External Pressure By Mark Parker

External and internal pressures that Mark Parker faced when he assumed the leadership of Nike includes: External pressures included the challenge of establishing the company Nike as the top brand. Mark Parker faced all the pressures successfully in this company “Nike” with his knowledge, experience and skills. Internal pressures included high expectations from the company as well as customers as he wished to get into the criteria of a great leader and also, former CEO of Company Nike. Above all, he needed to justify himself as a great leader for the employees as well as for the board of directors.

Mark Parker has been a great strategist at Nike as he has encouraged his employees to process strategies which can be formulated together to gain the company’s objective. Above all, he has enabled a high credibility for this brand Nike. After understanding the impact of environmental sustainability on their business deals, they started off with their new innovation plan. In this plan, informative changes were created by the company and the company also focused on adopting environmentally friendly policies to maintain its sustainability.

Mark Parker focused on individual product lines by focusing on customer interests like running shoes, basketball products and women’s wear.

There is one evidence that shows that Mark Parker is an effective strategist: He divided and rescheduled the workforce into different departments that were separately liable for individual product categories. Also, he created synergic opportunities for the company to utilize its core competencies. Out of the big five model of personality, agreeableness and adjustment are the two traits that Mark Parker would like for his managers to have them so that they can get agree to the opinions of other employees and adjust with them simultaneously.

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He also applied the tools of leadership very effectively that includes power, politics, and negotiation for achieving the company’s goals.

He is very determined and focused when it comes to delegating power among the employees, handling the politics at the organizational level and negotiating with the various stakeholders of the company. However, communication, coaching and conflict management are very important for attaining goals and success. When Mark Parker became the CEO of the company Nike, he trained his employees and distributors about how to efficiently handle the customer queries and doubts and sell the products. He communicates with his employees to develop awareness about the product’s details to the customers and the stakeholders. Moreover, he managed conflict at his company to make ensure for smooth business deals.


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External Pressure By Mark Parker. (2021, Dec 29). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/external-pressure-by-mark-parker/

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