Chinese Culture and Its Origins

China is known for its great foods, economic standing and tourism however, there are a lot of issues in China many don’t know about such as their population and pollution problem. The Chinese culture is very different compared to the United States which makes the country very interesting to those who are not native. China’s current population is 1.44 billion people, twenty percent of the entire world’s population, making it the most populated country in the world. This amount of people in one country is getting problematic for those in China, because there is just not enough space anymore.

However, hundreds of years ago China’s population was not this much, only in the last few decades has the Chinese population really shot up (China’s Population ‘to Peak’ in 2029 at 1.44 Billion, para. 3). To solve this problem, in 1979 China put in place a law where women were only allowed to have one birth, for most meaning they could only have one child (China Ends 1-Child Birth Policy, But It May Be Too Little, Too Late para.


When this law was first put in place, everyone was furious they all believed the government was trying to be too controlling over their lives. The purpose of this law was to quickly stop the fast reproduction in China, they thought this would easily fix their problem (this is how the Chinese government saw it). But in reality, they might of put this law in place a little too late. Even with this restriction in place, China continues to be the most populated country in the world by a lot.

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Those who go Bencosme 2 against the rule and have a second birth/child are extremely looked down in the society, many even see you as selfish. This law isn’t really working for the country because even if each family only has one child, that means there are billions of potential families who will have a child, billions of children waiting to be born, meaning a longer life span, still increasing their population quickly. This amount of people in one country is not only affecting China, but it is effecting everyone else in the world. China is known for their factories, almost anything someone buys no matter where in the world they buy it, will have a “Made in China” label. In 2008, there was a total of 1,903,380 factories counted in the country (China’s Population ‘to Peak’ in 2029 at 1.44 Billion, para. 5).

This means that the number has only increased since then. Although big countries like The United States benefit from allowing China to produce all of their products, many fail to take into account the amount of pollution China is putting into the atmosphere. The pollution in China has gotten so bad over the years that those who live in the country do not have access to fresh air. Many live their lives having to wear a face mask every time they go out just to prevent themselves from inhaling so much toxic air. This lifestyle has increased the number of deaths, due to the air. These conditions kill a million people a year costing the Chinese government a lot of money (1 Million Dead and US$38 Billion Lost: the Price of China’s Air Pollution, para. 1). However, it is not just the factories causing the problem, it also is the amount people there, that lifestyle just isn’t healthy for anyone. Because almost everything in the world in made in China, many would expect China to be one the richest countries in the world, however, this is not true.

China spends a lot of it’s money trying to fix problems cause by their population. Bencosme 3 China doesn’t have one set religion, there are people who practice Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, or even Confucianism (Religion in China, para. 1). The main reason for this is because back then, China was divided into dynasties which all believed in different things and practiced these different religions. Also, their population plays a big role in this because it isn’t possible for so many people to agree on one religion. One big celebration in China is the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrated by the Buddhist of China. It happens usually towards the end of January or beginning of February depending on the lunar calendar. Every year there is a different lunar animal which is based off the Chinese Zodiac. During this tradition, typically Chinese people give “lucky money” in a red envelope to their loved friends and family to wish them luck during the new year. Giving away money not only gives that person good luck but also the giver which is why it is so common (10 Facts You Should Know about Chinese New Year, para. 15).

The holiday is typically celebrated in red because in the Chinese culture red is considered to be very lucky (10 Facts You Should Know about Chinese New Year, para. 11). China receives an average of sixty million tourists a year (Gavin, para. 6). Most people go to Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan. Mostly because travel is easy in all of these cities. All three of these cities have beautiful attractions such as tall skyscrapers, beaches and statues. However, what a lot of people don’t know it that most of their tourists are Asians coming from Vietnam, Japan etc (Gavin, para. 7). This is mainly because it is easier for them to travel to China compared to others around the world. This is one the main reasons the number of American tourists has decreased over time (Gavin, para. 8). China’s most popular animal in the Giant Panda. This animal tends to be the main animal people go to see when they visit China (Gavin, para. 9). In China this animal is valued because of it’s beauty and because of it’s small Bencosme 4 population. In the past few years there has been in a decrease in this species which made the Chinese realize they need to take better care of them (Gavin, para. 9).

The biggest Chinese attraction is the Great Wall of China. This great wall was built in the 7th and 8th century BC in order to stop the Mongols from attacking China. The Mongols were a group of people who frequently raided China for their resources. Eventually the Chinese government was fed up and decided to invest in this wall (Who Built The Great Wall, When and Why?, para. 3). This wall is 13,170.696 miles long which is way many find it so fascinating, taking the Chinese over 2,000 years to build (Who Built The Great Wall, When and Why?, para. 5). The Chinese food is what many Americans love about the Chinese culture. Typically a Chinese dish will have a carbohydrate or starch such as a a plate of noodles or rice, with fresh vegetables and meat. Each one of their dishes focuses of the actual appearance of the food-it must look as good as it tastes, because of this they tend to use vegetables and meats with vibrant colors (NDTV Food, para. 3).

When preparing their dishes, they also focus on the aroma of their foods. They want people to know the food will taste delicious just by the smell of it (NDTV Food, para. 4). China’s most popular dishes are sweet and sour sauces used on their chicken, fried rice noodles (Lo Mein) and eggrolls (NDTV Food, para. 7). All of these dishes tend to me mimicked by Americans because of the love Americans have for Chinese food. In conclusion, China has a lot of interesting aspects all which contribute in making the country so unique. China has many sites of attractions, delicious foods, compelling demographic facts. Because of all these concepts, tourism is China has increased and is expected to continue to increase as years go by.

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Chinese Culture and Its Origins. (2022, May 08). Retrieved from

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