A Day in a Nursing Home as an Assisting Community

You always want the best for your parents or grandparents. There comes a point where they need to go to an assisting living or a nursing home for extra care and attention. At my job, assisting community you always see a lot concern and different ways family members reply. Yelling, hand gesture, non-verbal and body language.

However we provide with the best answer as possible to reassure we doing the best we can. An example is we had a new resident coming into our facility.

We did not have one of his medications which made the family members furious. They didn’t understand why we have the rest but not the most important one, his narcotic.

After we heard the sponsor and how frustrated they were, we try to calm them down and let them know and explain that we called the pharmacy to know what the deal with the medication. The pharmacist informs us they were waiting on the doctor to give the Okays, since it was a narcotic medication.

Later on the day, we receive the medication we called the family to let them know we had it. The resident family member then, apologize for the way the reacted and notice they could have control their reaction and acted differently.

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A Day in a Nursing Home as an Assisting Community. (2023, Mar 15). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-day-in-a-nursing-home-as-an-assisting-community/

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