Skin Cancer Risk Factors & Melanoma Analysis

Topics: Melanoma

Skin Cancer has substantially risen amongst the young adult population in the last decade (2009-2019.) Suggested findings state that the prevalence rate is seemingly higher in white women ranging between the ages of 25-30 making them most susceptible to abnormal cell proliferation in comparison to men. (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2019) Recent studies of newly reported patients have no preexisting health conditions and or prior family history of invasive cancer(s) specifically those found in Melanoma patients. Melanoma is responsible for nearly 1% of diagnosed skin cancer in the U.

S and the second leading cause of death globally according to statistical analysis gathered by (The Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2019).

There are several indicating factors associated with the development of skin cancer. Ones that are genetically predisposed are considered one of them since there is a greater risk involved. These particular patients are urged to check with their health care provider on a continuum bases with periodic skin screenings and monitor any abnormal growth or spontaneous skin lesion(s).

Although the exact cause of melanoma still remains unknown some cases are thought to occur due to environmental causes and or more specifically poor lifestyle choices. Melanoma can appear anywhere on the surface of the body and most commonly occurs on the face due to direct sun exposure. For obvious reasons ones who have a fair complexion have a greater risk and should take preventative measures to ensure safety i.e. daily use of sun screen predominantly covering these areas exposed (Mayo Clinic [MC], 2019).

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Melanin is produced by melanocyte cells and work on the epidermal surface by darkening pigment. It is best described as our skin’s natural protectant against harmful UV radiation. Cellular damage in the stratum basale can occur when melanin is threatened by chronic UV over exposure, genetic predisposition, trigger mutations, and disease conditions all of which vary according to individual circumstance. The pattern of severity is established through stages of progression ranging from 0-4. Demographically, as mentioned above skin cancer predominantly effects white women making them at higher risk or influence for development. Whereas darker individuals on the other hand carry a lesser reliability due to their skin’s concentrated content of melanin production. (American Academy of Dermatology [AAD], 2018)

As briefly mentioned, daily culprit influences play a significant role in developing this aggressive form of cancer and often times have unfavorable outcome(s) when diagnosed. In majority of cases reported, detection occurs when it is too late and spreads i.e metastasizes to neighboring organs and or lymph nodes- often times both. According to (CDC, 2019) patients generally succumb to this deadly disease within five (5) years of being diagnosed. Inoperable melanomas are typically found in stage four (4). Frequently referred to as “malignant” by this point, thus carrying a zero predictability of survival, options are rather limited and aspect of medical intervention is not recommended.

While extensively researching said topic it has been suggested that a vast majority of diagnosed cases have a direct link (female hormone) trace element…..

(human experience) Hearing the word Cancer is probably one of the most terrifying instances one can ever be faced with in a lifetime. Understanding the concept of a legitimate death sentence is not something anyone is ever prepared for. Whether it is yourself or a close family member, loved one, diagnosed Cancer becomes a distant glimmer of hope.


American Academy of Dermatology. (2018). Skin Conditions By The Numbers.
American Cancer Society. (2019).Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). National Vital Statistics Reports.
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2019 Nov 18. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000532.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Jan 14;17(2). pii: E529. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17020529.
Mayo Clinic. (2019). Melanoma.
Skin Cancer Foundation. (2019). Melanoma Overview.

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Skin Cancer Risk Factors & Melanoma Analysis. (2022, Apr 23). Retrieved from

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