Men Are Far More Likely To Be Convicted of Domestic Violence

Crime happens when you do not follow the laws of the state or country government on where you live in and when these laws are broken it can lead to a prescribed conviction. Crime has always been considered to be a mainly male activity but evidence shows in recent study in has show a slight increase in female crime. Sociologists such as Mac an Ghaill believe that men of the 21st century are going through a ‘crisis of masculinity’ relating to who they are and what they are essentially needed for or in other cases what society expects from them or their family and peers.

But what about women? their roles are increasingly changing and confusion can be caused between the male and female roles and many believe that this is the cause of the increase of female crime. Females were always looked at as gentle, caring, and more responsible than males.

Women also had this role in life to be birth givers, take care of the house and family, cook, and clean that’s why it is so shocking to know that women crime is increasing and women’s violence as well.

As I was reading a article of Increasing Female Crime By Tash Strangwood and Claire Tunaley and it said that Post-modernists such as Lyotard state that the identity and roles of women in society are changing women are becoming increasingly independent and self reliant, and some changing their identities even more as the carefree troublemaking opposites that are males.

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The new identity of ‘Ladette’, In the article sociologists believe are becoming the reason and route of the increasing numbers of females committing and being convicted of criminal activities. In the article it talks about a story of a young woman called Ladette who behaves in a way similar to a young man, namely being rude and loud, drinking to excess, and it has been said that it is the excessive drinking and the rude behavior and aggressive behavior that is leading the crimes committed.

Another example in the article it gives is another young woman named Paris Hayes who is 17 years-old who began excessively drinking at the age of 14, her drinking lead to her expulsion at school, and was constantly stopped by police for anti-social behavior. Statistically in the article talks about in the year 2009-2010 Ladettes women were arrested and hold into police custody every hour or so, for some form of violent crime, “this was an all time record in police accounts” it was stated in the article . 88,139 women were arrested for violence over the course of 12 months; this is nearly 250 women arrested per day, resulting in a massive increase of nearly 1000 than a year earlier, whereas astonishingly the number of men arrested fell by 10,000. 2009 is the second straight year that women are more likely to commit a violent crime that any other offence.

Recent studies it shows The increase in the rate at which women are going to prison has outpaced that of men. Since 1981, the number of men being put behind bars has gone up 112 percent; the number of women, 202 percent. This corresponds neatly with the upward trend in arrest rates; the rate of increase for women is now nearly double that for men. Another article that proves that women crime is raising is the one on The Criminal Justice System’s War On Women . It talks aboutWomen are the fastest growing population in prison. More than one million women are currently behind bars or under the control of the criminal justice system, and the rate of incarceration for women has been growing nearly twice as fast as that of men since 1985. The war on drugs is a primary reason for this drastic increase. Many women wind up involved in criminal acts as a result of drugs and their romantic entanglements with abusive partners, and they often pay hefty prices for this activity. Indeed, nearly 60 percent of women in federal prisons are there for drug convictions.

These women often play small roles in a criminal enterprise, sometimes under significant duress, and rarely are involved in violence or have extensive prior convictions. In a article I read it shows how women became more violent over the years. One might imagine that even though violent crime rate might not be as high as men it shows that women generally less aggressive. Yet, marriage researchers observe the opposite pattern. Women are more likely to pick fights with their husbands, they are quicker to escalate verbal aggression, and are as likely to use physical aggression as men. Despite these things happening and their discovery, men are much more likely to be convicted of domestic violence related charges. For the obvious reason for this is that men are generally larger and stronger, and may have more experience with physical aggression, such as that commonly associated with contact sports.

But there is a lot of men being abused that are unknown of because of the fact that they are men and it would be unmanly to not be able to handle your wife or girlfriend. Arrest data show a rather sharp increase in the number of women arrested for simple and aggravated assault in recent years, though it doesn’t show for other crimes of violence like murder which it did decreased a little but ln California, “girls and women accounted for 6 percent of domestic violence arrests in 1988 but 16.5 percent in 1998, meaning that the female share of domestic violence arrests tripled in a decade’’ shown in the article. In Concord, New Hampshire, 35 percent of those arrested for domestic violence were women.

In conclusion, Crime happens when you do not follow the laws of the state or country government on where you live in and when these laws are broken it can lead to a prescribe a conviction. Crime has always been considered to be a mainly male activity but evidence shows in recent study in has show a slight increase in female crime. But what about women? their roles are increasingly changing and confusion can be caused between the male and female roles and many believe that this is the cause of the increase of female crime. Females were always looked as a the gentle, caring and more responsible than males. Women also had this role in life to be birth givers, take care of the house and family, cook, and clean that’s why it is so shocking to know that women crime is increasing and women violence as well.

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Men Are Far More Likely To Be Convicted of Domestic Violence. (2023, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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