Effectiveness of Wetland Ecosystem Services

The value of services provided free of charge by the environment often only becomes perceptible when ecosystems are degraded, with serious consequences, particularly economic: reduction in agricultural production, need to dam rivers, etc. An increase in population, an increase in the use of water bodies such as lake, swamp, reeds etc. Which we call wetland, affects wetlands directly. Potential impact on the wetland area, which is likely to affect the ecological character of the wetland with solid, liquid and gas wastes, or that may harm the landscape value of the wetland should be treated with due diligence.

At present, the scarcity of wetland resources is becoming increasingly prominent. Coordinating the management and developing of wetland resources has become an important challenge that is faced by many of us. In this context, the economic value assessment of wetland ecosystem has become an institutional requirement to ensure regional production and construction and environmental safety. At the same time, a quantitative evaluation of the economic value of wetland ecosystem service functions will help straighten out the relationships between wetland ecosystem functions, strengthen the entire society’s understanding of the importance of wetland protection, and optimize policy choices and management of wetland development and utilization.

This will significantly improve the protection level of wetland resources, maintain the stability of the entire wetland ecosystem, and ensure the sustainable use of wetland resources. The improvement of the efficiency of wetland ecosystem services will, to a certain extent, ease the pressure of low levels of investment in wetland protection and ecological construction.

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It is of great theoretical and practical significance to continue to supply capacity, restore and manage the damaged wetland resources and ecological environment, and then achieve the strategic goal of sustainable regional development and build a harmonious society.

Under the state of sustainable use, wetland ecosystems not only produce economic benefits, but also ecological and social benefits. Because the services provided by the wetland ecosystems have not fully entered the market, they have not been included in the national economic accounts and economic services for quantitative comparison, which makes it easy to ignore the value of ecosystem services in decision-making and economic activities of different areas. Given the rapid changes that man produces in wetlands, threatening to reduce its conservation potential, it is necessary to make a system of inventorying, classification and evaluation.

All this established the adoption of ecological indicators which were defined to ensure the integral conservation of a wetland, where human interactions with nature over the years, produces an area of its own character with important aesthetic, ecological and/or cultural values. The wetland assessment document presents the national method for assessing the functions of wetlands and its use. It is intended for a technical audience (project owners, design offices, state services, public establishments, local authorities, etc.) responsible for producing, instructing or drafting technical opinions for wetlands. The proposed indicators also encourage an integrated and objectified vision of the role played by the wetland. This method, which is quick to implement in the field, also makes it possible to verify that certain principles of compensation are well respected.

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Effectiveness of Wetland Ecosystem Services. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/effectiveness-of-wetland-ecosystem-services/

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