They're all good except me by Luisa Brancaccio Review

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How is it that Margherita is not happy? Everyone appreciates the elegant, attractive lady of 44 years. She is physically healthy; her husband (46) is a respected heart surgeon and a good husband, her three sons (18, 19, 20) are young prince out of a picture book: blond, athletic, ambitious. “Un modello di famiglia normal.” In the big house, everyone will find refuge, if he wishes. Chores such as ironing assumes the efficient Clara. The lady of the house can do all day long and have what she wants.

In fact, Margherita feels tired, lost and helpless. Sometimes she wakes up without knowing whether it is night or day. Then she gets up, reading, walks around, Dog Tokyo leads a walk … Not activities, such as distributed randomly throughout the day and night. Time is running out for them unevenly stretched again, then again, she skips without memory for hours. “La vita è una fatica, mi dà l’affanno.”

Where does the lethargy that anxiety? “Si sente semper in colpa … per non aver fatto il suo dovere” by which she understands to be a proper wife and mother, prepares the meals, since their pattern men.

And she’s afraid to fail. Actually, she likes to cook; constantly they Browsed in their cookbook collection in search of new recipes. But then fizzles her initiative, she prepares food listless, forget ingredients, all poured away.

Her husband could not happen like that. He has his life under control is constructive, decidedly positive, understanding. A technician at work and in his relationships.

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“Lo sa, i camerieri [del bar] hanno visto suo marito ei ragazzi all otto di mattina, perfetti, Lavati e rasati. Svegli, allegri ed efficienti”

The concerns of his wife, he takes seriously, but they are alien to him. His conversations with her are like office hours. He listens well, has a clear system of views and good arguments. Both remain calm and objective, both know their words precisely and to choose differentiated. An argument they can not come to most ironic side-swipes. At the end of the conversation was unsatisfactory for both. She realizes that he is right, but what you will not help; he can not really understand, and has resigned his helplessness: “Ti senti infelice … Che cosa ti manca Se tu facessi delle richieste io magari potrei accontentarti Ma tu sai solo dire che ti senti infelice e lasciarmi impotent di fronte a tutto questo?. dolore. “<

What it is, is not to play up things and forestall a bit that everything goes well with Margherita. In order not to wake her, partly because she often forgets to turn their cell phone or take, he leaves friendly post-its that summarize briefly and objectively the daily program of agile men, as far as it affected them – who brings wen off versa when back must point away again plays tennis with whom, to when ready to the party to go at dottor XY …

Their husbands take Margherita cheerful note, if it is there, but if it is not there, sleeping or whatever, it makes no difference to their well-being or their program

Margherita knows. She has lost her men. They live in their own world, to which it has no access. Her sons and her husband are a pack ( “branco”), which plays tennis together, romping emanates discussed medical issues. but when she enters the room, silent conversations, joking ends suddenly have all not hungry, the lap dissolves. About her sons Margherita knows nothing (Do they have friends?), Their rooms they never enters.

In the past it was different. Since they were mother’s children. Now they are “cloni del padre” become, and she finds missed opportunities in life. She would have liked “vite nuove”, “da scoprire loro stessi”. That neither “il marito” nor “i figli” receive no wonder nor her town name.

Even with Clara finds no solace. How much they would care for their little daughter when she mitbrächte it once. But Clara holds polite distance from her mistress, can neither help nor confidentiality, not even a small gift to cosmetics.

Margherita is suspended, isolated. Your social life is that of “mia moglie” when her husband is invited to dinner or to the introduction of the new clinic director and he defends with charm and wit its fragile social position.

What others think of her, can Margherita to think, “la moglie del professore strana … sul suo piedistallo … dall’aria perennemente stanca … che fatica a fare shopping ea dare ordini alla domestica tutto il giorno”. Even her husband sometimes speaks of a “banal insonnia”. but it recognizes more signs of depression in themselves and wish to consult a psychologist – not as a colleague of her husband, as suggesting the same. To the horror she leafing through the Yellow Pages and selects the one whose name you like best “. De Seta dott Serafino”

A good choice.. He’s just there for her. He listens, can read her mind, takes it seriously, encouraging them to be themselves, their desires to give in instead of fighting them. He takes a promise from concocting any suicidal thoughts. He gives her confidence and energy

Up to this point is the content for me and stylistically a five-star book.. Luisa Brancaccio does not tell a great story, but logged Margheritas everyday strictly from their perspective. The extraneous external action triggered in the event of the protagonist sensations and considerations which propagates the narrative voice minutely and subtle. What we discover, as we so abruptly pursue Margherita’s mental life are, without it being possible to carry on the needs of a sensitive, perceptive, but insecure woman who seems to have lost even a simple cause or a culprit. to understand from their experiments as to themselves and is their environment and how they can handle it, corresponding voltage arises of psychological type

The sound is easy melancholic. what Margheritas discomfort according to their existence and condition. however, Brancaccios narrative is extremely practical – of sentimentality no trace. A serious, clever, subtle accompaniment of the dates will speak many middle-aged women from the heart and in which many will recognize at least partially. For men, a eye-opener in the female psyche. ‘

But then turns the tide. Out of the blue a human catastrophe befalls the family. “Questo momento spacca la vita di Margherita in due … Dopo quella notte Margherita di Smette dormire.”

The dramatic event forces the just to unexpected Entschluss- and energy strengthened Margherita to actions that not only the fall nice facades, but will lead to the dissolution of the family.

(suitable thriller!) Despite the unprecedented events remains Luisa Brancaccios narrative as previously focused on the inner workings of her protagonist. Margherita wonders if she – “una persona difficile” – responsible was to “solitudine angoscia … rabbia … violenza … … cose non dette … cose Celate”

Questionable seems to me, however, what <. / em> it as supporting, through unwavering research as the gist of the matter to light. Because that fits so not at all what was previously as sensitively as differentiated structure so compelling. Such exposure expected in a psychological thriller, but in a serious psychological profile of them distraught. The conclusion seemed fake and exaggerated.

Four of the seven chapters tell quite complicated subplots, parallel to Margherita’s development. They follow the central story people, partly out only for a night encounter episode (dottor De Seta), partly over a period of fundamental reorientation (neighbors). Here, although some important motifs and themes are (youth / age, couple relationships, sadness …) mirrored; . However, these digressions are only loosely connected very much and act while reading strange strange and functionless

“Stanno tutti bene tranne me” is the recently (September 2013) published the first novel by Luisa Brancaccio (born in Naples in 1970). They believe therein by amazing psychological skills and talent to formulate accurate and consistent. Structurally, I found the book, however unsatisfactory.

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They're all good except me by Luisa Brancaccio  Review
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