Movies "The Accountant" And "Lasting Love"

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After watching these two movies, I think they are both about a person who is not good at expressing to strangers how to learn to contact with others in life.In The film, The Accountant, Chris suffers from high functioning autism, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and social dysfunction as a child. His father, a soldier, takes him on gruelling training trips in order to get him through a life of brutal surveillance. His military father also told him that there are only two choices in life.

The first is to be a victim or to overcome others.Growing up with such strict discipline, Chris still needed to vent his stress through physical pain on a daily basis.He would roll out his shin bones with a wooden stick before going to bed, and his brutal training would always allow him to beat the enemy with precision.The interaction between this self-abusive image and the memory of the onset of symptoms in childhood enables me to understand Chris’s personality acquired from childhood.

One of the most memorable scenes for me was when Chris’s father asked Chris to fight back against the bullies at school, ordering him to let go of the vulnerability he showed in order to fit in with the crowd. He had to be good to himself and his family, even if it would scare others.In The Blind Side movie, Michael is a homeless African-American boy.His father abandoned them at an early age, and he was forced into foster homes by the U.

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S. government because of his mother’s drug use.

On the recommendation of his friend’s father, Michael goes to a Christian school to study.Abandoned by his adoptive family, the kind-hearted Leigh Anne decides to take him in. With her help, Michael gradually finds himself, and slowly begins to accept his new identity.He trained the hardest on the school football team. With his unique physical condition, Michael gradually became the main left back of the school team and was admitted by various universities. Michael was selected by a team to become a professional football player in the 2009 NFL draft.Sitting next to him at this exciting moment is the family that made it happen.

The protagonists in both films are people with special needs.The Accountant’s actor, Chris, suffers from severe autism, while The Blind Side’s actor,Michael is cut off from The outside world because of his estranged family.The two leading men are both due to their own factors, so they seldom communicate with the outside world, which makes them become isolated.

But it was resolved when they met someone who was really important to them and who they trusted.So I think that no matter who is in front of us whether it’s normal or not, as long as we talk to them sincerely and treat them kindly, they will pour their heart out with us.The value I get in these two movies is love and care.

Love can be a form or an action.Parents’ love for their children is to give their children the best life, the best education and the best life necessities such as clothes, shoes, pants, food and a complete and happy family.To me, everyone is entitled to the best love and care, whether that person is mentally or physically imperfect.Love and care is an indispensable value in everyone’s life, because love makes us think positively, and sometimes love and care can also become a motivation for us.

For example, when we encounter problems and want to give up, as long as we get love and care from the loved ones around us, especially from our families, even if the care cannot give you a direction but it makes us more motivated to move forward and we can persist no matter how tired we are.In these two movies, there is the love and care of military dad for Chris and the love and care Michael gets from his new family.This love and care allows Michael to find his own purpose in life.This love and care also enabled Chris to better control his emotions and make his future better.

In my opinion,the love and care values are important for individuals to possess. Firstly, care is to bring warmth to society. Caring for others, as well as self-care, allows you to extend a helping hand and to pass along some unexpected grace. When we take the time to demonstrate we care; we demonstrate the fact there are still plenty of good people left in this world. (Blackwell, 2008).

Secondly, love makes everyone appreciate each other more.Love can build intimate and deep relationships with a few people. Depth matters more than breadth. Spend more time with your spouse than your co-workers. Get to know your siblings on a deeper level. Have two or three friends that you spend your time with. Love your family. The people you see every day should get your highest priority. (Forous, 2018)

Lastly,  Love makes people feel happy and peaceful. We can say that happiness is indirectly proportional to love. Happiness is not something we can buy, it has to be created. Love is not a relationship between nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by serenity of soul. Love is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of peace. Lasting love can come only to lovely people. (Bhondekar, 2017)

If I have a family member who is special like Chris and Michael, I will take him to take part in community activities.This is because they can be proactive and share their voice and opinions in front of others.It also makes them more expressive. This kind of exposure to different situations can then teach them how to further develop skills that they have, and how to work on areas they struggle in.In particular, they find that they are able to develop skills in leadership, communication, working well with a team, and finding solutions for problems. (Barge, 2018)

Besides,I also help them find a counselor or a doctor.This can help them reduce the symptoms of autism and try to open their hearts.It also increases their interaction with outsiders.These interactions will make them more independent and social.They are also more likely to trust others when they need help in the future.Finding the right treatment provider can be difficult, and is often a trial-and-error process. For a depressed person already low on energy, it is a huge help to have assistance making calls and looking into the options.(Melinda Smith et al, 2019)

Finally, if I were the family of Chris and Michael, I would help them get the best education possible.Because in my opinion, everyone has the right to get an education.Nowadays many parents think their children are abnormal and refuse to let them receive education.They think it’s a waste.But in fact, when they are in school, they can experience the independent life.It’s like their internship, allowing them to try to experience independent life, which also makes their families more secure about their future.When they have knowledge, they will not be looked down upon by others.

A good education makes an individual develop personally, socially as well as economically. Education helps us to do our daily life activities in the best possible ways. Education makes us dutiful. Education helps us to acquire new skills and knowledge that will impact our development in life.

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Movies "The Accountant" And "Lasting Love". (2019, Nov 21). Retrieved from

Movies "The Accountant" And "Lasting Love"
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