One Of The Very Common Computer Applications

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Is the Computerized Electronic Patient medical record application. It has been making a silent revolution in medical care. An individual’s medical record which used to be maintained in paper form over the years has been transformed into electronic records and stored in a computer database. Whenever a patient is admitted to a hospital or treated in an emergency situation, doctors quickly retrieve this. Once the illness or medical condition is diagnosed the doctors face the immediate challenge of what medicine or line of treatment will have to be adopted for the individual.

This is exactly the juncture when time and speed could make all the difference. For individuals taking outpatient treatment, under normal conditions, it could range from quick recovery to a delayed cure of illnesses. In emergency situations, it could determine the difference between life and death.

During such times, doctors need to determine quickly and conclusively what is the individual’s genetic traits, previous medical history, what is a patient allergic to and if a particular medicine will work or not? Doctors are able to extract vital information from the electronic medical record in a few seconds.

Next, it is passed to online databases and using algorithms, generate a multitude of possible medicines that will suit the patient’s condition without many side effects. Doctors sometimes are able to share this information with specialists at other hospitals and get expert advice in complex situations. This patient medical record application not only improves care but also save lives in countless cases.

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Invisible information gathering is one in which each and every time a person’s personal information is obtained it is used without his awareness. This type of Invisible information gathering happens during day-to-day activities when an individual provides his personally identifiable information(PIN) say for the purposes of either registering for an online account, enrolling into a discount program, etc. One example, for instance, is, the use of computer malware, malicious software etc., on the person’s computer to snoop and extract information stealthily without express agreement. Secondary use is one in which the personal information provided by a person during any particular transaction for a specific reason is used for an entirely different activity. This phenomenon happens in a subtle way. Sometimes, the “fine print” at the bottom of a form or an online application form carry a disclosure statement. The statement mention that information collected would be shared with the other affiliates, organizations, and agencies for the purpose of providing value-added services and to provide the customer with appropriate offers, deals, etc.

For example, a car dealership requests a customer to provide personal information during purchasing. The customer believes that this information would reside within the dealership only. Contrary to that expectation, the car dealership could share the information to an insurance company to market its services, to a car servicing vendor to sell maintenance services, detailing, oil-change, Car window specialists for selling tainting services, etc. Contrasting its former counterpart which was server-based with P2P any computer connected to its network can function as the distribution point. Enormous-sized files can be swiftly copied using this technology. A user initiates a request for a file to be searched from his computer to other computers networked in P2P. The user’s request moves from one computer to another until the file is located. Once the digital file is located it can be easily downloaded into the hard drive of the user and stored in a “shared folder”. This then is available for other users to request access and utilize it. This technology enables invading many copyrighted works.

Types of material that could be copied: Massive items that could be copied are media files, songs, videos, software, photographs, movies, documents, etc. Powerful cameras have now enabled copyright infringement. The size and power of these cameras are extraordinary. Infra-red operated and remotely controlled, they could be miniature and could fit in any nook and crevice. They could capture, record, and transmit images and the like at an extraordinary pace. What was once considered the purview of a very unique skill has now fallen prey to such intrusion. The artisan’s work involving focused, laborious and distinct activity can now get duplicated in an instant.

Types of material could be copied: Many valuable forms of artwork and paintings. Logos and Brands, Designs and patterns, etc. The argument in favor of mandatory licensing: All Programmers need to follow a uniform and structured method of software development. Creating a standard process will assist in reducing bugs and provide a stable project. Mandatory licensing of computer programmers will assist to avoid making costly software errors a thing of the past. Imagine a very important computerized healthcare application or device. If the output of the device would impact the patient’s treatment, then we should take all steps to eliminate the chance of an error occurring. Licensing a programmer will be able to provide that peace of mind guarantee that a licensed professional has been behind the creation of that device.

Examples of such no tolerance to errors could range anywhere from computerized scanners, heart monitoring devices, surgical and measuring equipment to automated flight control devices, etc. The argument against mandatory licensing: Programming is a creative activity. Requiring compulsory licensing via skills, tests, exams, and evaluation will do no good. It will lead to unintended consequences. Such licensing for individuals engaged as computer programmers, will not only curtail their freedom, it will also produce dull and non-creative rote individuals.

Examples of such outstanding work coming out of volunteer programmers are “open-source software. Many software tools and day-to-day useable tools etc., are produced by these unpaid contributors. They volunteer their time and effort and fix bugs and produce newer defect corrected software. Some fine examples of this genre are Linux, Hadoop, Mozilla Firefox, WordPress Drupal, etc. Countrywide Mortgage Corporation broke the trust of its customers. It should have been bombshell news when they knew that the private information for thousands of its customers, including social security numbers and loan numbers, had been disclosed out to the outside world. It would be the most undesirable phenomenon as it is against the very principle of what a financial institution stands for. This has not only invaded into the privacy of the customer but also broke Confidentiality. The customers should had thought it would be safe to believe that countrywide would do its duty and can be entrusted with their personal information.

By compromising personal data countrywide has trespassed against the customer’s wishes and its own obligations, It could a small for the corporation but for some it could mean a deathblow to their hard-earned savings, life’s total earnings and nest egg which was put at risk for no fault of theirs. Countrywide has offered the customers a free 2-year subscription to a credit protection service. This action will not shield Countrywide from customer lawsuits, but it would help slow down further impact to its brand image and reputation. Yes, Countrywide needs to do more. Yes, countrywide should provide more details on the issue to its customer and show that it really cares. Given that it was a Countrywide employee who sold the data, this changes Countrywide’s responsibilities toward the affected customers, since an insider caused the whole chaos. Hereafter any countrywide employee would be seen with suspicion. Customers would start thinking twice before they decide to put in their trust with any countrywide employee. They would even hesitate to carry on with their business with Countrywide. Therefore countrywide should do everything in order to win back the confidence and trust of their customers. With every employee viewed as a potential suspect, it will be hard for countrywide to sustain, unless they act decisively, boldly, and quickly.

Firstly, countrywide corporation needs to take responsibility for their failure to have safeguarded their customer’s information. They should announce an unconditional apology and broadcast to their customers and assure them that in future it will ensure to keep their customer data private and build a fortress of security barriers.Secondly, this fiasco has revealed that there are few or no adequate safeguards, checks and balances built into their system. Therefore, countrywide needs to acknowledge that access to such highly sensitive and confidential information should not have been under the purview of a single employee. Hence it should take steps to have adequate background checks, screening, training, and job rotation so that in the future no one single individual would be capable of pilfering data.

Thirdly, data security features should be built in. Multiple layers of security should be built in so there is no single employee ever would be able to gain access to such massive amounts of sensitive personal data of customers. Henceforth, regular audits should be held. All needed security controls should be held under the ambit of a security team headed by a senior professional. There could be a multitude of factors that lead to the introduction of bugs into a computerized system. The delays in the identification and elimination of bugs ultimately could lead to the failure of computerized systems.

Unclear or Ambiguous customer requirement. The first and foremost reason for the introduction of a bug is during the requirements gathering stage. Eliciting the need of the customer, identifying the participants or users of the system, types of data that would be fed into the system and the output and results expected and the validity of the results etc., all of them need to be captured in a clear manner. There should be no room for vague, unclear, ambiguous, uncertain, confusing statements. These are all potential icebergs leading to bugs. A computer-operated automated teller machine is required to accept only valid coins and notes. If it does not return defective & invalid coins/notes it is a bug. A computer-operated automatic dispenser needs to light up green light during operation. If it does not show up a red light whenever items run out it is a bug.

Faulty Design: The second most important reason for a bug is during translating the requirement into a system design. Customer requirements if not captured well will lead into an incorrect design. The design stage is a crucial step where all requirements are laid out and ensured it is represented in the design. Approvers for a design should be aware of the potential safeguards to be built so that the system will perform as expected. critical systems need to have a failover/backup mechanism so that safety is built into the system. Defective design due to missed elements here is a recipe for disaster and causes bugs. Computerized Track Signal: It is widely known that a computerized train track signal is designed to spot precisely which trains to move on which type of tracks and at what time etc. A bug could lead to catastrophic results in allowing trains to run at incorrect times and faulty tracks. A bug in design could lead to such undesirable circumstances.

The design of computer Controlled instruments needs to be perfect. The location of keys and buttons for normal people and differently able people are important. It has to be located at the precise spot. Else it will be a bug causing countless misery for operators. Flawed Construction: The third most important reason for a bug is flawed system built against a good requirement and a design. A system should be constructed diligently taking all precautions to fully understand the requirement and design collectively. A piecemeal approach to comprehending either the requirement and/or design will lead into introducing bugs. The end result would be developing an imperfect system. Computerized diagnostic equipment is constructed to measure few vital signs like pulse, blood pressure, and respiration rate.

If the machine detects that the vital signs are abnormal like in either one or more signs it needs to give an alert mention that a) Missing normal vital sign ranges for the average healthy adult  Check if the patient is sedated and resting well;  reset the machine and try again etc. Else we can infer the system is not well constructed.  A solar-powered computer-controlled climate monitoring system adjusts the temperate according to the needs. If the system experiences outages it needs to send alerts like a System trying to shut down due to inadequate power b) manual switch on to backup power needed system will resume operation after a manual reset. The difference between a well-constructed and poorly constructed system could be visualized.  Inadequate Testing: The fourth most important reason for a bug is inadequate testing. A product or system should not be released to the market for customer usage until comprehensive testing is completed. The testing should be exhaustive and needs to check for both expected as well as unexpected scenarios. It should, anticipate positive and negative consequences which might impact the customers.

Ineffective testing due to market pressures will lead to introducing bugs. A computerized system sending false alerts, say like, “no report available today”. A system supposed to pull data for weekdays and create reports during weekdays only does not recognize it is a weekend and hence no data nor reports will be available. The defect is traced back to insufficient testing for both weekdays and weekend days. A ticketing system creates the same sequence of numbers incorrectly after reaching the 100,000 limits. The numbering sequence limit has not been tested properly. Deficient User Operation training: The fifth most important reason for the failure of a computer system is ineffective training and end user awareness. If the end users, groups, and customers are not well trained or informed of the basic skills needed to operate or made aware of what the system is designed for and how the results should be interpreted then the system would be a failure.  Computerized Educational testing services. The analyst whenever operates the system and generates a report for distribution needs to do perform a quality check.

Voice-enabled security system with manual override with a password. The user is unable to gain entry due to the system locking out. The user is unable to articulate the voice as normal due to a sore throat or dental issues. Validation step: If the user exceeds more than 3 attempts offer to provide a manual override allowing the user to provide a password on the console. The current method of maintaining the identification via Social Security card and number system is kind of dated. Many countries have attempted and some have successfully implemented computerized identification systems. A thorough analysis of the pros and cons could be very revealing as every country has gone through various phases of implementing a computerized system. There are several gains for using a computerized system say a smart card that could carry personally identifiable information with an embedded chip capable of being swiped. A system could be created with the ability to store all the personal information in databases for smart identification cards. Such an identification system when compared to the existing Social Security card and number system would be way better, swifter, and less error-prone.

Some of the advantages are:

  1.  A smart card would help eliminate the cumbersome manual printing of paper cards and save trees and conserve trees and forests.
  2.  A computerized system could remove the issues that sneak into a manual system and make it error-free.
  3.  Maintaining the numbers in the database would help detect fraud during the distribution of governmental benefits.
  4.  Would avoid the long wait time for private agencies to get clearance during recruitment of valid individuals for open positions.
  5. . Transactions would be expedited by banks and financial institutions which could validate the data of individuals in a safe and secure manner.
  6.  Governmental agencies and law enforcement could have the data at their fingerprints and ensure safety and security at major establishments.
  7. On the other hand, there are several obstacles to the computerization of individual identification using smart cards. Whenever we store massive amounts of personally identifiable information (PIN) in databases systems we also run several risks. The following is a summary of potential risks.
  8.  Smart cards are one step above manual cards but still, it is prone to duplication and fraud.
  9.  Individuals will run a higher risk for theft, assault etc., as antisocial elements could target them.
  10.  Hackers would constantly target databases systems for stealing identities and passwords.
  11. Maintaining the integrity of individual identity in such a gigantic databases system would be challenging.
  12.  Building layers of security will be time-consuming for safeguarding such colossal computerized Identification cards and number systems
  13.  The cost of designing, developing, and maintaining would be enormous.

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One Of The Very Common Computer Applications. (2021, Dec 04). Retrieved from

One Of The Very Common Computer Applications
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