Needs for a Healthy Lifestyle

Stubb County represented the nation with its rising public health epidemic at an increasing rate of young adolescents and adults becoming obese and being diagnosed with diabetes. The researchers believed that they will be able to provide health promotion to the faith-based organizations by providing a prevention place of a 12-week program to help a local church meet their needs of a healthier lifestyle of physical activity, eating a healthier diet, as well as utilizing preventive screenings (Case Study 2 Unknown, 2018). Although it was a great idea to help promote a healthier living style to the local church, a lot of the elderly members were upset due to the health promotional program that was not feasible for them to complete.

The members were concerned with their unsafe neighborhood, they did not have health insurance, and they also didn’t want to discuss educating their children in regards to sex.

The church members from the Case Study seemed to have health disparities that were present in the case study.

Many were uneducated in health promotion education, they seemed to also have a low income based on their conversations, also the neighborhood was not safe for physical activity which is a red flag of disparity. Although the prevention program would have been great, the local church members didn’t seem to even have completed and received any results from it instead the Pastor Peter and the public health department from the Stubb county had to discuss what they can change and challenge themselves to create a better prevention program for that local church.

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Faith-based organizations are a great way to find a group of people that may have different backgrounds, cultures, ideations, educational statuses, income statuses, and many other concerns that may have similar situations around that surrounding community. The ethical considerations the public health practitioners should have considered were to provide an evidence-based survey to the local church members initially before implementing a program that might not work for the local church members. The partnership of faith-based organizations and medicine has been around for a long time and has been around for decades in the states. Challenges are seen when working with these two complex views of life that tie spirituality into the picture. In the case study, public health researchers with the Pastor and other local churches should have collaborated on any research and reports that they have already had that tied in faith-based communities and public health issues surrounding the area initially to work with the community’s story to have a connection with them. There are a lot of health promotion and prevention plans for diseases in congregations that have been changed and developed by working with Pastors such as in the 1970s when they implemented a “wholistic health center in Chicago with Granger Westberg (Levin, 2016).”The public health interventions were changed to include very important messages of the delivery of care in regards to what a chronic disease was such as HIV, AIDS, diabetes, hypertension, mental health issues, and many other issues that made sense to that specific underserved community that may be living in different types of situations (Levin, 2016). Some of the situations these community members who go to church may be low-income, single mothers, ethnic minorities, living in rather rural areas, and may also be elderly like the case study we read.

The case study should have worked with previous public health interventions and treaded much more carefully to develop a relationship with the people to make sure they created a strategic plan that the local church community members needed which could also work globally as well, but will be a work in progress for a long time (Levin, 2016). There have been many Christian leaders or missionaries that have gone to so many underdeveloped parts of the world to provide medical support despite the different infrastructure in health in those certain places, but these global outreaches are still ongoing at this time. The reason for this existence is due to partnering with these non-governmental organizations and other agencies that have nothing to do with religious issues, but what they wanted to do to address the issues of public health disparities which worked for these other parts of the world (Levin, 2016).

Christians should not be the only sector that focuses on medicine and public health, but public health should also focus on the needs of the Christian community or local church communities by working with the medical issues and environmental issues present in their own homes to build that relationship. Building a relationship so to build a great policy, a new intervention, and to further research these positive changes will continue to challenge our public health leaders to bring a much more positive view and opportunity for the local church members. This partnership will lead to difficult conversations such as HIV prevention, informing children in regards to abstinence, blood donations can become an easier conversation that can help bring these efforts to address serious conditions can help reduce the risk of mortality and allow these people in different environments to have healthier lives (Wingood, 2013).

As a Christian and a healthcare professional,  there seems to be a lot of bias around public health research, but public health researchers and all healthcare professionals that work with faith-based organizations do work hard to challenge themselves by providing biased reports to the community as a whole. I hope that public health professionals can work with faith-based organizations to fully build a relationship with Pastors, church members, the community, and important health care professions to build a relationship to promote a healthier lifestyle for all people regardless of their disparities. My team overall did a great job in providing information that was helpful for me to complete my work. Teamwork and collaboration are key to public health.

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Needs for a Healthy Lifestyle. (2022, Jun 30). Retrieved from

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