumping of rubbish, ballast water, and oily waste are endangering marine habitats around the world” (wwf.panda.org). If we use the alternative and start taking advantage of aircraft there will be less damage to our waters, because the oil fueled crafts will be flying overhead, not floating within. Aircrafts have come along way over the years, and are capable of bringing goods and people to and from other countries and they will not damage our waters. By decreasing the amount of oil fueled crafts that are in our waters, we are decreasing the amount of oil that is damaging our Earths water supply.

Many individuals think of “vacation” when they think of oceans. Laying their towels on the warm sand, swimming in the ocean waters, and watching the blueness fade away as the sun sets above the crashing waves. The peacefulness of this environment makes the beaches of our Earth a favorite place to many, and whilst for some it is a vacation destination, for others it is a home. As more individuals start to fall in love with the ocean, more houses and buildings are popping up along the coastline. Every year “many beaches all but disappear under flocks of holiday makers”. What is being done to these beaches is taking away the home that the waters are providing for marine life. Our ocean waters should be less populated with people, so we can make it more populated with animals.

To partner alongside of individuals taking over beaches, they are also leaving their garbage behind. As the evening rolls in and those pack up to head home, they forget something important. Remember that candy wrapper you left in the sand next to your towel? Remember that gum you had that you let go in the ocean because it wasn’t a big deal? Remember that alcohol bottle you had left behind because you emptied it? All of this garbage piles up on the sand, and then ends up in our water. The marine life try to swallow the little objects causing harm. The bigger objects sink to the bottom and take up space that could be used for new homes for the underwater life. Remembering to put your trash in the garbage can make a huge difference when it comes to protecting our oceans.

Fishing in the oceans, using ships, and taking vacations to the oceans are all activities that we cannot cut off completely. There will always be fishermen, there will always be ships within our waters, and people will always vacation to the tropics and that is perfectly acceptable. The oceans provide our people with many great benefits and it understandable why individuals like to take advantage of our Earths natural resources, especially since this benefit is one that comes free. After all, everyone loves things that come with no charge.

Protecting our Oceans does not mean that we must cut off all activity involving this resource. We do not have to completely give up fishing, sailing, or vacations at the beach. However, it is important that we cut back, and make sure that we are taking care of the ocean and everything that inhabits its beautiful clear blue waters. Nobody wants to wake up one morning and no longer be able to take advantage of the ocean, so we must protect it before it is too late. If everyone would work together we could make a difference and save our wildlife and the planet. It is crucial that we are remembering the importance of our beaches, because that is something it is easy to lose sight of. Our planet is in our hands, and our society is starting to let go of things that matter. We all need to work together to cut back on what we are doing to ocean so it can last for many more years to come.

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Our Society Is Destroying Our Oceans. (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/our-society-is-destroying-our-oceans/

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