Author Biography J.K. Rowling

J.K Rowling’s Life

J.K Rowling is the infamous author of Harry Potter, but she has more to her than that. She was born on July 31, 1965, in Southwest England. After attending Exter University, she got married. However, she has divorced soon after, left with a child, she was left poor and helpless. She did once work as a secretary and taught English in Portugal, but now had no source of pay otherwise. She ended up working at many jobs, but her main wish was to write.

Her mother died of Multiple Sclerosis which just added to her sadness. With no support, all she had was writing. Thanks to her series, she soon became the first billionaire to gain money from books and one of the richest women.

J.K Rowling writing and inspirations for the Harry Potter Series

As you probably know, J.K Rowling is the creator of the loved book series, Harry Potter. What you may not know is where she got the inspiration for these books.

First off, she had the idea of this series while on a delayed train ride traveling to London. As J.K. Rowling explained in a BBC interview when she first got her idea for Harry Potter, she had no paper there, so she had to sit there excitedly with ideas flowing. The train station she was dropped off was the train station readers were introduced to in the first book when Harry is looking for the train to Hogwarts. As she wrote, she drew her characters to imagine them more clearly.

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The evil characters were mainly from her depression at the time. She mostly wrote in a café in Edinburgh during her lunch hours and free time. When she finished the first book, it was rejected many times since it was too long. Finally, Bloomsbury insisted on publishing the book if she changed her author name to be gender-neutral so boys would be interested as well. She borrowed her grandmothers’ initials and became J.K Rowling.

Harry Potter in Pop Culture

It is insane how popular Harry Potter has become. It was greatly challenged at first. People believe it was supporting witchcraft and accusations of it promoting the Devil raised. Even with this dilemma, people began to love this book. Soon enough, J.K Rowling became the first billionaire author from this book series. Just one of them got 6.4 billion at the box office when it was turned into a movie. People gathered around, waiting for another book to come out. Some even tend to wait overnight just to be the first to get the book. Since the first books became popular, they started having a grand opening for each new book that came out. Every time a new book came out thousands and maybe even millions of people would flood the stores. The series has become so popular that there is even a museum dedicated to it. It truly has had a great impact on Pop Culture.

Fantasy Genre

Fantasy is a genre of magic, which is often used in children’s books. An example of this is Folklore, which is a large part of this genre. Some people believe that fantasy is promoting witchcraft, hence the thought of Harry Potter doing the same. Harry Potter isn’t the only example of this genre though. Lord of the Rings is a fantasy book too. You may have noticed but adults also tend to read these books. These books provide such a detailed description of everything that for once not only children were interested in this genre. The author of Lord of the Rings, J.R.R Tolkien, has helped this genre become popular. With his outstanding effort of detail and thought, he made the genre of fantasy known. Harry Potter also had a large effect of the genre. J.K Rowling created a new genre, one that includes two genres put in one. Basically, she created a book where it has fantasy, but you get to grow with the character, Coming of Age Fantasy. Both astonishing authors have changed fantasy and the way it is seen today.

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Author Biography J.K. Rowling. (2021, Dec 11). Retrieved from

Author Biography J.K. Rowling
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