MU24-2 Safe but Challenging Environment

Topics: Risk Management

MU24-2.1 Explain why a safe but challenging environment is important for children and young people.

Children and young people should have a challenging environment because when they are subjected to different challenges, they will have the chance to develop skills and learn new things. A safe environment is equally as important as children’s learning should take place in a risk-free environment.

MU24-2.2 Identify the differences between risk and hazard.

The difference between a hazard and a risk is a hazard is something that can cause harm, e.

g. electricals, chemicals, etc. A risk is the chance whether it’s a high chance or a low chance of something causing harm.

MU24-2.3 Identify potential hazards to the health, safety and security of children or young people in the work setting

There are many potential hazards in a nursery such as – Wet floors (spilt drinks), electrical items, defective toys, chair hazards, trip hazards, children could choke on food, they can spread virus quickly, somebody could potentially keep a safety gate open and the child run out, A parent could leave a baby gate open and the baby will be in danger due to stairs.

MU24-3.1- Identify non-medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting

The non-medical incidents and emergencies that might occur in work settings could be a lack of important things electricity/water/gas/heat, flood or fire.

MU24-3.2- Outline the actions to take in response to the following situations:

a) firesb) security incidentsc) emergency incidents

Fire – If there was to be a fire inside the nursery setting, The fire drill procedure would need to take place immediately.

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If you discover the fire, you would then have to proceed to raise the alarm.

Once the alarm has been raised, the nursery setting would need to be evacuated immediately by using the closest safety exit, picking up the register on the way out is a necessity. The staff will need to lead the children out in a straight line and direct them to the allocated assembly point.

The manager would then proceed to check all areas in the building (toilets, staff room, baby changing area, sleep room, play areas) etc to check there is no other children/child/staff member in the building. You would need to close all doors behind you and dial 999 and ask for the fire service.

Whilst waiting for the fire service, check the register to make sure you have all your children. If the fire was only small, attempts could be made to put it out. If it was too dangerous to put out, leave it and evacuate as soon as possible with all the children in a single fire.

MU24-4.1 Identify the signs and symptoms which may indicate that a child or young person is injured or unwell.

The signs and symptoms which may indicate a child or young persons is unwell or injured may be some of the following:

May not seem themselves, out of character

Quiet, sluggish, restless



May seem irritable, grouchy

A rash may appear

High temperatures

Not wanting to eat

MU24-4.2 The circumstances where a child or young persons may need urgent medical attention are;

Loss of awareness, consciousness

Head injuries

Continuous bleeding after first aid is given

Suspected fractures

Burns or scalds


Suspected poisoning

Allergic reactions

MU24-4.3 My own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or young persons requiring urgent medical attention;

To remain calm and assess the situation and what is best for the child or young persons

Minimize where possible the dangers to others and myself

Make sure there is somebody to supervise the other children

Dial 999

Give emergency services the correct name, location, number. Explain what has happened

Reassure the child

Always have the child’s information at hand, tell them last meal given, drinks, allergies etc.

MU24-5.1 Describe the reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses.

The reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses are the following;

All injuries or illnesses that occur must be reported to the child’s parents or primary carer. They should be told the nature of the injury or illness, and the treatment given

The name of the person who took care of the child’s treatment

The time of the incident

At moments like this there should be an accident form stating what happened, when and what time treatment was given, which the parents then sign once they have been informed of the incident. When a child or young person becomes ill, report to the manager and fill in the child’s record of illness, these should be;

When the child first showed signs of illness

What the symptoms are

Any action taken

Monitoring the progress of the illness

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MU24-2 Safe but Challenging Environment
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