Niche Markets and Demographics 

The changing trends in demographics in the United States from the baby boomers through to self-motivated Generation X has caused a tremendous transition in the market segments that provide tailor-made services and products. The focus on custom-made goods and services by a specialized institution is motivated by the fact that, many mainstream industries do less provision of special service delivery which undermines customer satisfaction. The prevalence of the aging population that makes up about 29 percent of the US population has necessitated the provision of niches that focus on self-improvement and health.

This section of the market has taken advantage of the fact that, this population composes of retired customers who have more time to focus on their personal needs, and their health and wellness.

The result is the development of internet service providers who work on scheduled digests for the population. The US has also seen an increase in immigration rates over the past decades, for people seeking to improve their lifestyles and acquire better health services.

The nation is epically first world, which means it an endowment of resources for leisure, recreation or foreign tourism. Thence, the high rise of minority population making use of their visits to maximize on their health, wellness, and motivation to a better self.

The culminating result is that most of the people work extra shifts to make ends meet at the rising economic rates. Technological advances and high education levels have caused both sexes to seek for employment, in bids to better access to better healthcare and development opportunities.

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This is also the case with the technology that over the years, the advancement of television programming has seen an improvement, and many families have access to a set box with very many entertaining channels. The bid is to balance between working shifts, health maintenance, and self-motivation by being up-to-date with the trends in these niches, through television broadcasting and the internet.


  1. Bartel, A. P., Rossin‐Slater, M., Ruhm, C. J., Stearns, J., & Waldfogel, J. (2018). Paid family leave, fathers’ leave‐taking, and leave‐sharing in dual‐earner households. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 37(1), 10-37.
  2. Friberg, J. H., & Midtbøen, A. H. (2018). The Making of Immigrant Niches in an Affluent Welfare State. International Migration Review, 0197918318765168.
  3. Gassmann, O., Schuhmacher, A., von Zedtwitz, M., & Reepmeyer, G. (2018). Future Directions and Trends. In Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation (pp. 155-163). Springer, Cham.

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 Niche Markets and Demographics . (2021, Dec 18). Retrieved from

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