Nursing Practical Skill Development

Topics: Nursing

In order to engage and develop a career as Registered Nurses (RNs), one should have some essential qualities and skills. In this regard, American Academy of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has defined some basic standards for the educational and professional requirements to the RNs. The organization identifies basic organizational and systems leadership for quality care and patient safety as the second essential requirement for the RNs. In this regard, my experience regarding the nursing career has illustrated in this paper as this essential has the most similar attributes to my working environment.


Rationale of Choosing the Essential The essential is chosen because as a new grad RN and being the beginning of the nursing career, promoting high-quality care to patients’ is a number one priority. It is a necessity every nurse should have regardless of their education and background knowledge (Jeffs et al., 2013). By expanding knowledge quickly after graduating nursing school helps people to make spot decisions. The knowledge required for nursing falls everything among patient, coworker and nurse such as skills, compassion, care, and most importantly, critical thinking and others.

From personal experience coming from an associate degree program, it is fair to say RNs have advanced in performing skills but when it came to evidence-based practice knowledge, they are far behind other programs. I have taken an oath to practice faithfully, collaborate appropriately, and abstain from any actions that could put the patient in danger. The vulnerability and the need of the patients are what motivates me to do better and continue learning new things.

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I know I cannot heal everyone but I will do all in my power to comfort my patients and help them strive through recovery. 

Hence, it is important to professional behavior to my professional development. Supporting Literature In order to ensure optimum healthcare facilities, the AACN has prescribed 9 different essential and a set of standards under all these essentials for the RNs. Among the essentials the send essential deals with the enhancing the leadership skills and patient safety (AACN, 2008). To assess how the essentials and standards increase the service quality, the service standards of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and the adult RNs are cross-examined. The research prescribes that the essentials and standards enhance the service quality of the RNs who practice these standards and essentials (Morris & Faulk, 2012). In addition, the clinical experiences illustrate that the RNs and BSN students are interested in technical as well as professional skills development prescribes in the essentials due to the better result in healthcare service (Wagner, 2012). A transition of BNS to RN is evident in the past years as the recommendation of entry-level nurse career has changed to secure the standards (Anbari, 2015). Hence, it can be said that the organizations practice the essentials and standards of professional nursing for better healthcare services. 

Application of the Essential In my workplace, the essential is used as soon as the nurse starts their shift. During handoff at the bedside, the nurse is not only quickly assessing the patient to ensure they are not in any sort of distress, they but also assess the report being given to them to make certain the patient’s status is improving and the recommendations which were done by the nurse were appropriate in helping the patient. It is not about critiquing the other nurse’s ability to take care of the patient, but it is about being the patient’s advocate. The fun part of being a nurse is being prepared for the worse. Hence, the situation leads to enhance the professional skills for better performance. The Essential in Practice Based on the experience, it can be prescribed that the respective individuals are very fond of exercising the selected essential in the workplace. 

Interaction with the patients is the utmost priority. In this regard, the RNs require to show the causes if they have made any mistake in communicating the patients. Besides maintaining communication standards, the organization provides and promotes different skill enhancement programs to enhance the knowledge regarding leadership skills, organizational systems, patient safety training, develop a collaborative culture and such other nursing areas. Therefore, it is evident that the organization believes in the standards of the identified essential. Before designing any raining and skill development programs, the managers assess the training needs. In this regard, the designed training programs are consistent with the skills requirements in the nursing career. In turn, the managers of instructors the standards of the second essential as is prescribed all the possible required skills. The manager’s demonstration of the standards can be understood by cross-examining the past programs with the AACN’s prescribed standards under second essential. The application of the standards directly affects clients as the standards deal with patients’ safety and healthcare facilities. If a nurse receives the skills enhancement program based on the standards, he or she will provide a better service than those who do not entitle such programs (Bosher & Stocker, 2015). For example, I have experienced a great extent of patients’ complaints at the beginning of my career when I did not receive such programs about serving standards and interact with the patients. 

In addition, the seniors RNs had raised questions regarding my service standards for maintaining the organizational culture, cooperate with co-workers and knowledge about organizational systems. However, at present, the rate of complaints reduces a great extent as I exercise the standards. Though the skills building events are necessary for better services to the patients, it is possible to exercise the standards without aware of such standards and essentials. People come to nursing career from their passion and altruism mindset. In this regard, they try to provide quality services to the patient at their level best. For example, a new entrant in my organization serves almost the same standard as the trained and experienced RNs. Teaching the Essential In order to ensure optimum services, the authority may teach the standards and essentials to the nurses and students (the prospective healthcare representative). 

In this regard, along with the theoretical knowledge, the authority may take the students in hospital field trip to learn the way how the healthcare personnel perform the duties and activities. On the contrary, the hospital authority may conduct on-the-job training programs for the nurses. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be prescribed that the standards and essentials of AACN define what types of skills and professional knowledge are essential for the RNs to ensure quality service. In this regard, the demand for RNs with required skills is increasing gradually. The healthcare organizations also introduce such programs so that the patients get smooth services and cooperation.   

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