Issue of Human Trafficking in the Movie Taken

Topics: Women'S Rights

I remember when I first became aware of human trafficking. I was eleven and the movie taken hadjust came out and my family and I gathered around the television and watched it I will admit that after the movie I was so taken back not because of how good of the acting Liam Neesan did, but the reality that traveling alone and abroad is so scary At any moment, you can be at risk if you are not aware or responsible, because the sad thing is, human trafficking is very real and a very profitable industry, The topic of this critique is taking care of the ‘widow, the orphan, and the alien: caring for the oppressed.

’ In the reading, you tell the story of David and how he raped a woman, impregnating her, and killing her husband to take as his wife Although the woman could do nothing in this situation and due to tragedy and her life was completely changed because of David God still cared for this woman, he allowed the King of his people David, to take her up as his wife and not leave her to a widowed single mother.

This brings me to my point that God cares for the people who cannot care for themselves Like my aunt always says, “God will never give you more than you can handle,” You will always go through things in life but no matter how hard or difficult things get it will never be impossible or to bearing.

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You will come out of it stronger and better as long as you stick to your faith You don’t have to follow the true religion for God to care for you and care about you. Woman are trafficked and raped every minute of every day, And my view on the situation is just because a woman does not believe in God or the true religion does not mean God will not take care of her. Bathsheba’s situation she was raped and the scripture does not condemn her no does God leave her astray but has David take her as a wife even after her unfortunate situation.

Just like Bathsheba many women and in many cases almost every woman has little to no power in the situation when it comes to rape or human trafficking. It‘s something that woman face daily and clearly has been going on since biblical times, Sex is a part of our human nature but forcefully taking someone unto yourself without their permission is wrong beyond words and sadly man and woman become victims to these things daily. I remember hearing a testimony about a man who when he was just a boy was befriended by and older man who later kidnapped him and used him as a sex slave and not only did this alter this young boy‘s way of thinking but it left him scarred to this day. This man now uses his testimony to help boys and girls that have been in his situation and helps them cope but also brings situations like these to people attentions so they can be aware and avoid bad people like this.

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Issue of Human Trafficking in the Movie Taken. (2022, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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