According to Okoko (2012), self-esteem refers to an overall assessment of a person’s own value. It includes emotions such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame. It can also apply to a particular dimension such as ‘I believe I am a good writer and I feel proud of myself or I believe I am a good person and I am proud of it.” Self-esteem can be equated with self-worth, self-respect, self-respect, self-love and self-integrity. In the middle of 1969, Morris Rosenberg, a social learning theorist, defined self-esteem in terms of a stable sense of personal value or dignity.
Therefore, self-concept is a concept of personality and we must have our own self-worth and self-worth to grow.
Self–esteem and academic achievement Nina (1996) says that the statistical function of the students in the academic achievement is to follow themselves. The influence may be influenced by socio-cognitive progress, such as social opinions internalization and social comparisons. Kenyan high school students have found that parents and teachers tend to encourage and encourage women to meet higher academic goals as compared to women, according to a study on social perception and academic performance.
The research results show that students in advanced grades have higher self-concepts when examining their self-conceptions by grading level.
Nelson et al.said that their perceptions of various aspects of self-concept increased with students advancing in years and grades. One possible explanation was that students improve their ability to solve problems and verbal issues as they study more academic subjects. Peer relationships and self –esteem According to Okoko, children spend an increasing amount of time in peer interactions between middle and late childhood and adolescence.
In order to achieve normal social development in teenagers, good peer relations could be required. The self-image of a young person affects his or her perception. Poor relationships in teenage years are associated with school-leaving and delinquency. Research on sex pairs has shown that boys perceive their relationship to other sexual partners to be significantly better.
Ladd reports that young people who feel accepted in their peer groups have their love and their needs, as well as self-esteem needs, met. Studies have been carried out. Rejected teenagers are rarely named as best friends. A refusal is due to aggression, lack of sociability, lack of communication and hyperactivity. Intelligence, physical attractiveness, special skills, social and economic class, and ethnicity all affect young people’s acceptance by their peers. Self Esteem, Grade and Relationships Frank’s research ;( 2009), indicates that inflation of student self-esteem can actually decrease grades. The high self- esteem is closely linked with self-reported happiness. Furthermore, self-esteem was found in close relationships to forgiving, in that people with high self-esteem are more forgiving. The connection between self-esteem and university results does not indicate that high self-esteem contributes to high scholarly results. It simply means that high academic performances can achieve high self-esteem.
Numerous risk behavior behaviors such as smoking, drug use and sexual activity have been linked to low self-evaluation. Adolescents in this risky behavior, including alcohol, drug addiction and teen pregnancy, could have subsequent health problems. Present treatment methods were not optimally effective for low self-estimation. In the field of healthcare care, adolescents must examine their self-esteem and devise their own strategies for prevention and intervention. This paper examines the assumption that the self-appreciation and social class of Filipino adolescents are significantly positively related. Ss studied liberal arts and science in 250 men and women at a major university in the Philippines. The Ss were divided in two categories by the Coopersmith Self-Esteem inventory–25 percent of the high and low self-esteem values were determined respectively.
In the two groups, Ss were then compared with the level of education of their parents and the status of their head of the family. Evidence of a stronger association between self-esteem and social class than is typically found in Western countries has been obtained. Self-esteem and family relationship: This paper reports on a study that tests hypotheses of higher self-esteem for Philippines university students that their families accept better, that their families have a higher level of familial interconnection and that their families have a higher share of satisfaction than their low self-esteem peers have done. The close link between Filipinos perception of the relationship with the family and his self-esteem was supported in all the assumptions.
Self-Esteem and Causal Attribution of Achievement: A Filipino Investigation. University students took self-esteem and future success or failure in the forthcoming examination. Variance analysis has shown that high self-esteem subjects are significantly more likely to perceive their possible success due to their own internal causes than the low self-esteem subjects and to ascribe potential successes to internal causes rather than to possible failures. The attribution of low self-esteem to success and failure did not differ significantly. The information suggests, that these subjects are not able to internalize success in the same way as high self-esteem subjects rather than support self-enhancement or self-consistency theory for the low self-esteem Group. This apparent trend is proposed for an intercultural explanation.
According to Gamosa, self-esteem and academic achievement as the variables of researchers are perhaps one of the topics in the field of psychology research. Both of these variables give a glimpse of how a student sees himself in relation to his academic achievement. As students pursue their studies, they tend to strive for a good performance that gives them an insight into their self-worth. Yazon reports that those students who feel positive of themselves are less sleepless in the nights, are less able to succumb to the compliance pressures of their peers, are less likely to drug and alcohol, are more persistent and happier at difficult tasks. However, college students with a low self-esteem are more susceptible to depression and are all more susceptible to lower academic achievement, less sociable, less susceptible to drug use and alcohol. Strong evidence was found for the effects of self-esteem on young people in both local studies and foreign studies. It lists some causes which could contribute to the problem. This affects our learning and performance in classes or to general cognitive abilities. It affects the student.
Definition and Concept of Self-esteem. (2021, Dec 15). Retrieved from