OBJECTIVE III: To study the usage time period per month of ICT banking services user.
H0c: There is no significance difference among the several ICT services provided by bank on the basis of usage frequency in a month.
H1c: There is significance difference among the several ICT services provided by bank on the basis of usage frequency in a month.
How frequently do you use the ICT banking services per month?
Card banking Between Groups 227.620 4 56.905 99.958 .000
Mobile banking Within Groups 897.768 1577 .569 Internet Banking Total 1125.389 1581 Inter Branch banking
P value < 0.5 level of significance
In this analysis we use the metric data.(Table 8.5) The value of the usage
rate of the account holder is calculated on the bases of interval scale. 1-time is for lesser usage rate and more than 10-times is the highest usage rate.
2-3 times, 4-6 times, 7-9 times lie between these two intervals. In this the independent variables are the ICT banking services as phone banking, mobile banking, card banking, internet banking and inter-branch banking. The dependent variable is the interval scale. We use the Levenes Test for homogeneity of variance (Table 8.6, 8.7) through which we get the significance value of .000 which indicates that variances for usage rate for each of the ICT banking services provided by banks do indeed differ significantly.
The table 7.3 is divided into between group effect and within the group
effects. Between group row tells the sum of squares for the model (SSM=227.620), this is for the model represents the total experiment effect where as the mean square (MS=56.905) for the model represent the average experimental effect. The mean square is calculated on the value df=4. The row labelled within group gives detail of the unsystematic variance due to individual account holder preferences. The table tells us how much unsystematic variance exists (the residual sum of squares, SSR=897.768). It then gives the average amount of unsystematic variation, the residual mean square MSR=.569. This value is calculated on the (degree of freedom) df=1577. The test of whether the group means are the same is represented by the F-ratio for the combined between the group effects. The value of ratio is 99.958. Finally the table tells us whether this value is likely to have happened by chance. The final column labelled significance indicates how likely it is that an F-ratio of that size would have occurred by chance. In this case there is a probability of 0.000 that an f-ratio of this size would have occurred by chance. From the above table( ) p-value (.000)is less than 0.05 (level of significance), hence null hypothesis has been rejected, that means there is a significant difference among the ICT services provided by banks on the basis of usage rate.
OBJECTIVE IV: To analyze the use pattern of various features of ICT banking services like phone banking, card banking, mobile banking, internet banking, interbranch banking.
The cronbachs alpha was conducted to assess the reliability of scales of
variables over 0.7 indicate that all scale can be considered reliable (Nunally 1978). Factor analysis was used for each of the item scale to reduce the total number of items to manageable factor. Principal component analysis is used to extract factors with eigen value greater than 1. Varimax rotation is used to facilitate interpretation of the factor matrix. The Kaisen-Meyer olkin (KMO) statistic to validate the use of factor analysis.(Table 8.10,8.11,8.12)
Items Phone Mobile Card Internet Interbranch
Banking F1 Banking F2 Banking F3 Banking F4 Banking F5
Utility bill payment (PB1) -0.969 Mobile banking registration (PB2) 0.962 Stop cheque payment (PB3) -0.926 Detail of last statement (PB4) 0.909 Cheque status enquiry (PB5) -0.803 Cheque book request (PB6) -0.682 Lost/ replacement card (PB7) 0.842 Mini statement (PB8) 0.79 Internet us rid (PB9) -0.783 utility bill payment (MB1) -0.917
Last payment details (MB3) 0.782 Approaching credit limit(MB4) -0.56 Enquire cheque status (MB5) -0.96 Check Account balance (MB6) 0.908 Fund Transfer (CB1) 0.965 Payment(CB2) 0.922 Deposit cash / cheque (CB3) 0.884 Pin Change (CB4) 0.927 Mini Statement (CB5) 0.891 Balance Enquiry (CB6) 0.825 Cash withdrawal (CB7) 0.723 Download loan applications (IB1) 0.986 Calculate loan payment information (IB2) 0.977 Seeking product and rate information (IB3) 0.863 Apply for loans or credit cards online (IB4) 0.829 Download personal bank transaction activity (IB5) 0.745 Inter-account transfers (IB6) 0.972 On-line bill payments (IB7) 0.907 Check balances on-line (IB8) 0.706 To withdraw cash (IBB1) 0.95
For advice about investment (IBB5) 0.902
KMO (Kaiser- meyer- olkin) value 0.778
Table 7.4 shows the loading from factor analysis.
The KMO value is calculated as 0.778 which indicate the sampling adequacy. The factor model indicates five distinct factors loading without any misclassification phone banking, mobile banking, card banking, internet banking and inter-branch banking. Cronbachs alphas among 34 items on different heads in the questionnaire exceeded 0.7. Two Components are identified from each banking services Phone banking, Mobile banking, card banking, Internet banking and Inter branch banking. These items are treated as independent factors.
Factor cronbach’s alpha % of Variance explained
transaction and its details (PB1-PB6) 0.923 56.72%
card and account enquiry (PB7-PB9) 0.9 27.31%
Transaction Detail (MB1-MB4) 0.85 41.90%
fund transaction (CB1-CB3) 0.914 48.74%
security and account information (CB4- CB6) 0.89 43.70%
downloading and calculating(IB 1-IB5) 0.89 55.61%
Inter account transfer and on-line billing (IB6-IB9) 0.86 40.53%
fund transaction (IBB1-IBB3) 0.89 47.50%
DD and Investment advice (IBB4-IBB6) 0.86 38.69%
OBJECTIVE III: To study the usage time period per month of ICT banking. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/objective-iii-to-study-the-usage-time-period-per-month-of-ict-banking-best-essay/