A Study of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism

There are numerous types of Buddhism practiced around the world, but the three main schools of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Each particular branch holds distinctive sets of beliefs, practices, and values. However what they all agree on is the primary goal of human existence 7 that is, to reach enlightenment and escape the cycle of rebirth. In Buddhism, reaching enlightenment is so important because that is how one can ultimately end worldly suffering. In Buddhism, enlightenment is defined as achieving an ultimate spiritual state where one is at peace with the universe, and free of both desire and suffering.

Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana are founded on this fundamental doctrine, but each place a different emphasis on the values that Buddhism holds.

The Theravada, also called “Southern Buddhism”, is noted for the importance it places on preserving the original Dharma, Theravada tradition encourages students to meditate on releasing bad habits, to value personal experiences, and above all, to achieve individual enlightenment.

Although advocated in all Buddhist branches, it is especially noted in Theravada Buddhism that one strive to become an arhat, which means “worthy one”. An arhat is a person who has freed himself from the cycle of birth and death by reaching enlightenment. An arhat understands the doctrine of anatman 7 the nature of the self. Through Theravada‘s interpretation of anatman, the individual’s ego is considered as a delusion. When one is liberated from this delusion, one has achieved individual enlightenment. The school of Mahayana however considers “individual enlightenment” to be an oxymoron, Mahayana teaches that self-autonomy is a delusion, and urges all beings to be enlightened together.

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Mahayana Buddhism states that there are two obstacles to overcome on the path to enlightenment The first were called the obstructions to liberation, which included the afflictions of hatred, dissatisfaction, and ignorance. The more subtle and difficult obstacle to overcome is the obstruction to omniscience. This refers to a deeply ingrained form of ignorance, In Vajrayana tradition, visualization plays a prominent role in achieving enlightenment. Often linked with visionary experiences, it is a meditative practice used for a variety of purposes Some of these include the cultivation of awareness, spiritual empowerment, and freeing the mind from destructive thoughtsr Visualization characterizes later developments in Mahayana and Theravada tradition as well; however it is most noted in Vajrayana tradition. All three schools agree that the primary goal of human existence is to achieve enlightenment, although all three have slightly different means of attaining it.

Confucianism, like Buddhism, fundamentally shaped the evolution of Chinese society through its moral and social teachings. Confucians believe that humans are naturally good, and that the opposite forces of Yin and Yang keep nature in balance and harmony. Confucianism is particularly different from Buddhism because of its central focus on benevolence, Confucius teaches the five main virtues of benevolence, righteousness, ritual propriety, knowledge, and integrity, In addition to these virtues, self-cultivation and “correct behavior” is also stressed. Great importance is placed on selfecultivation because Confucius believed in the ability of the individual to learn and become educated, Through these virtues, Confucius taught that the primary goal of human existence is to achieve harmony. Confucius believed this harmony could be achieved by everyone practicing proper behavior and having well defined roles.

Based on Confucius beliefs, each person has a place in society and certain duties to fulfill. Confucius believed that if people knew their expectations in society, they would be more likely to develop into a virtuous person. The five relationships that Confucianism teaches are the relationship between ruler and subject, father and son (parent and child), older and younger siblings, husband and wife, and friend and friend. The only relationship where both sides are equal is the one between two friends The first four involve authority of one person over another. The concept of Yin and Yang also ties together with the idea of achieving harmonyr A popular misconception of the yin-yang concept is that it is intended to indicate gender relations. However, it is actually about the harmony of human nature Things that have the properties of being warm, active, and external pertain to yang, whereas things with cold, static, and dark properties pertain to yinr Neither can exist without the other; they are mutually dependent.

This represents the type of harmony in society that Confucianism seeks, Taoism, similar in many ways to Confucianism, also values the importance of achieving harmony, Taoism takes its name from the word Tao, which means “the Way”. In Confucianism, one was taught to seek harmony in the ordering of social life, but in Taoism, one was to find life’s ultimate principle in nature Taoism is greatly influenced by nature, which is why Taoists believe that the primary goal of human existence is to achieve harmony with the environment 7 that is, to attain fullness of life by becoming one with the Tao. The word “Tao” takes on a philosophical meaning as the source of all being, to which all things ultimately return The Tao is neither a physical thing nor is it some kind of substance; it is an indefinable force, a system of guidance, In order to achieve harmony with nature, Taoism teaches that one must become intrinsically attuned to one’s “true inner nature’i For this reason, Taoism values inwardness and naturalness.

Taoist philosophy teaches that the universe already works according to its own ways, If one tries to work against it, he will disrupt the harmony that already exists, thus going against the “flow of life”, One’s actions must be conducted naturally and spontaneously to achieve completeness in Taoism. Taoism teaches that in order to attain fullness of life, one must let all things take their natural course This also includes living in simplicity, and cultivating traits such as kindness, patience, and humility. Today Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism remain strong and are practiced all around the world. Although they have varying philosophies of human existence, they are alike in that they constitute the essence of the traditional Chinese culture

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A Study of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-study-of-buddhism-confucianism-and-taoism/

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