4 Research and learning styles Despite becoming a restaurant manager

4. Research and learning styles

Despite becoming a restaurant manager I am very creative and easily driven through attractive visuals. I usually generate my knowledge from reading books and magazines. In order to identify my learning sources I have conducted a VARK (Visual Aural reading and Kinaesthetic) test. This method helps an individual to learn about their research style 9King, Ni Bhroin and Prunty, 2018). In addition to this, it also allows a person to identify which aspects manipulate a person. My VARK test result is shown in the following part.

Figure 1: VARK Questionnaire

(Source: Vark-learn.com, 2019)

While taking part in the test a lot of questions have been asked to me related to decision making. Kaur and Kumari (2017) discussed that decision making approaches must be done in an effective way in order to learn something out of the world. In other words, if a person learns from books or any other common medium then that person have knowledge equivalent to others have.

However, as earlier I have discussed that I a person who can easily driven by graphics or rich picture. In other words, I can make a conclusion that I am a person who is manipulative through visual approaches. My VARK test results have also shown the same. As per my VARK result, it has been identified that my learning preference is ‘Mild Visual’. However, while looking at the score background it can be easily identified that I have scored 15 in visual. I have only scored ‘2’ in aural in terms of my learning preferences.

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Lastly I have scored 8 and 10 for reading/writing and Kinesthetic respectively. Through the score breakdown structure, it can be easily identified that I am not a good listener. As discussed by Othman (2016), a communication consist 95% non-verbal communication and 5% verbal communication. If a person is not a good listener then he or she might be considered to have lack of communication skills. Listing comes under verbal communication, which carries a weightage of 5% in total communication. On the other hand, the score breakdown structure also has revealed that I am book or traditional learning approach lover.

In the following part will show I take notes for learning.

? Linear

I use linear note taking technique in my classrooms for theoretical subjects.

? Mind mapping for flow chart diagrams

I Use mind mapping in note taking technique for self-evaluation

? Graphic organisers

To save time and easily understanding a complex concept I use graphic organizer

5. Potential roles and their suitability

As I am going through these modules therefore if I join as a restaurant manager of any hotel then I have to go through a number of roles and responsibilities. Some of the most common roles performed by restaurant manager are shown as below.

• Taking care of the inventory of the restaurant is one of the major roles of a restaurant manager.

• It is observed that guests in hotels, complained about food quality, delay in food delivery and others. As a manager it will be my duty to provide proper results to the customers who complaints on these aspects.

• Communication with operational staff about the quantity available in the inventory is another essential role.

Communication skill is one of the major requirements for any individual to keep coordinating between two departments. As several times it is observed shown their anger as kitchen take a lot of time to prepare their food hence, it is proved time management skill is another skill required In order to perform their role in a effective way (Wagner et al. 2015)

Restaurant managers also meet difficult situations related to conflict between staff and guest, at that time they need to clarify guest and leave a good impression about the place and the service.

In this era of digitalisation tools monitor every aspect of a business. Hospitality sectors are also highly depended on technologies in recent times. Collecting guest data, sending invitation, preparing invoice it is based on advanced technology, therefore digital skill it is a very important and necessary in this context.

A particular model based on profession on hotel industry is there which is called as 6C model (Care, Compassion, Competency, Courage, Communication and Commitment). Care of hotel guest is one of the major aspect. Compassion about responsibility and become component to others employees is another aspect of a restaurant manager’s role. Become a communicator between guest an employees it is also prt of manager’s role.

6. Belbin Test

Importance of Belbin test

Importance of Belbin test can be discriminated into 9 facts. The first fact is resource investigator they are involved with exploring opportunities and they are very much enthusiastic. Team worker is the second fact of Belbin test; Team worker is very much co-operative and diplomatic (Belbin.com, 2019). People are able to identify talents are called co-ordinators. Creative and innovative personality comes under plant. A person having analytical power comes under monitor evaluator. Single-minded people come under specialist as per the Belbin test. A person who loves challenges is considered under shaper as per Bebin test’s fact (Roberts and Davis, 2016). Efficient and practical people involved with a work are called as implementer. ‘Anxious’ and ‘conscientious’ people comes under the ninth fact and called as completer finisher.

My test result

Figure 2: Belbin test result

(Source: 123test.com, 2019)

As per my test result, it can be easily identified that I am a person having 17% innovation, and 17% analytical quality. In addition to this, 14% chairperson quality is also there. While looking at the 9 facts of Belbin test it can be easily found that I belong to either ‘Plant’ or ‘Co-ordinator’ (Belbin.com, 2019).

7. Key skills required

As a restaurant manager a number of skills are required to be adopted. How I will acquire these skills is discussed in the following part.

Management skills:

Management skill refers to managing people, managing time and managing situation. As a restaurant manager go through all these three aspects are required to take into account.

? Time management skills: Taking appointment from guests and allocating them to proper department needs many time management skills. On the other side, it has been found that minimizing time to deliver the food to guest is one of the major skill (Belbin.com, 2019)

? Situation Management Skill: Several times, it has been found that communication issue between waiter and guest take place, resolving such situation with proper situation management skill is required.

? Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills are nothing but how a person behave to another person. Communication is the major component of interpersonal skill. As restaurant mangers needs to deal with many people, therefore, communication and interpersonal skills should be taken in to account with high priority (Alberti and Danaj, 2017).

I strongly feel that all these above-mentioned skills are mandatory for any profession related to managerial post in any restaurant. I will admit into personality development course in order to adopt those skills. Moreover, I will take an online test to measure if any improvisation has taken place or not.

Academic skills:

People those are involved with hospitality industry like hotel or restaurant required an intensive academic skills. If a person fails to understand food name or ingredient names then it might lead to wrong preparation. Therefore, a person having academic knowledge only can handle such situation. Many times, it has been found that guests are hopeless to understand ingredients used in a dish (Alberti and Danaj, 2017). In these situations, they look for restaurant mangers or waiter to understand all of these. Restaurant managers are also face similar situations, at that time they need to clarify guests. If a restaurant manger does not acquire sufficient knowledge then they fail to clarify guests that lead negative impression as well.

Technological skills:

In this era of digitalisation each and every aspect of a business is monitored by technological tools. Hospitality sectors are also highly depended on technologies in recent times. Collecting guest data, sending invitation, preparing invoice is based on technologically advanced machines. In that scenario, if a restaurant manager do not have sufficient knowledge or skill in these sections then it lead to less productivity. As cited by Mouza et al. (2016), technological skills are evaluated with highest priority in hospitality sectors nowadays.

I strongly believe that I will develop my technological skills and academic skills from the course I have chosen.

8. 360 Degree review

360 degree review on the ground of personal and professional development is essential for managing human resources within an organization. The 360 degree appraisal is carried out by team members to reflect on every team members to estimate their overall performances. Overall review in 360 degree format supports a person to review own capabilities for fostering professional and personal development. Generally, 360 degree feedback involves the individual feedback from peers, higher authorities of the workplaces and academic professional of the person (Buil, Martinez and Matute, 2016).

? Maintaining a positive view on the professional development plan

? Openness regarding criticism and appraisal for the work

? Looking for constructive themes for supporting further development plans (Othman, 2016)

? Identifying gaps and recommending for the strategies to overcome those challenges

? Focusing on personal and professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for future development perspectives

9. Personal development plan

Learning need Priority How this can be met Target date Cost Source of funding Evaluation on what I have learnt Evaluation on how much differences have been met

Communication development plan High Effective communication development is essential for productive care approach.

This skill can be acquired through participating in various workshops and communicating with several working professionals in the fields. End of 4 weeks of this course

?350 University funding Through self-evaluation on the communication skills and affectivity via assessing the success rate of the specific conversation Comparison of the current communication skills would be made with the future acquired skills through reflecting the success rate of the assignments

Team management and leadership High Different books and scholarly journals can help me in satisfying this need

Work based professional experiences can enhance the multitasking ability and would promote the leadership capabilities.

Effective collaboration within the team members and other teams in the workplace would be the main resource for meeting this need.

Self-development based workshops would be helpful for enhancing leadership and team management skills. Within coming 6 months ?700 Self finance Several learner guide materials and workshop disclosures will help me to gather the team management skills in a theoretical basis. For serving practical purposes, several work-based experiences and workshops would be effective (Kaur and Kumari, 2017) Differences on the self-state of team management and leadership capability would be explored through comparing the situation based leadership skills and their success rates of effective teamwork and workforce management. These workshops and courses would be helpful for me to gather knowledge in the areas of leadership theories, considerations, styles and team management in the hospitality sector.

Decision making skills High Various books and scholarly journals on decision making skills and performance management would be helpful to gather theoretical knowledge.

Work-based practical skills and several motivational workshops would be beneficial to meet the requirements in an easy way. End of 6 months after engaging in this course. ?200 Self finance This skill will help me to take necessary decisions in the tight working schedules to manage the work pressure with transparency and flexibility. Ethical dilemma regarding guest’s choices can be handled easily through this skill. This can be evaluated through self-evaluation of the activity logs maintained by me. Success of such decisions on the job need would be the key indicator of the differences.

Improvement of technical skills High Through books, scholarly articles and workshops, I can get the technical knowledge of handling people and serving them in their needs.

Technical training workshops would be helpful in meeting this criterion. After 3 months of the course initiation ?250 University funding The skills will enhance the technical knowledge of the area of service. This skill will enhance the employability skills for future employment and job satisfaction aspects (Othman, 2016). Through evaluating technical feedback reports, differences can be estimated.

Table 2: Personal development plan

10. Conclusion

To conclude, it can be said that hospitality industry is one of the most fascinating areas of productive engagement. Employment in the areas are the most attractive area of service for me, as the characteristics and requirements of such services are allied with removing employments inequality and equity among the people in the society. Depending on the self strengths and weaknesses, I am motivated to study about this course to foster my personal skills and professional development. Moreover, my quest for acquiring transferable skills in the hospitality industry is the main target of my choice of employment. My visual nature of the learning skills is expected to provide enough support in reflective learning and knowledge gaining processes.

On the other hand, teamwork is the main support system of the integrated management in service sector setups, especially in hospitality industry. Through engaging in this course, I expect that I can gather proper skills for the employment options that will provide success in future.


11. References


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Mouza, C., Pollock, L., Pusecker, K., Guidry, K., Yeh, C.Y., Atlas, J. and Harvey, T., (2016, February). Implementation and outcomes of a three-pronged approach to professional development for CS principles. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on

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4 Research and learning styles Despite becoming a restaurant manager. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/4-research-and-learning-styles-despite-becoming-a-restaurant-manager-best-essay/

4 Research and learning styles Despite becoming a restaurant manager
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