Fake News Intensifying or Eradicating

Topics: Fake News

In recent years, receiving untrue information has been challenged by society especially when a very influential source came to this generation. There are lots of disseminated news where we cannot identify its legitimacy. People nowadays cannot avoid this wide spreading phenomenon.

Accordingly, fake news is false information published under the guise of being authentic news. Therefore, news coming from different sources may not be identified as dodgy or reliable because from the time it is being published, there is a huge possibility that these kinds of news are just a cloak.

Knowing that the 21st century is accepting different kinds of struggle the world can face, fake news has always been there. But why has it become a big issue to the society now?

Fake news is a problem because people tend to not care and not know about the happenings in society. Misleading information may cause various trouble. It can affect the mindset of a person in which reality is not that important anymore.

Politics and some sort of serious matters are the reasons why fake news is evolving.

There is a two-way process for fake news, first is deliberating false stories and second, stories that have some truth but not completely precise. Social media or the internet have a vast character to this spectacle. This is the main reason why people nowadays cannot see what the real thing is all about.

It is why this generation could not merely understand the difference between authentic and fake. Social media like Facebook has an immense impact to the society.

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Aside from home, it is now one of the strengtheners of a person. Once a person engages himself in social media, he cannot evade it anymore. Social media shows us how the world can be deceiving, how people can twist and turn things and how powerful words are. Hence, it really affects an individual’s mind. And because of its influential style, fake news could possibly be intensified.

Even the Philippines is affected by this crucial issue. Because of the government interests, fake news has even reached The Senate. There were lots of negative comments thrown among the concerned politicians but the most affected are the public who, until now, are clueless about this problem our country is facing. And if this continues, it could reach a serious talk that could create a law which may affect people’s freedom of speech and expression, knowing for a fact that it also has its limits and parameters.

Fake news can be created by anyone. The first source would be media and those bloggers who make stories out of their own willingness and capability. Bloggers, because they can produce information about anything at any time using mediums like social media. This is where media literacy takes place.
The public must be knowledgeable about media. Accordingly, media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media wherein there are also precautions that need to be considered. Creating incorrect information might cause people to be confused about the real purpose of media. Media literacy helps people to have critical thinking skills about specific range of issues. And because of this, there is a great chance that fake news could somehow be reduced.

However, there is still a chance that this action can be avoided. Facebook has now started implementing new procedures to reduce its spread of fake news. It has also formed an idea for users in spotting fake news, which is now being displayed on Facebook and has also been published in national newspapers.

Intensifying or eradicating of fake news would not be recognized unless a powerful basis such as social media will make steps for it to happen. People should always be cautious about what they read. This may not only be done once, but several times. Fake news is all around and though we want it to diminish, somehow, it will still fall back in place.

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Fake News Intensifying or Eradicating. (2022, Mar 07). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/fake-news-intensifying-or-eradicating/

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