Blindsight Film Critique

Blind sight film outlined extraordinary events in which a group of individuals are seen as heroes in how they carried and acted themselves despite their blind nature. It is seen how a German woman named Tenberken who was blind since turning 12 years could build blind school located in Tibet naming the foundation Braille Without Borders which offered great help to the children who were visually impaired. In addition, the film expresses how people see and feel about blindness as a form of punishment from gods for the wrong deeds or demon’s possession.

Self Esteem and Meaningful life

Lack of self-esteem and meaningful life was a common obstacle that these Blind Tibetan youngsters underwent due to bad treatments they underwent both within their family and community at large which eroded their vision and goals in life. The foundation if this school was a dream come true for the those blind in Tibet since that could now access guided teaching on how to read and write which not only gave them hope in life but also feel like part of the community despite their blindness.


The determination of the six students remind us how their family life could greatly influence how we see and feel about life for instance Tashi who was abandoned by his parents faced hardship as he struggled to make ends meet during his life at Lhasa streets. This defines how these life scenarios can affect how we set goals in life and how we value those set goals.

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In that case, the abandonment can create a long-lasting loneliness that affects how we related or associate with friends, family and people across the world has seen by straggles of Tashi during his reunion with parents.

Community and sense of accomplishment

The climbing up the mountain changed their attitudes on how they felt about their worth in the community and thus improving a sense of accomplishment. The idea of team work and togetherness that students created during their climbing is a morale booster and creates self-appreciation and team work. Weihenmyer also challenged their minds and strengthened their abilities in what they can and can’t do which opened their minds and realization that they can do everything despite their sight complications.

Sense of Humanity and realization

Sense of humanity was fostered in them on the realization that they can survive the mountain climbing despite their blindness. It is true that for us to survive and to be who we can be, we must get out of our comfort zone and explore some things that we have never done. The discipline and persistence in all these is what makes us realize out set goals and dreams. One of the student believed on the fact that even if they are blind them their heart is not blind which was a way of optimism as they explored their abilities and meaning in life.

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Blindsight Film Critique. (2022, Apr 26). Retrieved from

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