The Car Accident with My Grandparents and How It Shaped Me Who I Am Today

Social issue that made me who I am today I would have to say is November 21,2007 the day I got in a car accident with my grandparents we where driving on the highway that day when a big truck came out of know where and hit use from the back of are car. The car flipped back and we where in the middle of the highway I thought to my self what just happened I tried getting out of the car but I couldn’t move my arm and leg.

I looked back if my grandparents where okay but they where not saying anything the car was so badly crashed that we could not move soon after I heard the copes and ambulance coming they toke me out of the car and my grandparents to the hospital I kept asking them if they where okay but they kept telling me they don’t know. I was waited for a long time at the hospital and then the doctor came out and told me my grandparents have died of heart faller I was in shock.

I couldn’t believe it.

I thought to my self if only I was not driving I was so hurt that I thought to my self the hole car accident was my fault next couple of months I kept blaming myself for what happen to them after a couple of months I thought to myself it is time to change my life for the good. My grandparents wanted me to finish school so I could have a good life for myself if it weren’t for them I would not be going school.

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They made me into the person I am today.

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The Car Accident with My Grandparents and How It Shaped Me Who I Am Today. (2022, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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