The legend of our fathers from sorj chalandon Review

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lupuline wants to make her father on his 84th birthday a very special gift.

When she was a little girl of 12 years, he used it in the evening to fascinate before falling asleep with unusual stories. He told her episodes from the war years – as he had been involved as a commander of the French Resistance instrumental in acts of sabotage against the German occupiers, as he had temporarily maintained a downed British pilots and helped him escape. But to this day charged to the father that a whole village deadly retaliation suffered a German soldier for the shooting.

Lupuline is proud of the resisters-heroism and hopes that their experiences are not lost. And that to this end it has hired a professional whose ad she had read in the newspaper: Marcel Fremaux, a former journalist, the personal narratives hear his clients to be reconstructed with them the past and written on this basis their biographies. ”

lupuline explained to him how her views on the design of the book; the title could be “Lille Délivrance” loud
• “liberation …”).

Once a week to listen to the father for an hour without bringing him with counter questions from the concept Fremaux.

Fremaux lupuline had immediately recognized. When his family twenty years earlier carried his father Pierre to the grave, she stood apart, holding hands with her father. They went away again soon, without condolences. Even then she was wearing red shoes

At the first meeting itself, the massive old man on crutches his counterpart as Tescelin Beuzaboc ago.

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this was his code name in ancient times. He is a good storyteller. Listening to Fremaux engrossed in his features that reflect his moods considerably. After a few weeks but creep Fremaux negative feelings. Strangely missing the descriptions and background depth: Who were the members of the group who gave the orders, who procured the explosives? Fremaux hardly dares to think: Here sits anyone before him who lives a past that was not his

In Fremaux bubble the more violent emotions – anger, hatred, revenge – his own when his father Pierre? had actually acted in the Resistance and listened to by the code name Brumaire the group Vengeance. How can he continue to behave now? Should he lead his mission to an end? Should he get lupuline from her dreams, confront them with the delusion of her father?

Sorj Chalandons novel “The legends of our fathers” is a deeply moving novel. With the Resistance, he leaves an important chapter of French history to life, the positive self-image today supports many French – and scratched it

These constructed Chalandon meaningful, attractive parallel constellations and making them more dramatically effective as in a four. -People-chamber piece: Two fathers
• Beuzaboc and Brumaire) present their children
• lupuline and Fremaux) their memories
• fictional and real). While one absorbs the narrative, makes itself
• fictitious) image proud to own, the other rejects the brutal reality. Little Marcel did not even want to hear what his father the elder brother whispered softly in his ear about deportations and the horror in concentration camps. To keep the fear of himself, the boy

The presence paraded prefer trumpeting with his hands in front of mouth across the room. Confronted the opposing positions with each other. Even as the father’s coffin lowered into the ground, the son realized that he had let him go with no memory. “I had failed to storm him to ask him … I have failed as a son” (17)

Now it hits Fremaux with naked cynicism that it sits a human lying to someone whose stolen Vita sullied the memory of his own father full trumped valor. Because Beuzaboc had never fought; even his
• genuine) leg injury comes not from a bomb attack by the British. Fremaux’s father – the true freedom fighters – was damaged, however, traumatized and disillusioned returned as many others. But for his past, nobody cared more, it was no honor bestowed; people wanted to forget. He was a man of silence and eventually died at 66 years from cancer and his wounded soul.

sorj chalandon, born in 1952 in Tunis, reported from 1974 to 2007 as a journalist from Lebanon, Iran, Iraq , Somalia and Afghanistan. For his reports on Northern Ireland and the Klaus Barbie trial and for his five previous novels, he has received numerous awards; In 2011 he was nominated for both the Grand Prix du roman de l’Académie francaise as for the Prix Goncourt. “La légende de nos pères”
• 2009) now appears as his first book in German translation by dtv premium.

This book I have

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The legend of our fathers from sorj chalandon Review
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