Leaving and Settling in a New Country is not Easy

Topics: Culture Shock

Moving to a new country is not really as easy as it sounds. There are numerous reasons as to why someone would get up, pack all his/her belongings and move somewhere new, while leaving everything he/she knew and loved. The first sixteen years of my life were spent in, what I thought was the most wonderful place, Syria. The differences between my country and the united states were almost impossible to overcome. It was especially difficult moving to the United states, for reasons such as, culture shock, my language barrier, and finances.

It goes without saying that culture shock was the biggest discrepancy between Syria and the United States. It was mainly things such as living situations, food, and social mannerism that really puzzled me. Where I come from, everything was different. People had a different way of life here that was exceedingly different from how I grew up. They communicated with each other differently here, whereas back home everyone was harmonized with each other.

I had felt lonely as if there was no way to connect with any of the locals here and that no one could understand me.

Another major dissimilarity was the languages that everyone spoke. Where I come from there was only one language that everyone spoke, it was Arabic. Once I came to the US, I realized that although English was the national language, there was plenty more languages being spoken all around me. Learning the English language was a struggle of its own, let alone trying to keep up with everyone around me going full speed in two or three different languages.

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As I learned the English language and become more familiar with it, bridging the gap with people speaking other language was especially challenging.

In addition to the disparities mentioned earlier, finances was another primary distinction between Syria and the United States. When my family and I first moved here, balancing our finances and expenses was a conflict we had to deal with everyday. Finding a job was already difficult, especially due to the case of the language barrier and culture shift. As well as the fact that currency used in Syria was already much lower than the American Dollar. Everything has a higher value here in the United States, as well.

Moving to a new country is not really as easy as it sounds. There are numerous reasons as to why someone would get up, pack all his/her belongings and move somewhere new, while leaving everything he/she knew and loved. The first sixteen years of my life were spent in, what I thought was the most wonderful place, Syria. The differences between my country and the united states were almost impossible to overcome. It was especially difficult moving to the United states, for reasons such as, culture shock, my language barrier, and finances.

To sum everything up, moving to a new country is no where near effortless, and it might actually be the exact opposite. Although I have mentioned the culture shock, language barrier, and finance issues; there are many more difficulties that come along with moving into a new country, these are only strictly a few. Even though, there are many reasons for someone to pack up and leave their home land, it is not usually a simple decision; the differences could be almost devastating to those experiencing them. It takes a while for things to get better, but even when they do, there’s no way to forget the struggles my family and I have overcome.

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Leaving and Settling in a New Country is not Easy. (2022, Apr 25). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/leaving-and-settling-in-a-new-country-is-not-easy/

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