warby parker introduction warby parker is a customer focused brand which means providing maximum experience and satisfaction to customers on purchase and after sale services. business model toolbox n.
d. it is an online retailer brand providing cheap and fashionably elegant eyewear. warby parker is found by neil blumenthal and david gilboa in the year 2010 in philadelphia. shontell 2017 currently it is headquarters is located in new york city. warby parker is an online brand selling directly the goods and providing service to its customers in order to reduce the costs risley 2018 they mainly provide the service within united states.
company value is 2 billion. the official website of warby parker is warby parker n.d. when talking about the business strategy or the business model of warby parker they have one of the most unique business models. the firm mainly focuses on consumers who need normal glasses or sunglasses tech savvy younger generation to conduct online purchases and basically for who cannot afford to purchase expensive designed frames.
when explaining the business strategy of warby parker it is basically an e-tailor business to consumer model. it was known for its initial focus on clicks then also perfecting its focus on the bricks to provide exceptional services to the customer mangtani 2017 there website also provides the catalogue mentioning the various frames the prices the brief descriptions about each product and so on. cleverism n.d. the mission of warby parker is to offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price while leading the way for socially conscious businesses business model toolbox n.d. business model of warby parker 1.value proposition the value proposition of the firm is mainly the quality selection of frames affordable pricing strategies accessibility and flexibility cleverism n.d. ?product quality the company sells a range of wide variety with a mix of well-made material and flexible frames. the products also are inclusive of polarized polycarbonate lenses and with ultra violet sun ray protected lenses. ?wide variety at affordable rates the catalogue of the company covers a wider range like for men women and younger generation incorporating todays trends and fashion. they provide at a much lower cost than most big branded companies without having to sacrifice the quality. ?easy accessibility the company as mentioned through their clicks provide easy navigation in the online retail store. they also enable or offer service like at-home this aids the customers to try on before actual purchase. 2.revenue model the revenue for warby parker is mainly received through their sale of glasses and sunglasses through their mobile application the online stores and the sale of non-prescribed or prescribed eyewear through physical stores. revenue model of the company describes where there is mainly eliminating the middleman which helps them to cut their costs. they also have programmes like provide donations like for every glass they sell they also give off another pair for free. the organization is mainly rooted for doing good for every stakeholder related to warby parker. their annual revenue sums up to almost $100 million cleverism n.d. the major revenue is the online portal; however the physical store also accounts to the growing sales of the company. 3.market opportunity the customers that the company focus or targets are normal people who use lenses which are prescribed younger generation in the society the more tech savvy customers who cannot afford the frames which are expensive. this way online store provides good quality at affordable rates cleverism n.d. 4.competitive environment there are many competitors in the environment for warby parker. the largest competitor for them is luxottica. luxottica dominates the major part of the market. warby parker has a really hard competition with another brand-named toms.these two companies have the strategy of buy one and give one which is essentially one marketing tools which makes it harder for each other to survive in the market external analysis consumers 2014 5.competitive advantage some of the advantages that warby parker has over other competitors are: ?the exclusive variety of blueprints that are adapted by warby parker for the essential growth of the business fundamentals of management n.d. ?the products of warby parker being available at affordable rates offering high quality. they also have an advantage of providing uniform pricing to the customers. this is for the customers to shift their focus into the style design or the personality of the frames rather than price innovation 2013 .they also provide this uniform pricing just as same as the online store prices for the physical stores too. 6.market strategy few ways in how warby parker tried to gain attention or attract customers were creation fun annual report which increased their sales replying on youtube to the twitter questions try at home .try at home is something which increases the likeliness of the customers to purchase more than 50% veerasamy 2015 7.organisational development the organizational structure explains to us how the organization is hierarchal and departmentalized into functions like marketing finance administration content and social media. they follow a b-corporation which is basically involvement of employees participation to run the e-commerce platform company. they focus in running the day to day operations of the company in order to achieve the organizational goal organisation structure n.d. 8. management team the background the company leaders follow up till today are treating their customers like the same way the company would be treated as creating a better environment for employees to think and work happy their get out policy is basically the employees can leave as an when they like the company does not operate like an island rather serve the community happily and lastly they are the only eyewear brand that is carbon-neutral in the world culture n.d. e-commerce marketing and advertising warby parker utilizes marketing inorder to create engagement and attract customers.they also do have many partnerships with charity related programmes.this is the reason why they are different from other companies. another way they keep the brand name is by feature some of the important people who love the brand rather than celebrity endorsement.there focuses is increasingly on the customers. they are also promoting their brand through email marketing .through email marketing they link their pages with their official website they welcome through music which encourages the customers a friendly approach.the company is not like any other company they are different unique and cool. they also do partnerships with many schools and cities a socially conscious approach to expand their outreach warby parker mobile application was introduced in order to bring convenience to the buying of eyewear .they provide free shipping with features like try -on .the idea was to merge physical and digitalized shopping.this tool gives customers a pocket experience where they order shop and pay using apple pay. social mobile and local marketing warby parker has a great lead in generating their fan from social media success. their commitment to user generated content helps the followers to be actively participate using hashtags contests and so on.they encourage their customers to play an active role in building their brand name.they post contents by their fan to increase the fan aquisition. their main social media strategy is to put engagement first by addressing the customers first their queries and so on. the company takes follower engagement to next level by commenting or responding to the comments of the fans .they retweet their fans posts photos and videos in sites like twitter.this shows the eagerness of the company to respond to the fans which increases the loyalty of the consumers. to further amplify their brand warby parker follows this strategy of cross promoting social channels this strategy basically means when our fans like our brand they are tend to share our content in different social media platforms so for example a post on instagram will be shared on snapchat and then facebook and further .thereby sharing contents on different social media channels which promotes their brand equity in turn increasing the number of followers.this allows the followers to follow on more than one channel. the community is created by enabling the users or the fans to connect between each other by letting them engage with each other.the company puts faces of various and multiple faces to show the happiness of the use of product by the likes and dislikes of the product. they have created community on facebook and twitter by simply answering random questions like how the glass look and so on. customers basically see the new different and more approachable uncut versions behind the scenes posts and many more in social media platforms like instagram snapchat and facebook. for example when they had to promote their new store opening they celebrated by posting a picture from their location rather than professional photographs or fancy ones. warby parker is very successful in providing exclusive content for the followers on social media platforms which enables to comment share and like and be more friendly .all these have led to favourable results over the years giving the company a good number of sales and increase in the brand equity. ethics law and e-commerce ?information rights warby parker believes the consumers have the right to lnow the information collected from them and to kept under privacy protection.they therefore have this privacy policy which tells the customers to know when to interact with the company.the information the company collects are details like name email address and password ?property rights warby parker has all the rights over their designs logos photographs their written content material their website and so on under the united states and international copyright law. they also solely own the rights of their trademarks service marks their mobile applications any of the intellectual property violation is strictly prohibited ?public safety and welfare they have been doing many charitable programmes in order to support and for public welfare. projects like pupils project help schoolkids with provision of free glasses. training men and women for non-profit purposes to basically provide basic eye exams and sell glasses to people in need.they also are famous for their buy a pair give a pair activity .this is to provide and eradicate the impaired people and help them to expand their vision. conclusion warby parker focuses mainly on the 4 cs which are culture communication customers and lastly the community they create. the main mission of the company is to provide clear sight at great quality and affordable rates .they are really great in encouraging and emphasizing their act on social media platforms .thus providing memorable customer experiences helping them increase loyalty and brand equity .they overall are a social friendly brand providing everything first for customers and the needy in short warby parker is a cool friendly brand who value their customers. comparing with some of the major competitors like myoptiquegroup eyeglasses.com mister spex coastal and many more the revenue of warby parker is ranked 2nd among the some of the famous other eyewear brands. the company when compared in terms of the followers the fund raised the valuation and so on they stand highest than other companies like myoptiquegroup lenskart and so on.
Customer-Centric Approach of Warby Parker. (2019, Dec 14). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/bvigjhv-best-essay/