Book "Torso" of Wolfram Fleischhauer

Topics: Justice

Creepy and morbid the plot begins: In a condemned building, the homeless temporarily provides a shelter, a torso is found: a corpse that has put in place the associated head a goat head, fastened with a shot in the body threaded rod.

A short time later, a second torso emerges: From the sewn peritoneum of a lamb looks out a dead body part. this ensemble was found in a giant nightclub, in a musty corner, which is reserved for people with urophilen inclinations and where it stinks of excrement.

Finally, the employee of a consulting company sees in his office a similarly dreadful arranged presentation faced: a doll body was added, a shaven head, back animal wings were attached, and a coat sleeve protrudes a chicken claw.

For the Berlin criminal police to Martin inch Anger there can be no doubt: here operates a serial killer who pursues his craft in public, aware of the surveillance cameras presented. Will he be discovered? What motives guide him? he feels perverse pleasure in necrophilia and cruelty to animals? Or is it a wayward action artist, the Body Worlds wants to flaunt.

Then dive medieval woodcuts with Latin messages on: “Nullus dolus contra casum” (p 146).

Commissioner inch Anger researched in libraries and find out the staged inquest that seem to classical models oriented: between 1338 and 1340 has Ambrogio Lorenzetti created two wonderful frescoes in the town hall of Siena, the allegory of good governance and bad governance. The culprit, apparently an educated person, so now quoted from the medieval wall painting that should the Sienese councilors and citizens perform the right virtues and dangerous vices together with their very specific consequences for the common good in mind.

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His look is of course directed to one side of the vices and crimes, for his torso sculptures represent Lorenzetti personifications of “crudelitas, Proditio, Fraus” (cruelty, treachery, deceit) to (How nice: the frescoes are shown on pages 230-232. ). And why bother? He wants to draw attention to political and moral ills in today’s Berlin society.

Pre he had his three woodcuts Hans-Joachim sent Zieten, a prominent citizen of Berlin and charismatic public figure. The propagated decency and justice, but never shirks indecency for themselves. Shortly after the turn he had driven east German companies into bankruptcy, then the debt can be quite lawful replace the state. He is responsible for – will drive banking scandal that Berlin to ruin.

Eric Hilger worked as an IT specialist in the giant conglomerate of banks, consulting firms and service companies, whose board and – still held under the ceiling. juggler Zieten is. Early on, Eric has seen the crash coming and precaution will copy all data. A few months ago he was found hanged from a tree. What was laid for the police as a unique suicide identical to files sister Erin can not rest. The dedicated alternative that works on social hot spots and has good contacts in the immigrant scene finds her brother’s computer files that can decrypt it using their connections to hackers in the apartment. The explosive material eventually helps bring Zieten case basis.

As this book is so? The plot line of the inquest, the anchoring in the Middle Ages, the amalgamation with the art historical interpretation has me per se liked. But the connection with a banking scandal I find too far-fetched. . Of course, dirty shops must be uncovered gaps – but there is surely more efficient methods than by perverse demonstration objects build an indirect and intellectually embellished hint.

Unsatisfactory I also found that unfortunately mostly stereotypical personalities: Of course, the former depends -DDR-ler Martin inch Anger still socialist ideals by; of course the Wohlstandskind Erin is disgusted by the consumer society, is a vegetarian, does not drive and does not accept money as payment from; of course, we meet old Stasi cliques that once anti-system subjects momentous in prisons tortured, of course, Hans-Joachim Zieten not just a bad bankers, but also human a bogeyman.

Berlin presents itself to us with the known attributes are: the neighborhood, with its homeless people and migrants, the red light district in all page-length feature types – lacks originality. Overall, “torso” reads quite fluently.. Boredom is not. Reps ensure that we do not lose the narrative thread. And Fleischhauer has – after about fifty pages before the end seems clear everything – even a completely surprising conclusion in store.

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Book "Torso" of Wolfram Fleischhauer. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from

Book "Torso" of Wolfram Fleischhauer
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