What is the blue code of silence? The blue code of silence is part of police subculture in which officers keep secrets or do not speak of illegal, unethical and immoral acts that were committed. According to Ivockic, Haberfeld, & Peacock, the code of silence, the blue curtain, or the blue wall of silence is a part of the police subculture. The code refers to the informal norms in the police subculture that prohibit reporting misconduct of other police officers (2018). In other words, the blue code of silence is an informal control mechanism that police officers tend to keep secrets amongst one another.
These secrets are to remain taboo or unspoken of. Scholars will argue on both sides the ethical and moral challenges that the blue code of silence withholds. The blue code of silence is highly unethical and immoral, not only is it unethical and immoral, it also has a negative impact upon the community. The effects of the blue code of silence destroys police departments and diminishes police and community relations.
The blue code of silence is believed to be deeply rooted in the history of law enforcement in America. The consequences of the strong and widespread code of silence are serious. For one, the code allows the misconduct to continue. Not only are police officers reluctant or unwilling to report even serious misconduct by fellow officers, but they are even willing to take the blame for misconduct by other officers (Ivockic, Haberfeld, & Peacock, 2018). According to Klockars, Kutnjak Ivković, Harver, and Haberfeld argued that the parameters of the code of silence, inherent in the police subculture, vary across each police agency.
Different police agencies could have the codes that differ not only in terms of what misconduct is allowed by the code, but also to what group age the code is covered by. (Klockars 2004).
The code of silence is about loyalty, brotherhood of the blue, blue lives matter, etc. However, the blue code does worse than good. If one officer does an illegal activity, it should be reported, no matter if that is your brother in blue. What good does it do if you are breaking the laws yourselves. You are trying to prevent the laws, but breaking them. That is very hypocrite and bias of the people who are sworn to protect us if you ask me.
Normally when civilians break the law, they get arrested for it. When an officer breaks the law, they normally get a few weeks without paying or in some serious cases they get are forced to resign or “let go”. They are not getting what they deserve which is jail or prison time, depending on their crime. Some crimes a lot of officers, committee are forcible rape, police brutality or excessive force. Racial profiling is a huge issue in suburban communities that are close to urban communities. It is very illegal for an officer to a racial profile person, but they do it anyways. Officers have been caught trying to sell drugs and buy them for their personal gain. They try manipulating people from urban communities to do a search and seizure without warrant. Even the simple question such as, “Do you know why I pulled you over today” can be viewed as intimidating if the stop goes bad for the driver in question. (Halt, 2018)
The purpose of their jobs is to protect and serve the community. With our tax money we pay their bills, pay for food and for their clothing. Well, according to them, we are not equal. Their loyalty to one another is truly stronger than their loyalty with their families. From the experience I have police officers, most of them are narcissist and egotistical. I am not saying that all police officers are ‘defected’, some do however follow the law by the book. But once that one corrupt officer asks for their fellow officer to break the law, this officer now has a choice to make. Will they become corrupt and follow the blue code of silence? Which isn’t a real code to begin with. It’s just a made-up excuse for officers keep things in the dark. Or will the officer open up about their fellow officer and snitch on him. In most cases, the officer just stays quiet about it because they have families and they are scared of the consequences of their treachery. I think it is a good idea officers have body cams. And people record the officers’ actions on their phones. Within time the blue code will just be something in the past with the way technology is moving.
The Blue Code of Silence Is Something One Should Not Take Likely. (2022, Apr 26). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/the-blue-code-of-silence-is-something-one-should-not-take-likely/