Exquisite Architecture of the Great Pyramid

Topics: Roman Art

Its architecture was exquisite for example the Great Pyramid of Giza. Primitively the pyramid was built from casing stones which are profoundly polished limestone. The monument shimmered under the sun’s light. The casing stones created huge mirrors and reflected light that was so dynamic it may have been detected as a shining star if seen from the moon. The actual stone blocks used to create the masterpiece ranged in weight from two to thirty tons each. The foundations of the monument had a manufactured joint allowing multidirectional movement and rotation to withhold earthquakes and heat expansion.

In addition, the mortar used to hold together is of an unknown agent that has withheld the test of time. The temperature inside of the monument is regulated to equal the average temperature of the earth. All these details of the architecture of such monuments demonstrate how advanced the Egyptians were in their structures. Forced hands built all this without any of the advanced tools and machines we now have.

From them, we have learned that with a multitude of hands anything is achievable. They had an education that empowered them to create masterpieces that still stand today. Paintings There are several different paintings that the Egyptians left. Such as Tomb paintings that portray the deceased person’s daily life.

They demonstrate what they did when alive and copainting’snsidered to be able to endure through eternity. Other tomb paintings illustrate the passage through the treacherous underworld with deities such as Anubis or Osiris protecting the deceased person through their journey to immortality.

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Wall paintings were the central part of structures such as palaces and temples. The images that appeared in art were believed to be guardianship of malevolous identities. The colors used on paintings equally identified interpretation. Colors that were warm and cool brought in the depth of the art. These particular colors were presumed symbolic and infused with powers or peculiarities associated with several deities. Consequently, the entity would have a superpower. Minerals used to create colors were extracted from fossils that were collected from natural locations. Tempera paint was made by mixing water and adhesives such as wood gum or egg whites with grounded crystals in a stone mortar. These demonstrate how they were creative in fabricating with different natural mixtures. Roman Paintings The accomplishment of Roman art was to document historical occurrences.

A painting intended to capture urban or landscapes, and insignificant subjects with their daily activities and experiences. Livia Villa’s paintings illustrate the significance of nature through its fruit trees, flowers, and birds. Cupid Freeze, House of Vetti, Pompeii this painting illustrates cupids and Psychai – winged goddesses doing all sorts of activities and occupations for instance religious ceremonies, working as skilled bakers, goldsmiths, winemakers, and merchants of flowers and perfumes. Paintings demonstrated that even deities had a purpose to live in a simple form of life. Sculptures portray a character of admiration and realistic details. It represents past ancestors emphasizing a heroic figure with every imperfection described such as the sculpture ‘Boxer at rest’ or ‘Michelangelo’s Moses.’ Mycenaean Greece Jewelry Mycean artisans highlighted military and folkloric accomplishments Thus demonstrating their jewelry craftsmanship. The ring from Turyns is a ritual scene with magnificent engraved detailing the illustration of a deity being offered libation by four lion head demon beasts as an offering. Another example is the ‘Vapheio cup’ which illustrates a man binding a bull’s leg while three others eat grass. Such a masterpiece demonstrates how vital deities were that even the beast served them. Pottery such as krater was a large container for combining water with wine. The ‘Warrior Krater’ illustrates warriors with helmets, armors, spears, and shields, leaving for battle. The scene may signify how warriors were viewed and praised. It also represents how warriors were assumed to dress. In conclusion, each era passed on fragments of evidence that demonstrate their civilization strengths. The power of a multitude of hands produced yesterday’s advancements. Fewer hands are utilized in this era, due to the technology of the machinery.

Works Cited

  1. Tako Jibut, Ancient World Wonders, 20 September 2010, https://www.ancientworldwonders.com/10-interesting-facts-about-the-great-pyramid-of-giza.html
  2. Unknown, The Great Pyramid Giza, 29 September 2018, https://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/great-pyramid.html Mark Cartwright, Roman Art, 01 September 2017, https://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Art/
  3. Unknown, Ancient Egyptian Art, Painting, Sculpture,http://www.crystalinks.com/egyptart.html
  4. Unknown, the painter in ancient Egypt, Australian Museum, 22 September 2009, https://australianmuseum.net.au/the-painter-in-ancient-egypt
  5. Unknown, encyclopedia of Ancient Art, Mycean Art, http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/ancient-art/mycenean.htm

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Exquisite Architecture of the Great Pyramid. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/ancient-art/

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