An Examination Infertility of the Ethical Issues Surrounding the Technology of In-Vitro Fertilization

ln-Vitro Fertilization has been used since the mid 705 to help millions of couples overcome reproductive boundaries, both same sex and bothrsex couples alike. The process comprises the fertilization of eggs in a lab environment and insertion of a fertilized embryo into the woman’s womb in order to aid the process of pregnancy. Although it has been extremely successful In creating families, the legitimacy of its morals is still greatly contested in many nations. Arguments of both religious and scientific origin have attempted to eliminate its legality in most nations, and and in 2012, the International Human Rights Court ordered that the last remaining ban on IFV be lifted in Costa Rica.

The court ordered that the prohibition of IVF “violated the rights to private and family life, to personal integrity to sexual health, to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological progress, and the principle of non-discrimination.“

Despite the great controversy, a majority of governments agree With this ruling, that reproductive rights are inherently human rights and should be protected by the law, not inhibited.

In the United States, 1 in 6 couples face infertility problems due to an unknown issue. The best chance at correcting this is by using IVF. The discarded embryos which are produced from the in-vitro process have been used in the United States for innovative research, such as stem cell research that could one day even cure diseases with the most elusive remedies. Another option is a “compassionate transfer.” which allows for a doctor to transfer the embryos back into the woman‘s body during a period of time, or under circumstances when the woman is not able to become pregnant and nourish them.

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This allows the woman‘s body to take care of the embryos naturally, and is favorable for women who do not favor other disposal options, The United States, having a population of people who believe that In-Vitro Fertilization is unethical, understands the issues that some nations might be facing a lot of controversy regarding their reproduction laws. Thus, we would like to propose various solutions to the problem in order to appease the unsatisfied population. In terms of ameliorating the procedure, many clinics in the US put women on birth control before the beginning of the procedure to improve the odds of it being successful and decrease the risk of ovarian cysts. Ovulation tracking is also greatly encouraged by the US government as it increases success rates.

The IVF process includes some procedures where the woman must self-inject certain drugs. Classes on how to properly do this, or explicit instructions and monitoring should be mandatory in all nations in order to improve this portion of the procedure. Implementing these strategies would address the moral and ethical issues of IVF, while still offering the option to couples who are seeking reproductive aid The United States hopes to work with it’s fellow IBC nations in order to come to a comprehensive solution to the topic. Overall, the ethical issues surrounding IVF are complex and multifaceted. While this technology has helped many couples conceive children, it is important to carefully consider the ethical implications of its use and ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

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An Examination Infertility of the Ethical Issues Surrounding the Technology of In-Vitro Fertilization. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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