On Drug-Related Crimes

Topics: CrimeDrugsHindi

This article will be reviewing two recent articles from the dates of August 12 and 21 of this year 2018, which covered drug-related crimes. The two articles will be summarized and given an analysis of whether the drug related crimes would be categorized as pharmacological, economically compulsive, or systemic as described by Levinthal. In article 1, the Fort Collins police made an arrest of five individuals on charges related to a crime spree spanning several months. The culprits ranged from the ages of 19-33 years old.

The suspects were connected with 15 incidents that happened between December 2017 and May 2018. Police say over 20 victims were involved. The police of Fort Collins did not release how the suspects were connected. However, Kate Kimble, a representative sent an email stating that detectives regularly analyze and found a pattern began to emerge which linked the incidents to the six culprits.

The suspects were charged with multiple counts of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act, assault, extortion, menacing, burglary, and drug-related charges, among others include 24 felony offenses.

Article 2, four men in Orange County Court were charged in connection of Coree White Jr., a Middletown teenager, who was fatally shot on Wallkill Avenue in Middletown a year ago. Then recent death of White at age 19, who was also fatally shot on Aug. At the arraignment, two men were charged of second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter and second-degree conspiracy, and a felony of gun possession. Two other men were arraigned on felony drug counts and conspiring to cause White’s death. a fifth man was charged with fourth-degree conspiracy a felony, and misdemeanor drug charges.

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Before analyzing which category theses drug related crimes fall into, I will briefly define them. The definition of “pharmacological violence is an act of violence committed while under the influence of psychoactive drugs”. An example of pharmacological violence would be violence cause from being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Economically compulsive violence, refers to violence of an individual who is supporting their drug abuse though crimes. Systemic violence is crime to eliminate the competition of other drug dealers most likely involving gangs. In article 1 with their crimes being in a spree of several month, I would label it as a pharmacological violence, violence committed while under the influence of psychoactive drugs as well as Economically compulsive violence, or crimes to support the individuals addiction.

With the first articles crime spree involving assault, extortion, menacing, burglary, and drug-related charges these acts of violence support my thoughts of their crimes being both pharmacological and Economically compulsive violence. Article 2, was Systemic violence, aggressive behavior to eliminate the competition of other drug dealers. From the guns and there being two planned deaths I would say this to be a form of gang related action. This article reviewed two recent articles over drug-related crimes. The two articles were summarized and given an analysis of whether the drug related crimes would be categorized as pharmacological, economically compulsive, or systemic as described by Levinthal. After reading this paper and learning the categories of crime committed when using illegal drugs, it only adds to more reason to stay safe and away from drugs.


  1. Levinthal, C. F. (2013). Drugs, behavior, and modern society (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
  2. Bayne, R. J. (2018, August 21).Middletown police press conference to detail murder, drug ring busts. Times Herald-Record. Retrieved August 23, 2018, from https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2018/08/10/fort-collins-police-arrest-5-issue-warrant-1-organized-crime-spree-investigation/958665002/
  3. Hindi, S. (2018, August 10). Fort Collins police arrest 5, issue warrant for 1 in suspected organized crime spree. Fort Collins Coloradoan. Retrieved August 23, 2018, from http://www.coloradoan.com/staff/10058602/saja-hindi/

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On Drug-Related Crimes. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/on-drug-related-crimes/

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