The Compulsory Dog Training

If you talk to dog owners about training their dogs once they are adopted into a new family you will get two different answers about how they feel about dog training. Some say training your dog is a must and others would say it’s a huge waste. There are many reasons people would say dog training is a waste. This could be because of money, time, or just them believing it doesn’t work. I will be providing the pros and cons about whether you should train your dogs or not as well as giving scientific evidence.

Back in the day it was considered a luxury to have your dog trained, and now it is looked at by some people as something most people can achieve. The facts say that majority of owned dogs have not had any training. There are many pros to training your dog such as building a positive relationship, help teach it life skills it needs, increase its sociability, avoid behavioral problems, and for loyalty or companionship.

A great way of training your dog is to use positive reinforcement training.

This is the most effective training method because it is said that if you don’t use force because using force could hurt your dog psychologically. It is said that dogs that are trained in this positive reinforcement manner are more tolerant, and self-controlled. Teaching dog’s life skills is very important because dogs need to learn to successfully live in a home environment. Teaching, and giving your dog enough exercise and basic manners and skills will help them become stressed, or overwhelmed.

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It could also lead to anxiety for the dog, which could result in habits such as destructive chewing, barking and aggression. It is said that an important part of the training process for the training of dogs is to set your dog up to succeed, such as putting them in the right environment. The third step to successful dog training is to increase sociability. A good step for your pet to succeed in this area is to increase your dog’s social interactions which will help them to adapt to experiences later in life. If we want to have our dogs be friendly with everyone they meet, a good strategy is to only give them good situations at the start where they feel comfortable and can interact friendly.

This will be hard and it will require a lot of effort, but you will reap the benefits when you are satisfied with your dog’s manners. The fourth step to successful dog training is avoiding problem behaviors which can be very hard for young puppies who find themselves in overwhelming situations when people are drawn to their cuteness. Finally, training your dog should help develop that loyalty and companionship that all dog owners seek. Helping your dog understand what makes both you and them happy will help build the relationship between dog and owner. It is said that people who are willing to put in the time and effort to teach their dogs will have a better and longer relationship with their furry friends, compared to the people who want to rush or don’t train them properly. To conclude on the pros of training your dog I think it is the way to go for your pet. After researching all the information, it is proven that you and your pet will be happier together, and have a longer and more healthy relationship. If you are willing to put in the effort with your dog, they will respond with the results you want to see and that is what I want people to know.

There are some dog owners out there who refuse to train their dogs. The reasons they refuse to train their dogs is because they don’t like the way it makes their dog feel, or they feel as if they are taking away the dog’s freedom. Other examples of reasons people feel as if they don’t need to train their dogs is because they don’t want to pay the money for a professional dog trainer. This is understandable because that can get expensive, but that is no excuse for them not to put in the effort themselves and train their dog. Most of the information I have found sounds like a lot of excuses on these peoples behalves and not legitimate information. Most of these people sound like they are not training their dog just due to laziness or not wanting to pay for it. They would rather deal with the ramifications of their dog’s bad behavior instead of spending a little time and teaching the dog ways it can succeed. Another negative about these people not wanting to train their dogs is that they are losing out on the happy healthy bond them and their dog could have. Instead most of the time the owner of the dog will probably be mad at them for going to the bathroom in the house, not acting properly in public, not listening to commands, or destructive chewing. These are only a few of the examples that could happen if you do not train your dog.

I believe the sources I have used for this paper are reliable. Two of them are evidence based. I think these sources are reliable is because they are written on West Vet Hospital’s page and, The Humane Society of the United States. These are legit organizations who have results and data to back up their findings. However, my other sources are written by a blogger, and other authors which are anecdotal evidence. I still believe all my analysis is true and all these websites can be trusted. All the sources seem like they have legitimate information written by legitimate people who believe in what they are talking about. In my opinion, all dogs should be trained regardless of the circumstance. After the extensive research there are no benefits to not training your dog. All that will come of you not training your dog is pure unhappiness.

Your dog will be going to the bathroom in the house, barking at people, not being friendly, getting into fights with other dogs, or in the worst possible situation bite someone and hurt them. If this was to happen this could result in the dog being taken away from you or even being put down. This could all be avoided easily if we as owners can spare a little bit of time or money and either train our dogs, or pay professionals. I know it’s not ideal and everyone has other things they would rather do but it will be worth it in the long run. Your relationship with your dog will be good, your dog will be happy, healthy, and you will be able to take your dog anywhere without being nervous about how it will react in certain situations. The one tip I would give people who are going to train their dogs themselves is to have patience. It won’t be perfect on the first try but after numerous times it will work and you will see the difference. I urge people who think training their dog is not important to please read this or read up on the facts and educate yourselves.

You are not only hurting yourself by making this poor decision you are hurting your dog more. By doing this to this poor animal it could lead them into anxiety, or depression which is just unfair due to laziness. To conclude, the overwhelming research states that dogs should be trained. It was hard to find information on why people should not train their dogs because I think most people agree that training your dog is the smart option for you and your pet. The negatives in this situation out way the positives. It truly hurts your dog and their mental health over the impact it has on you which is sad that someone can do that to an animal that just wants to be loved and happy.

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The Compulsory Dog Training. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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