“Monomyth”: What Is It

Heroes go on journeys and through obstacles that shape them in every possible way no matter the talents or skills that they have. Many stories such as Beowulf, The First Knight, and The Once and Future King all prove that the monomyth is correct. Joseph Campbell succeeded in making his argument that heroes develop in stages and coined the term “The Monomyth” because it is widely accepted by psychologist, followed by authors, and seen within several famous movies.

Joseph Campbell’s term “The Monomyth” is widely accepted by psychologist.

Psychologist use a hero’s journey as a life-coaching tool. As a psychologist, you would explain the concept of “The monomyth” and that it can be described as the template for heroes. In all stories the hero will go on an adventure, face obstacles but somehow pulls out a victory, and comes home a changed person. The monomyth is composed of these twelve steps: ordinary world, call to adventure, acceptance or refusal of the call, entering the unknown, supernatural aid, the talisman, allies/helpers, tests and the supreme ordeal, reward and the journey home, and restoring the world.

The hero may not go through each stage of the monomyth in every story, but they do experience some of them. It is encouraging for a client to realize they are on a journey. This gives them a chance to pull back and see light at the end of their dark tunnel. Understanding the hero’s journey shows them what they are going through is temporary and has meaning.

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Once this is accepted, it is much easier to accept and push through.

Although “The Monomyth” is widely used in psychology, it is also a useful writing guide to modern day authors, for example, The Hunger Games Trilogy. Within The Hunger Games Trilogy, Katniss Everdeen follows the steps of “The Monomyth.” Katniss Everdeen fulfilled the refusal of the call when Gale suggested that they run away into the woods. Gale wanted them to start a new life away from the capital. Katniss explains that she will not run away and leave her family unprotected. She knew there was no possible way that her family could survive without her. Katniss also knew the capital would find them and kill them. Katniss completes the call to adventure when her baby sister Prim Rose’s name was drawn to compete in the hunger games. Katniss volunteers in Prim’s place and promises to try to win and return home to her family.

Just as “The Monomyth” is used within psychology and for a writing guide, it is used in several famous movies. The movies Frozen, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Harry Potter Series, and Star Wars Trilogy Episodes IV-VI all follow the guidelines of “The Monomyth.” Within the movie Frozen, Elsa curses Arendelle, Norway, with perpetual winter. Elsa’s spunky sister, Anna, fearlessly leads a team that consists of a reindeer, a mountaineer, a snowman, and herself to save the kingdom from the mess she made. Anna is a hero because she saved Arendelle from an eternal winter. Anna completes each stage of “The Monomyth,” for example, her refusal of the call happens when she will not listen to anyone and refuses to take no for an answer. Just as Anna’s adventure followed the guidelines of “The Monomyth” so did Luke Skywalker in his adventures. Luke Skywalker, the main character from Star Wars Trilogy Episodes IV-VI, faced many trials while inside the Death Star — during the battle to destroy the original Death Star, his training on Dagobah, saving Han from Jabba, saving Leia from Jabba; all of these are essential for his eventual evolution to true hero.

Joseph Campbell succeeded in making his argument that heroes develop in stages and coined the term “The Monomyth” because it is widely accepted by psychologist, followed by authors, and seen within several famous movies. Many stories such as Beowulf, The first Knight, and The Once and Future King all prove that the monomyth is correct. Heroes go on journeys and through obstacles that shape them in every possible way no matter the talents or skills that they have.

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“Monomyth”: What Is It. (2021, Dec 24). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/monomyth-what-is-it/

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