"Come Dio Comand"a By Niccolò Ammaniti

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Clear and concise said: In my personal classifica This is – by “Io non ho Paura” (2001) – the author’s second best novel published in 2006, he brings masterfully between two book covers, what I like about Ammanitis books most and what he does best: a touching story of initiation in ungeschöntem social context tell adorable. His exuberant imagination curbs Ammaniti here at least as far as the plot is that to some extent in the hard daily limits of unfolded, what could actually happen.

Close behind followed by “Ti prendo e ti porto via” (1999), which is her private less relevant from the group of people and by the embassies ago exalted by the Plot ago. “Io e te” (2010) is more intimate, “Che la festa cominci” (2009) overtightened, and “mud” (1999) is still too deep in the Pulp fiction Trash Noir Grottesk phase, the author of the has shaped today the last of the four main parts preceded by the two-line song of songwriter Edoardo Bennato: “Ti hanno iscritto / a un gioco grande”.

This is true in a sarcastic way what Cristiano Zena happens. Despite widrigster circumstances yet reasonably intact thirteen falls into a whirlpool that trigger the others who made their (oblique) perspective quite well with it mine. In the end he is left alone, in the chaos of his ruined life circumstances.

Cristianos role model is his father Rino. The is the woman ran away, he is unemployed and lives with his son in a rundown house between the industrial area and no man’s land.

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The man has the mentality of a chain dog: It is inconceivable flammable, ready to devour a supposed enemy. Brutal in thoughts and deeds, he has no limits. On the margins of society, he makes his way, ideologically to the right drifting, tattooed, despised and enigmatic, only for few women attractive.

At the heart of Rino Zena’s costumes is his son, his only support and meaning in life. This precious gift he claimed jealous and proud, and he defended his property by stealth, for example, against the authorities, in the form of the social worker Beppe Trecca. Cristianos education has only one goal: life skills along the lines of the Father. Small exercises on this path are at night to shoot a guard dog and a braked capucciotto against the father’s nose to thunder. Praise be, make it tough

The father-son relationship characterized by mutual respect and blind faith, even of raw emotion, and we suspect that perhaps Rino has a heart buried under all the garbage that he has accumulated in his life. In some key scenes Rino stunning images and words is for his son: “Io non posso cadere” – “Perché?” – “Perché so il segreto per non cadere.” (S. 324) -. Then he lets the tense Cristiano the secret search itself

So guided, Cristiano Zena learn to assert themselves. If he independently, is uncontrolled, he is in greatest calamities, from which the father him must hew out. He retains affection and admiration for his father, and his awareness of right and wrong remains basically, but in his “gioco grande” it can only be losers: “Cristiano, ce l’hai un cuore” asks Beppe, and as the boy replies.

Rinos mate Danilo is a loser. After the death of the little girl he has left his wife, and he plunged deep; now he wants to regain its lost status, and to him are all means necessary – the casual worker feels superior to all, has ambitious plans, is certainly not better than others and overestimated themselves as well as they. From him the fatal plan was to break an ATM pity and horror excited “Quattro Formaggi,” the second companion of Zenas. Mentally something retarded, he lives best in his presepe , a giant Christmas crib lovingly collected waste ( tipo Surprise Figurine) whose parallel world crude childish thoughts, Religious and fatally also obsession with sex reified.

Beppe Trecca, the social worker, falls entirely unexpected woman’s best friend. This fatality crashes the wimp in a moral rollercoaster – sometimes he feels like a daredevil, cold-blooded seducer, soon he is repentant sinner. Unfortunately, he can thus its important everyday tasks no longer pursue as it would be desirable for Cristiano…

The outer appearance is deceptive in any case in this hypocritical society: spontaneous decides Cristiano in the pet shop, the cute ferret steal, it’s in his pants, piles – and, of course, caught immediately; the biestigen affluent girls about it – eh think of joints, booze and sex – loot is almost the boutiques and leave even the most innocent impressions.

In the countless chapters that make up these life proves to Ammanitis inexhaustible storytelling – dense, fat-free, formulated on the point, but extravagant creative as the mensoloni the Baroque balconies Sicilian-southeast: For one, two Absätzchen the master wanders off briefly times, only to a nickname, to establish a figure a scar, a quirk, and returns to an episode from that other authors could serve as the opening pitch for a whole novel … How, for example, because Danilo has lost his daughter? Because a child seat, though often tested, did not let open, Danilo someday. And how he comes himself killed? “La ruota destra COLPI a centosessanta chilometri orari il marciapiede e si Stacco dal mozzo e la macchina si ribaltò e Cominciò ad avvitarsi su se stessa e si accartocciò contro un’enorme fioriera di cemento che era stata messa lì dalla nuova giunta comunale per impedire all . auto di quello che entrare in chiamavano centro storico “.

Moreover, it is also this Ammaniti not for the fainthearted: When Rino and company slam, then right and all the way to comic kind ( “Crick”, “STOCK” bombs in the brain and Willie the Coyote). Also, the structural principle is tried, entertaining and reader-friendly: A half dozen storylines is mainly processed chronologically in 244 little chapter devoted pretty alternately one person and phase, lead this Schnipselchen to each other, each other reflect, complement, perspective – and usually a cliffhanger for more forces at the end of the chapter … that all this God could have ordered (or he likes, as it says in the German translation), can only be cynical be meant. And yet shine through the surface of the all-pervasive violence – physical, psychological, verbal, social, biographical – again simple morality that manifest as concern for the afflicted mother, the unconditional entry for each other in friendship and scruples, but ultimately from another world come as the one in which Cristiano involved needs.

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"Come Dio Comand"a By Niccolò Ammaniti. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/come-dio-comanda-by-niccolo-ammaniti-my-review/

"Come Dio Comand"a By Niccolò Ammaniti
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