Dramatization "The Diary of Anne Frank"

“I am very cautious of people whose actions don’t match their words.” By Alex Elle. In the dramatization, The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Mrs. Van Daan, a supporting character, is flirtatious with the main characters dad, Mr. Frank. In addition to being flirtatious with Mr. Frank, she is also materialistic. She likes her possessions more than the people surrounding her. Mrs. Van Daan is also very hypocritical meaning that she does one thing that you shouldn’t do and then soon after she calls people out on doing what she did that was wrong.

Mrs. Van Daan is very flirtatious with Mr. Frank meaning that she has a small crush on Mr. Frank. An example of Mrs. Van Daan being flirtatious is when she is on the couch and tries to show off her legs. She then goes on and talks about how short their skirts were back in the days. “…we were wearing our skirts very short those days, and I had good-looking legs.

I still have ‘em…how about it Mr. Frank Another prime example is when Mrs. Van Daan Walks over to Mr. Frank and says, [kissing Mr. Frank] “You’re an angel, Mr. Frank, an angel, I don’t know why I didn’t meet you before I met that one over there…” One more example of Mrs. Van Daan being amorous is when Anne is speaking, she says “…I must tell you, on the subject of Mrs. Van Daans attempt to flirt with father are getting nowhere.

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” I’m positive Mrs. Van Daan has a crush on Mr. Frank. In addition to being flirtatious, Mrs. Van Daan is also very materialistic. Meaning, she likes her possessions more than people surrounding her. An example of Mrs. Van Daan being materialistic is when the Van Daans are walking to their hiding place and Mr. Van Daan Says “It’s a wonder we weren’t arrested, walking along the streets…Petronella with a fur coat in July…”

This is a great example because Mrs. Van Daan cares so much about her things and not how those people could easily see that she is wearing multiple garments under her fur coat. She didn’t even take into consideration that she could be putting her family into danger. Another example is when everyone at the annex is talking about what they want to do when they get out of the hiding place. Anne’s voice says, “…Mrs. Van Daan wishes to be with her things when the war ends.” To add to that, Mr. Van Daan says “…We could’ve been safe somewhere else…in America or Switzerland…You couldn’t leave your things. You couldn’t leave your precious furniture.”This is a marvelous example because even Mr. Van Daan notices his own wife being materialistic. Mrs. Van Daan for sure like her possessions more than her family.

In addition to being materialistic and flirtatious, Mrs. Van Daan is also very hypocritical, being hypocritical means that you say something, but then later you do what you told others not to do. A superb example of Mrs. Van Daan being deceptive is when she pretends to be a fatalist. A fatalist is someone that thinks that all events are determined by fate, and you have to accept the situation that comes your way. But yet when the planes fly over, Mrs. Van Daan is the most fearful out of all the people in the annex. Anne’s voice says “…Mrs. Van Daan pretends to be a fatalist. What will be will be. But when the planes come over, who’s the most frightened? No one else but Petronella…” In addition, to that, Mrs. Van Daan says she always cuts the cake evenly, yet she always gives the bigger piece to Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Van Daan says “[To Dussel] Don’t I always give everybody exactly the same? Don’t I?” and then thereafter Dussel says “Yes.

Yes Everybody gets exactly the same… except for Mr. Van Daan always gets a little bit more”  Another superior example of Mrs. Van Daan being hypocritical is when Dussel is cutting the potatoes. Mrs. Van Daan says “You’re keeping the big ones for yourself! All the big ones… Look at the size of that!… And that…” This is a great example considering that Mrs. Van Daan always gave Mr. Van Daan the bigger slice of cake. Now, Mrs. Van Daan is telling Dussel that he’s taking all of the big potatoes for himself  Mrs. Van Daan shows a lot of traits, such as being flirtatious, materialistic and hypocritical. She was flirtatious with Mr. Frank, she was materialistic by liking her belongings more than people, and she did one thing and than called other people out for doing what she did. In conclusion, Mrs. Van Daan showed a lot of physical traits toward other people that she was always around.

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Dramatization "The Diary of Anne Frank". (2022, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/dramatization-the-diary-of-anne-frank/

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