Forces and Motion

The world in motion Galileo’s science of motion Newton’s laws in action Gravity: the long-range force Combined forces Back and forth The fundamental forces by Darlene R. Stille Illustrated by Sheree Boyd # Motion: Push and Pull, Fast and Slow Non-Fiction Motion: Push and Pull, Fast and Slow is a nonfiction picture book engaging young readers to delve into concepts of motion by learning about movement, speed, force, and inertia. This book applies to our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard focus (SC.

2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object) because it includes topics on motion such as: How Things Move Let’s Get Going Who’s Moving by Claire Llewellyn Illustrated by Simone Abel # And Everyone Shouted, ‘Pull!’: A First Look at Forces and Motion Fiction And Everyone Shouted, ‘Pull!’: A First Look at Forces and Motion is a fiction book that teaches topics about forces and motion when farm animals take a trip to the market.

The wheels on their cart help them on their journey when they are able to push, pull, and stop the cart. This book is related to our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard focus (SC.2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object) because it includes topics on motion and force such as: Push and Pull Force Friction by Marla Frazee # Roller Coaster Fiction Roller Coaster is a fictional story giving a play by play account of a thrilling roller coaster ride.

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This ride will teach students about force, motion, and gravity which our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard focuses on: SC.2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object.

After reading this book teachers can ask students questions about how roller-coasters work and what forces are used during each part of the ride. by Kimberly Bradley Illustrated by Paul Meisel # Forces Make Things Move Non-Fiction Forces Make Things Move is a nonfiction book that describes forces that are all around students in a realistic way. Topics discussed in this book include: Push Pull Gravity Forces Friction Movement These topics are the focus of our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard: SC.2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object. by William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer Illustarted by Elizabeth Zunon # The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Non-Fiction The Boy who Harnessed the Wind is a nonfiction story about how fourteen year old William helped bring his village electricity, after a drought hit.

This story will teach students about the force of wind power and how it relates to motion and electricity. This book is a great resource for our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard focus (SC.2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object) because it includes topics on motion and force such as: Force Movement Wind Power by Virginia Kroll Illustrated by Philomena O’Neill # Equal Shmequal Fiction Equal Shmequal is a fictional story about a mouse and her friends wanting to play a game of tug of war. Mouse and her friends can’t figure out how to make the teams equal until she starts to think about it mathematically. Students will discuss topics about balance in force and motion when mouse and her friends discover, through mathematics and problem-solving, how to create two equally balanced teams to play tug-of-war.

Topics discussed are the focus of our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard: SC.2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object. by Adrienne Mason Illustarted by Claudia Dávila # Move It!: Motion, Forces and You Non-Fiction Move It! Motion, Forces, and You is a juvenile nonfiction book that explores the physics of why things move and how things move. Topics included in this book are topics covered in our Becoming a Science Expert project and standard (SC.2.P.13.4: Demonstrate that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object.

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Forces and Motion. (2022, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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