Io e te by Niccolò Ammaniti Review

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With his latest novel “Io e te” – in March 2012 by Piper in German as well as an audio book, read by Hans Löw appeared – leads Niccolò Ammaniti us back to the inner and outer world of a sensitive, intelligent, thoughtful fourteen year old which is in a difficult position has to prove itself. Lorenzo grows up in a wealthy bourgeois family in Rome: Mamma runs a gallery, Papà is an important businessman, the budget leads Nihal ( il cameriere ), you live in a palazzo , one has bought Nunziante the Contessa, you have vacation homes in Capri and Cortina, and the son of a private school.

In this environment, Lorenzo has won a comprehensive general education and a good taste, and it can be analyzed and his fellows themselves.

But he isolates himself. That’s why his parents make him, with him worry. When he was younger, they hired Au Pair, so he had company and they let him examine psychiatrically. In fact, it falls short with his self-confidence and its acceptance by peers: ” Sparisci, microbo .

” ( “Hissing from you microbe.”, P 30). . So he wants above all his peace and his classmates observed from a safe distance

For a while he tried mimicry – “… una mosca che imita le vespe [. …] non fa niente, è buona. Ma, vestita come una vespa, gli uccelli, le lucertole, persino gli uomini la temono. Può entrare tranquilla nei vespai, uno dei luoghi più pericolosi e vigilati del mondo, e nessuno la riconosce. […] Ecco cosa dovevo fare. imitare i più pericolosi .

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” ( “… a fly, mimicking the wasps. […] She does anything to anyone, it is harmless. But because it is disguised as a wasp, birds, lizards and even the people are afraid of her. You can calmly in pure flying wasp nests – one of the most dangerous and best guarded places in the world – without them would be recognized […] that’s what I do had: the most dangerous imitate “, 31) – but soon he realizes.. that he therefore does not find herself. He wants to be close to the attractive Alessia Roncato and three other classmates, whom he admired for their close friendship with each other and their arrogant self-confidence and aloofness. Lorenzo’s mother cries secret tears of happiness when he told her one day that Alessia has invited him to spend the winter holidays with her family in Cortina …

We are about reached on page 40, and there are only laid the foundations for what must come. For Lorenzo learns that the world has to offer a lot of other sides. Roman city traffic Mamas fine BMW collided with the wing mirror of a Smart, and its rough owners increases, fueled by his ragazzotta , in worst tirades until ” ‘ sta borghese di merda “(p 51) humiliated lying on the pavement

Lorenzo’s most important partner in the chamber play this little novel but is only now into the action. It’s Olivia, Lorenzo’s half-sister from the first marriage of his father with a Milan dentist. It is not only nine years older, but has a significantly ungeschützteres life behind as her half-brother. The depths that it has passed through, Lorenzo were so far unknown. The bitter truth – about her, about his parents, about the world, about themselves – Lorenzo can not avoid, because as he himself has threaded this episode of his life, the two are forced to embark on each other, to accept each other – . and yourself

Niccolò Ammaniti dominated two feats particularly well: First: from a nondescript initial event – a more or less average adult meets another or has an idea, a plan, an obsession – it develops a storyline that more and more is falling apart, to increase the absurd and in the end perhaps everyone involved (and innocent bystanders) swallows ( Ti prendo e ti porto via Che la festa cominci ). Second, he maneuvered an adolescent in a situation in which he unexpectedly with the essential things of life is confronted, it must be finished and it is growing ( Io non ho paura Come Dio comanda Io e te ). Both models designed Ammaniti, although their plots are far apart on the realism scale, convincing and extremely successful – proof of his true quality. His books – both models – are also entertaining, thrilling, funny and dry-realistic talks about what makes for a clear reading fun. The dialogues are scarce, the episodes pointedly, situations and language are taken from the Italian daily life in the middle. Deep abrasions end reflections, pregnant with meaning hints extravagant descriptions are nowhere. And yet every single book surprises the reader by its independent character

Thematically “Io e te” in this context is more contemplative, touching at the end, but -. If the one contrast is it – an entertaining read .

Supplements from 11/22/2013: Health – since August 2012, there is the book in an edition at Reclams Red row Niccolò Ammaniti:” Io e te “at”

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Io e te by Niccolò Ammaniti Review
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