Functionalism Perspective

According to the Functionalism perspective, is a framework for society to interlink different social institutions and their functions of society into one to be able to maintain an equilibrium. Meaning that each social institution has a different role to play in society when it comes to coming up with a solution for a problem by inflating one another. An example is as students we are educated by our parents and family to be social with others and caring, meanwhile, when we go to school students are taught more in-depth of about education and its functions.

Despite, trying to maintain equilibrium in a society there are some flaws

One of the overall ways in how Walmart is functional for society is that Walmart is that it ensures customers have the convenience of going to this store and begin able to purchase back-to-school items, clothing and have a grocery store section all for a low price. However, Walmart is dysfunctional for society overall because they advertise products that they do not have available to them, because if you looked at where your products are coming from you will discover that the clothing, electronics and toys are made in China, meanwhile, the food products come from other countries like Mexico or China.

Due to this dysfunction a large percentage of the client intel was lost and boycotted. Another reason why Walmart is dysfunctional to society is that begin known as a store with lower prices, it does not affect or attract the attention of all groups of society.

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Due, to this factor Walmart is more effective in catering to the needs of lower and working middle-income families than it does to higher-end families or individuals.

A quote from Paul Colomy article entitled “ Three Sociological Perspectives,” was when he stated that “If a society does not satisfactorily these (and other) problems, it will experience considerable strain, and its if its failure to address these problems continues, it will collapse (28).” The quote relates  to Walmart’s failure to provide goods that were produced in the U.S, which led consumers/clients to boycott the company. The other failure that has also led to Walmart to collapse is that it does not cater to the needs of the higher class. If this company continues to ignore the problems addressed by  society then it will lead the company to collapse and possibly close down in areas.

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Functionalism Perspective. (2021, Dec 06). Retrieved from

Functionalism Perspective
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