Hard childhood Frank Timmons

Frank Timmons is a 55-year-old African American male, who was the second youngest out of 13 children and was born in a large metropolitan city in 1964 (Southern New Hampshire University, 2019). Timmons lost his mother at the age of 12, but leading up to that his mother, Loretta was not an active parent, she was an absent parent who rarely cared for her children when she was alive. Loretta would often leave him in the care of his older sister Margaret.

Frank did no have the best childhood growing up, Frank’s parents divorced a few years into his early childhood.

Frank was left in the care of his father, who was described as having an alcohol abuse problem and being verbally abusive, he also was left with Margaret, his older sister. Margaret was allegedly sexually abusive and verbally abusive to her siblings and was described as mentally unstable with multiple suicide attempts (Southern New Hampshire University, 2019).

Alcoholism seems to run in the family, starting with Billy, the father, then Margret, the oldest sister and lastly, Frank, who received a DUI.

Frank played high school football and was well-liked by his peers but could be rough at times with other players. Frank was not able to graduate high school because he was busy working and trying to help financially to keep his family afloat; he was not able to attain all the credits he needed for graduation. Unfortunately, Frank has a criminal history of rape and assault, which began his Senior year of high school, when he was arrested for rape, however no charges were filed.

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Frank was also charged with driving under the influence and trespassing the following years to come.

Frank was charged with abducting a woman and brutally raping and bludgeoning her, he received a 15-year sentence for abduction and 21-year sentence for robbery in his early 20s. He was able to be released from prison on good behavior or being a “model inmate” only after serving 13 years of his sentence (Southern New Hampshire University, 2019). Frank stated that the woman had consensual oral sex with him and that the rape and assault had been done by two other men, not him.

After Frank was released, he moved with his wife Jenny Nelson, who lived only within four miles of the crime radius. “Most serial killers have specific preferences for the location of their killings. They frequently commit their crimes within comfort zones that are often defined by an anchor point, such as their residence, employment, or the residence of a relative” (Bartol & Bartol, 2017). Frank soon was hired on with a construction company and all the neighbors seemed to like Frank, even though they knew about his past criminal history and him being in prison. A year after Frank’s parole is when the serial killing began, when the suspect forced three teenage girls behind a church and molested two of them.

The murders were very brutal, and the perpetrator was assaulting females as young as 12-years old. It was only a month later when Frank allegedly committed his very first murder, and within the next 11 months numerous crimes such as robbery, sexual assault and eight additional murders were committed (Southern New Hampshire University, 2019). People had nothing but positive things to say about Frank, one friend even told the police they needed to keep searching for the correct guy because Frank was not the serial killer (Southern New Hampshire University, 2019).

Frank Timmons’ motivation for committing these crimes was due to anger and abandonment issues he had with the women in his life and how he was treated by both his mother and sister. His aggressive behavior came from the abuse he received from his father, Billy and his older sister Margaret, not to mention the lack of parental guidance or nurture from his mother Loretta. Frank only chose female victims because he was angry with women in general and he wanted possible revenge or to feel in control. Frank’s motivation also comes from the lack of developmental, psychological and socioeconomic factors in his home growing up as a child and adolescence.

Upon investigation, I found another serial killer named Samuel Little. Little is also known as the ‘Most prolific serial killer in U.S history’ (‘Samuel Little: Confessions of a Killer | Federal Bureau of Investigation’, 2019). Little was convicted in 2012 for the murders of three women in California and a woman in Texas in 1994. Little, who is now 79 years old has confessed to 93 murders in total. Law enforcement has confirmed over half of his confessions, but some remain unmatched. Little says that between the years of 1970-2005 he strangled his victims, most of them being women.

Just like Timmons’, Little did not have an active mother in his life either. Little claimed that his mother was a prostitute and wasn’t active in life at all, she was an absent parent too and did not really care for him like a true mother should have. Little was raised by his grandmother. Little’s criminal activity began when he was young, just as Timmons’ did as well. At the age of 16 he was convicted of breaking and entering a property and was held in an institution for juvenile offenders.

These two men, Timmons and Little are both African American and they seem to both target nothing but women. There are no certain motives that are listed for either one of these men, however from researching both cases and reading the material given, it seems that both men were angry with the women in their lives, and had a lot of resentment towards women and they both felt rejected and unloved by their mothers and in Timmons’ case, he endured sexual and verbal abuse by his father and older sister. These men felt powerless and they were seeking revenge on women from the mental, psychological, sexual and verbal abuse they endured.

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Hard childhood Frank Timmons. (2021, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/hard-childhood-frank-timmons/

Hard childhood Frank Timmons
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