Treating Depression in Minorities

Major depressive disorders have similar lifetime prevalence across ethnic groups around the globe. However, patients from minority groups in specific countries have poorer access to mental health care and are less privileged than whites to receive antidepressant therapy. Statistics indicate that there are poor outcomes for patients from the minority groups in the sequential treatment to relieve depression (Howland, 2008).

It is significant to understand the clinical pharmacology of antidepressant agents as a measure of understanding optimal prescribing. When prescribing therapy for adults, it is important to understand clinical pharmacokinetic considerations that also involve the presence of active metabolites.

Medical practitioners are required to be cautious about using in vitro binding studies to illustrate the differences in clinical effects. Commonly used antidepressants such as paroxetine and sertraline contain relative potencies that are weak, mild, moderate, or strong. The relative potencies provide a rationale for choosing medications for adults who are suffering from depression (Stahl, 2013).

Even though depression is a condition that is prevalent in all ethnic groups, African-Americans are still socially disadvantaged and are more severe to depression.

There is a growing body of evidence in recent studies that indicate how patients from the minority groups are disadvantaged in mental health treatment, Measure-based car,e and encouraging patients to participate in therapy can reduce the differences in how different ethnicities respond to the therapy for depression (Yasuda et al, 2008),

The efficacy of the treatment of depression is measured by tracking the progress in therapy. The tracking of the outcome of treatment for depression is significant in determining whether or not to continue spending time, money, and other resources or try a different method.

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Measuring the outcomes of therapy has been the focus of research to identify the better and more effective methods for treating mental health problems (Yasuda et al, 2008).

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Treating Depression in Minorities. (2022, Jun 12). Retrieved from

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