Falling in Love

Topics: Love

Love, you’ve seen it, heard it and emotionally felt it, but do you know what it actually is. Love comes in many forms, many of us have many different perceptions of what love is but it seems that love always seems to have one main definition. In Googles’ Dictionary, love is described as ‘an intense feeling of deep affection’. Although this is a Googles’ definition of love, it does not stray far apart from what others define love as. The word Love is such a small spectrum of what love can actually represent.

Love can appear in many shapes and forms and can represent not just one but many emotions. A lot of these emotions tend to catch the interest of the beholder. Even though people tend to enjoy these emotions, many aren’t ready for the repercussion of falling out of love, which serves as the beginning stages of love but with opposite effects.

Love and Affections

Others defy love in different words but all have one thing in common, and that defying love as affectionate.

Most of everyone believes love can’t be love without affection. This is because of the mass influence of what love is, on social media and films. These mass influences have shown, described and displayed what love is to its viewers and produced a mass definition of what love is. We’re exposed to the idea of love and just get to see the positive aspect. When in reality there are many different aspects to love.

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Social media and films have basically shaped our mind to how love should be. The downfall is that it’s lacking realism and sets the expectations high by damaging the concept of love So it makes sense to believe that when asked ‘What love is?’ mostly everyone would have the same response. Although love is displayed in media, doesn’t mean it’s the only way to find out its meaning. People can describe what love is through human interactions. For instance, growing up in a home your shown love through your caretaker. By caretaker, we can say a mother; a mother would take care of her child. This is portrayed as a mother’s affection towards their child. The concept of love can be narrowed down to its affectionate response, based on media and human interaction, which are just some of the wide spectrum of reasons of how love can be shown as affectionate.

Concepts of Love

The concept of love can appear in many shapes and forms and can represent not just one but many emotions. A lot of these emotions tend to catch the interest of the beholder. I believe that’s why it’s so fascinating to read and talk about because it’s one of the two strongest emotions a person can feel. It can overcome sadness, pain, anger, envy, revenge, challenges and sufferings. A quote by Tessa Bailey “Love comes in many forms. It not always sweet or comfortable” this stood out to me because I agree that love also tends to get uncomfortable at times. In some cases, you love someone in a friendly way, and in another, you begin to get deep strong feelings towards that person that you feel you can’t be without. Just like any other person, everyone wants to experience love for themselves. For some people it’s the feeling of security, feeling safe with another person. It might fill the empty space within a person. And to many love makes people feel complete. It takes away the loneliness and makes people feel okay. “Love can connect people and keep them close regardless of the long distance. Love can bring to people together and make them want to live together for the rest of their lives” a quote by Van Anh describing the importance of love. Love in some cases can be beneficial to one’s mental health as it makes others feel wanted. Although there is no one way to explain why someone might find an interest in love, we can show that it is wanted by most people for all the beneficial outcomes it has on our lives.

Falling Out of Love

Even though people tend to enjoy these emotions, many aren’t ready for the repercussions of falling out of love, which serves as the beginning stages of love but with the opposite effects. According to the article “The Science of Falling Out of love”, people experience effects “including insomnia, low immune system, and the obvious depression. The effects of falling out of love can be a very traumatic experience for anyone. You slowly begin to feel lost, heavy and sluggish”. You feel pain for moments at a time and feel as if you’ll never feel relief again. As unfortunate as it is, the reality of it is, you’re going to feel bad for a while. To put into better words, this quote in the article “Falling Out of Love because We’ve All Been There” states “falling out of love is a roller coaster ride of emotion, from doubt to anger to despair, and it isn’t always easy to explain what it’s like, despite how universal of an experience it is”. Perhaps the reason many aren’t ready for the repercussions of falling out of love is that it comes so unexpected that most people go into denial. So, in the end, people tend to forget about these consequences and proceed to love and ignore the aftermath once love is no longer there.

Love may be defined as “an intense feeling of deep affection”, but truth be told, the word love can be indefinite. Although we can show that everyone may have a different perspective of what love is, it will always seem to narrow down to its affectionate display. With loves’affectionate credibility it’s easy to say that most of everyone wants to be in love, that way they can experience the different emotions that love can portray.

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Falling in Love. (2022, Jan 24). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/falling-in-love/

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