The Problems Associated with the Issue of Violence against Women in Canada

Violence is defined as one that encompasses physical, psychological and structural forms of abuse (Larkin and McKenna 10). The article “Violence against Women: New Canadian Perspectives” by June Larkin and Katherine McKenna, asserts information about violence against women.

These include some of the most recent thoughts in Canada on the issue of male violence against women . The Book comprises other articles written by Canadians that are also based on personal stories. As stated by Larkin and McKenna, violence against women is undeniably pervasive in Canadian society (10).

Women, might be automatically secured up in their homes, public spaces and might likewise be disregarded and abused. As individuals, we choose to either support the resulting violence, or oppose it, for various reasons biased by our perceptions. The majority of the people that generally experience violence are women, for instance, 51% of all women had experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since turning the age of 16 ( Larkin and McKenna 13). The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the problems associated with violence against women. It will also explore the concept of gender, race, class, violence issues, and investigate the effects it has on women and men in Canada.

For the most part, violence against women has been a problematic concern that has lingered for many centuries and surprisingly still thrives in the present culture. According to Bannerji she examines this “intersectionality” of race, gender and class in the experience of one black woman in a hostile workplace (Larkin and McKenna 13). Even though many people have the notion that race, status, class and gender may not lead them to encounter domestic violence in their lives.

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In rural settings there a few, if any ,services for abused women and many are unable to get to urban areas where shelters and other services are more available ( Larkin and McKenna 13).That being said regardless violence still occurs in all surroundings such as rural and urban places. Bannerji argues that the way sexual harassment is constructed with regard to women is limited because women are different (Larkin and McKenna 13), many individuals might want to create a new society where gender is not the essential issue of discrimination between women and men. In addition, Bannerji also argues that sexual harassment in the workplaces needs to be considered in the larger context of gender, race and class organization of Canadian society (Larkin and McKenna 13). Leone explains that refugees and immigrant women face numerous systemic obstacles in Canadian society as do those who suffer from poverty and homelessness. (Larkin and McKenna 13).

According to Larkin and McKenna, they also argue that violence against women is a form of social control that operates to regulate female behavior (10) when discussing violence against women in relation to the Canadian society; many people are not so open about their experiences in abusive relationships. The general perception of the Canadian society is that this problem is one that should be dealt with privately, and as an issue that can only be fixed within the boundaries of the family. It is not easy for us as a community to accept that our homes and families are the settings for some of the most dangerous and life-threatening situations. Larkin and McKenna’s book presented some new perspective on the topic of violence against women. I agree with the importance of acknowledging personal differences in order to create a voice that educates others or to just simply present an issue. Women should not be deprived of their freedom and have a right to choose their own environment, lifestyles and to be free from all kinds of violence’s.

Many women in abusive relationships cannot extricate themselves from these relationships out of fear, or out of the belief that they arouse their partners to assault them. Furthermore Dekesreedy and Schwartz compare the difference in statistical values in Canada and USA. They discovered that abuse in college relationships is equally prevalent in both countries, and that women have more to fear from their dating partners than from strangers (Larkin and McKenna 13). Larkin and McKenna’s arguments have convinced me that these abuse issues challenge the popular construction of violence against women as a problem of women’s vulnerability in public places (13). In today’s culture many women are more prone to experience abuse by men with whom they are in an intimate relationship with. The above points strengthen the author’s arguments and increase their integrity. This significant review has evaluated the book. It also gives an excellent argumentative writing with supporting precise evidence.

Overall, I am truly convinced by the stated arguments based on my comprehension .The articles in this book “violence against women”, by providing examples to the arguments and presenting other brilliant theories along with it, has not only provided me with a better understanding and more knowledge on the effects of violence against women. It has also inspired me to think of domestic violence in a different perspective. It has helped me to encourage other people to take an opportunity to read this article because it is important to understand these different issues and experiences of domestic violence among women. In summary, the “Violence against Women: New Canadian Perspectives” by June Larkin and Katherine McKenna provides me with information about gender, race, class and issues concerning violence against women. If there is more awareness of violence against women and feminist movements, men will stop assaulting women.

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The Problems Associated with the Issue of Violence against Women in Canada. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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