Network System Security


Globalization has increased exchange of data and trades between different countries at a high scale. There is a high demand for enterprise wide networks allowing data transfers globally. With increased usage, the network traffic is achieving peaks thereby opening a gateway for intruders to interfere the data transfer and exchange, steal the information and use it for financial gains. If Producers do not follow enhanced guidelines or protocol to avoid intrusion, it can put businesses at risk leading to downfall.

Thus, in this paper, we will understand the problems associated with Networks Security, possible threats and identify the measures to eradicate the intruder attacks.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security compliance is maintaining the rules and regulations to provide permissions for private users to access the services and data within the cloud. Within an organization, if any security incident occurs on cloud due to bad compliance policy it leads to legal issues, bad reputation to company and customer dissatisfaction. Because of these issues, organizations are planning to adopt strategies like multi-cloud where they maintain high security.

To secure the cloud data from hacking and frauds cloud service providers has invented new tools, compliance rules and technologies.

Approaches to secure the cloud:

  1. Providing continuous management and monitoring the cloud services for security threats, compliances and risks.
  2. Maintaining accurate results through automation process and policies.
  3. Monitoring the lifecycle from end to end to be aware of compliance issues.
  4. Integrated platform is involved to provide security which helps to maintain the cloud environments.
  5. Maintaining continuous snapshots of cloud platforms and compliance risk issues.

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The focus of cloud compliance regulations is on financial and banking services which are complex in nature and contains high volume risk. In order to perform activities on the cloud, we can follow cloud compliance regulations like monitoring nontechnical and technical cloud solutions by continuous deployments. Identifying the cloud services which are active and maintaining the right framework to achieve risk-free compliance. For automation failures, implement some alerts to identify the third-party compliance issues. Using regulatory requirements and synchronizing each cloud-based service in advance.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security(Tendulkar, 2013) compliance is a process of assessing the behavior of an IT Organization system or applications which involves risk management, Network Testing, Vulnerability, InfoSec Policy Planning, Secure Passwords etc., The network typology of security services are challenging issues due to the complexity of both the Organization business domain and the compliance analysis security services.

There are many risks and dangers if the security of an organization is not properly built, amongst them malware cause primary damages to the organization(Heisel M, 2010), if the hacker erases the company’s entire system, an attacker breaking into a system and altering data, an attacker using employee’s computer to attack the organization, or an attacker stealing a credit card information and making unauthorized purchases. Also, vulnerabilities can also cause cybersecurity issues in an organization.

To avoid such causes and risk with cyberattacks(Fabian B, 2010) an organization must follow lot of precautions which include updated software, Firewall helps to prevent unwanted IP traffic which causes attacks, by blocking malicious traffic before it won’t be able to enter a computer system, and by restricting unnecessary traffic the organization can be secured. Anti-virus software helps to detect, quarantine, and remove various types of malware. Using strong passwords and changing the passwords frequently will also prevent risks. Multi-factor authentication password, which is used to validate a user’s identity, which will also avoid unauthorized users/logins. This way an organization could prevent any cyberattack.


To avoid the unauthorized access of files, folders and data, one can use encryption. This helps protect data from illicit users. This can be done on the file level as well as on the data level. Encrypted files or data could be sent on the network, in person and/ or by any other means without being tampered or without being intercepted while being transferred to its destination. Sensitive information or data such as Security numbers, passwords, log in details, financial records, social security numbers etc., could be protected by encryption. There are multiple ways of encrypting data or files and folders. All these ways and algorithms are categorized into symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption.

In simple words, encryption is the process of converting data or text or a message into text or data in encoded format. We can use a formula or an algorithm to encode their text or messages. And then once it is sent to the receiving party, the data could be decrypted back into original text using a decryption code.

For every business, for sensitive data protection, they need to abide by rules and laws of encryption for smooth running of their organization. This helps protect their business structure from falling into outsider’s hands. Those laws and rules should be kept up to date with recent trends of protective measures as the outdated measures could not be as strong and could be broken into easily. Encryption laws could vary by place, nationality, and by company. So it is recommended to have a general knowledge of the know-hows of laws in their respective region and business.


Internet is a global network providing a variety of information for communication and interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols (TCP/IP) which will link devices in worldwide.

The history of the internet was first developed with electronic computers in 1960’s for enabling time sharing computers. ARPANET served as a backbone of interconnection in 1970s for military networks and adopted TCP/IP in 1983 then researchers started assembling as NETWORK TO NETWORK that was converted as modern internet. The first worldwide webs sit was introduced by British and converted to HTTP Websites

Internet doesn’t have any polices related to centralized governance implementation. For reaching any sites there will be two principals in internet, Internet protocol address (IP address), Domain name system (DNS) which are maintained by Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Number (ICANN)

Now a day’s communication media like radio, television, Newspapers are using internet service and such as Email, online music video streaming websites are also adapting website technology. Internet has also enabled online shopping for small business also. Internet is used by each sector most effectively without internet there is nothing gone happen in today’s world. Internet is playing one of the key roles in today’s world.

Identity & Access Management

Identity and Access Management is a framework defining the set of roles and policies for users in an organization in order to perform their day to day activities with minimum access to applications. All the users in an organization whether employees or contractors are considered as identities in an Identity and Access Management system and it creates a centralized platform to provision or deprovision users’ access through the system or the tool.

Every organization must have an identity and access management system in order to handle the security and the regulatory compliance. There are two major components of the Identity and Access Management

  1. Compliance Management
  2. Life Cycle Management

Both the components come hand in hand with an IAM solution and responsible to handle the compliance issues within an organization. IAM offers solutions to many of the compliance related activities like the password management, access provisioning and deprovisioning, provide advanced analytics for the auditing purposes. There are many business objectives can be handled by an IAM solution.

  1. Review and eliminate any unwanted users’ access
  2.  Instantly remove access when users leave organization
  3. Follow compliance standards and provision new access
  4. Business Control (Managing users’ passwords and handle access requests)

Intrusion Detection


Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a type of wireless communication that uses radio waves to recognize and track objects. The RFID has tags and readers which communicate with one another by radio (Seraj, 2008). Therefore, the tags are so little that they don’t need battery to store data and interchange the data with the readers and it makes easy. A chip is made by which the people can track or identify the things. Automatic identification and access control system has become necessary to overcome the security threats faced by many organizations in these days. By installing the system at the entrance will only allow the authorized persons to enter the organization.

The system can also be installed at various points inside the organization to track the person’s movement and to restrict their access to sensitive areas in the organization. In such a way, suspicious persons can be caught which will surely improve the security level in the organization. This tags also join extra data, for example, the details of the product and the manufacturer and can transmit measured natural components (vander, 2006). The system hardware consists of RFID electronic tickets, RFID readers, computer terminals, optical networks, computer servers and site controllers. The literature has revealed the utilization of this innovation to automate various processes ranging from industrial sector to home control.

Wireless Security

With the expansion in technology, data sharing platforms are emerging as one of innovative ways to conduct business. All corporations, even the rigid one’s which requires manual interventions are innovating ways to evolve the work activities over exchanging data via information communication technologies. With such a high expansion and development in wireless technologies, wireless communications systems are administered in almost all places like workforce environments, social places and mainly the homes. It’s a great time to witness that technology has evolved and produced many advanced tools which is making users completely free from physical devices and provides the ability to remotely from any part of the world.

Many remote connection technologies have helped people to maintain work life balance by allowing them to travel to different locations and work remotely. Even in the biggest pandemics like corona virus, where many major cities and countries are planning complete lockdown wireless technologies is making it possible for business to run as their usual. However, this also brings the concern of security, as wireless technologies can be compromised if not protected by advanced solutions to avoid data breach, hacking. Thus, it implies mandate actions for all Corporations the consumer and producer to carry-out vigorous solutions to conserve data security.

Data Breach

The data breach is the main security action where the data is accessed by the unauthorized person without any permission. This process will create a huge loss to the company or the organization in many ways. There are many reasons for data breach they will also happen accidently, and they may also happen by the target attacks as well. The main reason for the data breach is the weak passwords. When the company or organization is maintaining the weak and easy passwords it makes the hackers to hack the account easily. The best way to maintain the good and strong password is to follow a few rules like maintain at least 8 characters in the password, make use of special characters and avoid the most common and know words like birthday dates and names. The issue which was caused by the data breach by stolen identity it will take more than six to seven months or sometimes it even takes more than years to fix the issue. (Wheatley 2019).

The other way to data breach is by targeting the malware attacks, for this process the attackers use spam and a kind of phishing email methods to make the users to reveal the password by using their credentials. The most common way to hack anyone’s password is through email which will end up in the computer. The precaution to save the hacking is by not opening any links or attachments which you receive from any unknown people. (John 2016)


The Network Security mainly contains of three phases namely Protection, detection and reaction. We should configure our machines and frameworks and the networks as duly as possible. We must be able to identify whenever the configurations have any changes or if any incoming network has more traffic and whenever it shows the problem. After Identifying the problems or changes in the configuration we need to react fast to make them safe and work quick as soon as possible.

The Network Security is the major important factor that plays the key role in many organizations. If there is any attack or threat it may cause huge loss of data and the huge loss of information to the company. Sometimes these attacks will also cause huge loss to the infrastructure. Considering all these factors it would be the best decision to develop the good and most reliable security policy for the company or the organization’s network.

When developing the secure network for the company or any organization we must consider few must points like confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity, Authorization. The best security network could only be built when we clearly understand and estimate the security issues and the factors which makes the network vulnerable. Before restricting the network from outside threats, we can prevent it from within the company by pulling the threats due to the misuse.


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Network System Security. (2022, May 09). Retrieved from

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