Essays on American Beauty

Free essays on American Beauty are academic works that provide an analysis of the movie. These essays explore the themes, characters, and symbolism used in the movie, highlighting the deeper meanings and messages behind the film. They provide critical perspectives on the movie, discussing its cultural impact and relevance to contemporary issues. These essays are ideal resources for students and scholars studying film, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies. With a range of opinions and interpretations, these essays offer valuable insights into American Beauty and its significance in modern cinema.
Meaning of the Color Red in the Movie, American Beauty
Words • 1154
Pages • 5
After observing the movie American Beauty, I have done a few pieces of research It turns out that American beauty is actually a name of a type of roses. Its flower phase is really short but beautiful. The director uses this name here as a metaphor to present the leading man Lester Burnham‘s happy but fleet period before he died. The movie starts with Jane Burnham, Lester Burnham’s daughter, lying on the bed complaining about how bad her father is.…...
American BeautyDesireHappinessPsychology
Social Conventions in American Beauty
Words • 1727
Pages • 7
The paradigms that govern the film, American Beauty. Through the exploration of capitalism and how it constructs societal expectations, the film’s main topics of happiness and sexuality are examined. These topics will be analyzed both independently and jointly in how it influences the choices of the characters and the effects that their choices make. Though at face value, this film portrays rebellion of social norms, deep down it actually sets a precedent of what not to do. The parameters of…...
American BeautyBeautyHappinessPsychology
American Beauty vs The Great Gatsby
Words • 899
Pages • 4
Upholding the American Dream means standing by the belief that if one is determined and pushes beyond the limits then they will achieve success and happiness. However, this so- called American Dream is a delusion that is tainted with self-seeking, narcissistic values and lies that can lead toward melancholy.  The reason why Americans have been so obsessed with the desire to become happy lies within the famous line from the Declaration of Independence: “the pursuit of happiness.” Because of this…...
American BeautyCultureHappinessPsychology
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American Beauty – Lester Burnham Character Analysis
Words • 1041
Pages • 5
The character I chose to analyze from American Beauty is Lester Burnham. Lester is a forty-year-old American man going through what seems to be a midlife crisis. Lester also shows signs of depression. In the opening scene of the movie, Lester says, “My name is Lester Burnham…In less than a year, I’ll be dead. Of course, I don’t know that yet. And in a way, I’m dead already” (Mendes, 1999). Throughout the movie, Lester’s many challenges are shown; he is not…...
American Beauty
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